Resultaten (20)
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How governments use power to undermine justice and freedom
2019 || Paperback || Rachael Jolley || SAGE
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The Art of Political Framing
How Politicians Convince Us That They Are Right
2019 || Paperback || Hans de Bruijn || Amsterdam University Press
Politicians employ a wide range of strategies to achieve their goals - and language is one of them. What impact does their language have on us, on their opponents, on the public opinion?
If language matters, then the interesting question naturally arises how politicians use language to their advantage? How do they use it to convince us of the truth of their views? These questions take us into the world of political framing, which has attracted a lot of attention in recent times and forms the...
Global Politics / 3rd Edition
A New Introduction
2019 || Paperback || Jenny Edkins e.a. || Taylor & Francis
The third edition of Global Politics: A New Introduction continues to provide a completely original way of teaching and learning about world politics. The book engages directly with the issues in global politics that students are most interested in, helping them to understand the key questions and theories and also to develop a critical and inquiring perspective. Completely revised and updated throughout, the third edition offers up-to-date examples engaging with the latest developments in gl...
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Staging China
The Politics of Mass Spectacle
2019 || Paperback || Florian Schneider || Leiden University Press
The People’s Republic of China began the 21st century with a new-and-improved public relations approach that was meant to counter anxieties about China’s role in the world while simultaneously showcasing the leadership’s policies to a domestic audience. Crucial to this communication strategy have been networked spectacles: elaborate mass event, designed to reconfigure organisations, ideas, and the relations between people.
In "Staging China", Florian Schneider analyses large-scale projec...
Has the West Lost It?
A Provocation
2019 || Paperback || Kishore Mahbubani || Penguin Books Ltd
'A compelling warning ... It is hard to disagree with this advice from such a well-informed friend of the west' Martin Wolf, Financial TimesThe West's two-century epoch as global powerhouse is at an end. A new world order, with China and India as the strongest economies, dawns.
How will the West react to its new status of superpower in decline? In Kishore Mahbubani's timely polemic, he argues passionately that the West can no longer presume to impose its ideology on the world, and crucially, ...
Politics / 5th edition
2019 || Paperback || Andrew Heywood || Bloomsbury Publishing
The fifth edition of this seminal textbook by best-selling author Andrew Heywood continues to lead the way in providing a comprehensive and authoritative introduction to politics. Renowned for its engaging and accessible style, this book helps students to understand the discipline's foundational concepts and theories and use these to make sense of its key subfields, from elections and voting to security and global governance. Systematically revised and updated throughout, it also uses a range...
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The Essentials of Political Analysis
2023 || Paperback || Philip H. Pollock e.a. || SAGE
In this Sixth Edition of The Essentials of Political Science, bestselling authors Philip H. Pollock III and Barry C. Edwards build students' analytic abilities and develop their statistical reasoning with new data, fresh exercises, and accessible examples.
An Introduction to the Policy Process / 5th edition
Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public Policy Making
2019 || Paperback || Thomas A. Birkland || Taylor & Francis
Now in a thoroughly revised Fifth Edition, An Introduction to the Policy Process provides students at all levels with an accessible, readable, and affordable introduction to the field of public policy. In keeping with prior editions, author Tom Birkland conveys the best current thinking on the policy process in a clear, conversational style. Designed to address new developments in both policy theory and policy making, the Fifth Edition includes examinations of: the Brexit referendum result an...
Challenges of the Developing World / 9th edition
2019 || Paperback || Howard Handelman e.a. || Rowman & Littlefield
The updated ninth edition of Challenges of the Developing World examines political, social, and economic development in the diverse countries of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. In doing so, it explores the political economy of policymaking, investigates the uncertain dynamics of democratization, highlights the impact of ethnic and religious tensions on developing countries, and looks at revolution and military intervention in politics. Key issues such as the environment, sus...
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The Politics of Public Budgeting
Getting and Spending, Borrowing and Balancing
2019 || Paperback || Irene S. Rubin || SAGE