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Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Looking in Classrooms / 11th edition

2017 || Paperback || Thomas L. Good e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Looking in Classrooms uses educational, psychological, and social science theories and classroom-based research to teach future classroom teachers about the complexities and demands of classroom instruction. While maintaining the core approach of the first ten editions, the book has been thoroughly revised and updated with new research-based content on teacher evaluation, self-assessment, and decision-making; special emphases on teaching students from diverse ethnic, cultural, class, and gend...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Tools for Teaching Conceptual Understanding, Secondary

Designing Lessons and Assessments for Deep Learning

2020 || Paperback || Julie Stern e.a. || SAGE

In order for students to become experts and innovators, they need a strong understanding of how the world works. This book helps learners uncover conceptual relationships and how to transfer them to new situations.

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met 5% korting 39,90

Children Learning Outside the Classroom

From Birth to Eleven

2017 || Paperback || Sue Waite || SAGE

This book demonstrates how the outdoor environment is enriching learning opportunities for children and deepening their connections with the natural world.

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morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 39,14

Doeltreffend schoolbeleid - Praktijkboek beleidsvoerend vermogen in scholen

praktijkboek beleidsvoerend vermogen in scholen

2017 || Paperback || Jan Vanhoof e.a. || Acco

Scholen krijgen steeds meer autonomie om vorm te geven aan hun beleid. Positief is dat daardoor rekening kan worden gehouden met de lokale context. Tegelijk stelt dit de school ook wel voor uitdagingen en wordt er een beroep gedaan op het beleidsvoerend vermogen van de scholen. Doeltreffend schoolbeleid is een herwerking en tegelijk update van het eerder uitgegeven Pei/ijlen naar succesvol schoolbeleid. Het boek biedt een houvast aan alle personeelsleden van scholen en schoolgemeenschappen en...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 25,94

Autisme in de klas

tips voor leerkracht en leerling

2017 || Paperback || Sarah Awouters e.a. || Acco

Wat is autisme?

Hoe kan autisme zich uiten in de klas?

Hoe kan ik als leraar hiermee omgaan zonder de andere leerlingen uit het oog te verliezen?

Welke materialen kunnen mij hierbij helpen?

Veel leerkrachten zitten met vragen rond wat het betekent om leerlingen met autisme in de klas te hebben. Ze vragen zich af hoe ze hiermee kunnen omgaan zonder de andere leerlingen te benadelen. Ze zijn vaak op zichzelf aangewezen en moeten zich een weg banen in de veelheid van informatie die over autisme ...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

How to Differentiate Instruction / 3rd edition

In Academically Diverse Classrooms

2017 || Paperback || Carol Ann Tomlinson || Association for Supervision

We differentiate instruction to honor the reality of the students we teach. They are energetic and outgoing. They are quiet and curious.

They are confident and self-doubting. They are interested in a thousand things and deeply immersed in a particular topic. They are academically advanced and ""kids in the middle"" and struggling due to cognitive, emotional, economic, or sociological challenges.

More of them than ever speak a different language at home. They learn at different rates and in di...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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50 Success Classics / 2nd edition

Your shortcut to the most important ideas on motivation, achievement, and prosperity

2017 || Paperback || Tom Butler-Bowdon || John Murray Press

'The best of success literature ever written' Brian Tracy, author of Maximum Achievement'A smorgasbord of some of the best thinking on what success really means' Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute ManagerWhat makes a person successful? What makes them motivated, prosperous, a great leader? Inside this brand new, updated edition of 50 Success Classics, discover the all-time classic books that have helped millions of people achieve success in their work, their mission, and their persona...

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met 5% korting 38,00

Childhood Today

2017 || Paperback || Alex Owen || SAGE

Taking a multidisciplinary approach, this book explores what it means to be a 21st century child. Enduring topics as well as new concepts of childhood are unpicked to see how they influence practice, policy and education in an ever changing environment.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Psychology in Education

2017 || Paperback || Anita Woolfolk e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

This new edition of the European adaptation of Anita Woolfolk's market-leading US text, Educational Psychology, is essential reading for anyone studying or interested in education and learning from a psychology perspective. The second edition includes new work in the areas of Assessment for Learning and Attachment Theory, as well as reflecting recent changes in Special Educational Needs provision. The text shows how information and ideas drawn from cutting-edge research in educational psychol...

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morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 39,90

Co-Teaching for English Learners

A Guide to Collaborative Planning, Instruction, Assessment, and Reflection

2021 || Paperback || Maria G. Dove e.a. || SAGE

This book offers a detailed explanation of co-teaching which has been embraced by many as a particularly powerful strategy for serving English Learners.