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Resultaten (742)

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ArtEZ Academia Letting art teach

art education after Joseph Beuys

2017 || Hardcover || Gert J.J. Biesta || ArtEZ Press

In this book, Gert Biesta presents a new approach to contemporary art education by showing the unique possibilities the arts offer to establish a dialogue with the world around us. This approach to art education is based on teaching as a process of showing, where the teacher shows the student what could be good, important or meaningful to master in the world. As a starting point for illustrating this method, the book proposes 'How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare' (1965) by Joseph Beuys, wh...

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We Are The Market!

2018 || Paperback || Rogier Brom e.a. || Onomatopee office and project-space

We Are The Market! claims a liberal ALL-INCLUSIVITY to push the stretch of our cultural offer in the eye of the final commonplace; the capitalist commons of the high street.

Anticipating to a hegemonic culture encroaching on the city centre, one that’s turning exclusive due an engagement towards a “publics” while narrowing the diversity of cultural production for and by the majority; We Are The Market! commissioned 18 unannounced achievements that offered an alternative. As well as this...

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Practicing Art Internationally

Friendship, Alterity, Solidarity

2022 || Paperback || Binna Choi e.a. || Valiz

What is at stake in this book is an attempt to de-align the discussion of international art practice from the rhetoric of globalization and an exclusive focus on the contemporary. Instead, it seeks to trace a genealogy of trans-local practices, with histories and methods that link to networks of friendship and solidarity, and of the visual arts as participating in a longer history of contact between individuals motivated by shared interests and struggles. Visual art is not limited to a discip...

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Fact as Fiction

Documentary Art in the Post-Truth Era

2020 || Paperback || Nele Wynants || Valiz

Het spanningsveld tussen feit en fictie wordt al veel langer onderzocht en bevraagd binnen het gebied van de documentaire kunst. When Fact Is Fiction verzamelt diverse bijdragen van en over kunstenaars die de grenzen tussen feit en fictie verkennen door met het 'documentaire' te spelen. Het boek biedt een brede achtergrond met betrekking tot documentaire kunstpraktijken, zoals het werken met archiefmateriaal in de kunst of het onderzoeken van het eigen subjectieve vertrekpunt bij het maken va...

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Shame! and Masculinity

2020 || Paperback || Ernst van Alphen e.a. || Valiz

Sinds de #metoo-beweging zijn vormen van mannelijk seksueel geweld en machtsmisbruik op grote schaal onder de loep genomen. De focus op ‘toxic masculinity’ heeft invloed op onze perceptie van mannelijke seksualiteit, die het zelfbeeld en het zelfrespect van mannen aanzienlijk beïnvloedt. Mannen worden door anderen beschaamd vanwege hun grensoverschrijdende en minachtende houding; en ze schamen zich intrinsiek voor hun eigen fouten of voor de virulente patronen en tradities binnen de ‘w...

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Performing Mourning

Laments in Contemporary Art

2021 || Paperback || Guy Cools || Valiz

‘Each person’s grief is as unique as their fingerprint. But what everyone has in common is that no matter how they grieve, they share a need for their grief to be witnessed.’

David Kessler (2019)

The pandemic has once again made us more aware of the fragility of life and the importance of being able to properly mourn the dead. Dramaturg Guy Cools has been researching laments and other rituals of mourning. He is particularly interested in how the emotions of loss need to be externalized....

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De vleugels van de weemoed

Een pleidooi voor schoonheid

2022 || Paperback || Francis Smets || Stuivenberg

‘Hoe komt het dat we nog altijd barbaren zijn?’ Rond deze indringende vraag van Friedrich Schiller (1775) bepleit Francis Smets de actualiteit van het schone als een levensnoodzakelijke eenheidservaring. Schoonheid (of het gebrek eraan) staat niet los van het leven of de wereld. Wie haar vandaag opnieuw durft te verbinden met de zintuiglijke en spirituele, ethische en metafysische dimensies van het bestaan, ontdekt dat de schoonheid nog onverminderd een bron is van waarheid, vreugde en zi...

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Curating Digital Art

From Presenting and Collecting Digital Art to Networked Co-Curation

2021 || Paperback || Annet Dekker || Valiz

What is the role of the curator when organizing digital art exhibitions in offline and online spaces? Analyzing the influence and impact of curating digital art, the book focuses on how the experiments of curators, artists and designers opened the possibility to reconfigure traditional models and methods for presenting and accessing digital art. In the process, it addresses how web-based practices challenge certain established museological values and precipitate alternative ways of understand...

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100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People / 2nd edition (e-book)

2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Susan Weinschenk || Pearson

In 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People, 2nd Edition, Dr. Susan Weinschenk shows design and web professionals how to apply the latest research in cognitive, perceptual, and social psychology to create more effective web sites and apps.

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

The Advertising Concept Book / 3rd Edition

Think Now, Design Later

2022 || Hardcover || Pete Barry || Thames & Hudson Ltd

This is the third edition of the highly successful Advertising Concept Book. As well as substantially expanded chapters on interactive advertising and integrated advertising, an entirely new chapter on branded social media has been added. This new edition contains fifty specially drawn new illustrations of key campaigns.

It covers every aspect of the business, from how to write copy and learn the creative process to how agencies work and the different strategies used for all types of media. P...