Resultaten (49)
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Van solo naar synergie
Handboek voor interprofessionele praktijk, onderwijs en onderzoek
2023 || Paperback || Jan-Jaap Reinders e.a. || Koninklijke Van Gorcum
"Van solo naar synergie" geeft een overzicht op het gebied van interprofessionele samenwerking binnen de sector zorg en welzijn. In dit handboek beschrijven tientallen experts uit praktijk, onderwijs en onderzoek verschillende samenhangende aspecten rond de ontwikkeling van interprofessionele samenwerking: toepasbare theorie, casuïstiek, en onderzoeksvragen.
Interprofessionele samenwerking heeft betrekking op het optimaal combineren van kennis en kunde van verschillende beroepsgroepen. Dit i...
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Verslingerd aan werk
2018 || Paperback || Jeroen Stouten || Pelckmans
Werk dat boeit, betekent meer dan je werk graag doen. Werk dat bij je past, gaat over wat je zoekt in collega’s, je leidinggevende, de waarden van de organisatie en of je graag in teamverband werkt. Vaak spenderen we meer aandacht aan wat we graag doen dan aan onze werkomgeving of de mensen waarmee we samenwerken. Verslingerd aan werk gaat aan de hand van wetenschappelijke inzichten en oefeningen op zoek naar wat jij belangrijk vindt aan werk. Dit boek is voor jou als je wil ontdekken wat j...
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Business Research Methods for Chinese Students: A Practical Guide to Your Research Project
2023 || Paperback || xian || SAGE
The only book on the market designed to help Chinese students with the specific challenges they face in understanding research methods and how to do a research project on their business programme at a Western university.
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Consulting Start-Up and Management
A Guide for Evaluators and Applied Researchers
2011 || Paperback || Barrington || SAGE
Addresses the unique issues faced by evaluators and applied researchers who are interested in becoming independent consultants, as well as by those who need to re-tool their professional practice.
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Organizational Creativity
A Practical Guide for Innovators & Entrepreneurs
2017 || Paperback || Puccio || SAGE
Whether readers are preparing to become entrepreneurs or work in an established firm, Organizational Creativity will transform them into creative thinkers and leaders, ready to thrive in an era of innovation and change.
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Understanding Social Enterprise
Theory and Practice
2019 || Hardcover || Ridley-Duff || SAGE
Understanding Social Enterprise explores the growth of social enterprise and entrepreneurship, it's popularity, global impact, and sustainability. The 3rd edition includes new case studies and updates to literature, research, policy and legal references.
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Managing Change in Organizations
2023 || Hardcover || Sveningsson || SAGE
This book explores a broad range of perspectives on change management, encouraging critical reflection and making sense of a complex field of theories. The unique approach is based around three key perspectives of change: how, what and why.
Managing and Organizations / 6th edition
2021 || Paperback || Clegg || SAGE
Covering all the basics in organizational behaviour, as well critically reflecting on the institutions and practices of business life, the sixth edition of Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice has been updated to include: * Cutting-edge content on diversity and inclusion, design thinking, followership and deglobalization * New and updated 'In Practice' boxes offering real-world examples * Engaging case studies, such as How to start decolonising your business, Pow...
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Understanding Organizations: Theories and Images
2023 || Paperback || Staber || SAGE
Understanding Organizations introduces students to the key principles of understanding, designing, and managing organizations in an accessible and practical way.