Resultaten (45)
Doing Data Science in R
An Introduction for Social Scientists
2021 || Paperback || Mark Andrews || SAGE
This approachable introduction to doing data science in R provides step-by-step advice on using the tools and statistical methods to carry out data analysis. Introducing the fundamentals of data science and R before moving into more advanced topics like Multilevel Models and Probabilistic Modelling with Stan, it builds knowledge and skills gradually. This book: Focuses on providing practical guidance for all aspects, helping readers get to grips with the tools, software, and statistical me...
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Analyzing Textual Information
From Words to Meanings through Numbers
2021 || Paperback || Johannes Ledolter e.a. || SAGE
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Op het verkeerde been gezet
Meer dan 1.200 uitdrukkingen met lichaamsdelen
2021 || Paperback || Allard Van Gent || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Het hart op de tong hebben, die uitdrukking kent iedereen. Maar wat wordt er bedoeld met een man met een witte lever? Maak kennis met bijna 1.300 bekende en minder bekende uitdrukkingen met lichaamsdelen. Dit boek bevat daarnaast twee interessante extraatjes. In een reportage onderzoekt de auteur in het centrum van Hoorn welke spreekwoorden de voetgangers spontaan te binnen schieten. In dezelfde bijdrage komen ook de Bijbel, Pieter Bruegel de Oude en Remco Campert aan bod. Laatstgenoemde bena...
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Bryman's Social Research Methods / 6th edition
2021 || Paperback || Tom Clark e.a. || Oxford University Press
Clear, comprehensive, and trusted, Bryman's Social Research Methods has supported over a quarter of a million students through their research methods course and research project. Spanning theory and practice and covering quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods, this bestselling text offers unrivalled coverage of the whole research process. The authors have worked closely with lecturers and students in thoroughly updating the sixth edition to reflect the current social science landscape, ...
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Understanding Correlation Matrices
2021 || Paperback || Alexandria R. Hadd e.a. || SAGE
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A Mathematical Primer for Social Statistics
2021 || Paperback || John Fox || SAGE
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Systematic Approaches to a Successful Literature Review
2021 || Paperback || Andrew Booth e.a. || SAGE
This book takes the guesswork out of writing your literature review, providing a step-by-step process that works with any data.
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Rasch Models for Solving Measurement Problems
Invariant Measurement in the Social Sciences
2021 || Paperback || Jr. George Engelhard e.a. || SAGE
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The Practice of Evaluation
Partnership Approaches for Community Change
2021 || Paperback || Ryan P. Kilmer e.a. || SAGE
The Practice of Evaluation: Partnership Approaches for Community Change provides foundational content on evaluation concepts, approaches, and methods, with an emphasis on the use of evaluation and partnership approaches to effect change. Real examples in every chapter illustrate key ideas and concepts "in action" on topics such as organizational development, capacity building, program improvement, and advocacy. Editors Ryan P.
Kilmer and James R. Cook, and the chapter authors, highlight pragm...