Resultaten (28)
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Europees Recht Algemeen Deel / Druk 6
2020 || Paperback || W.T. Eijsbouts e.a. || Europa Law Publishing
Dit boek is geschreven voor studenten en andere belangstellenden die indringend willen kennismaken met de grote leerstukken van het Europese recht. Het is geen naslagwerk en streeft niet naar uitputtende behandeling, maar naar kennis en begrip van hoofdzaken in hun verband. Het boek benut de historische, de politieke en de maatschappelijke achtergrond van het Europese recht voor zover deze bijdragen aan overzicht en inzicht. Europees recht heeft een centrale plaats in vrijwel elk aspect van d...
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European Environmental Law / Druk 5
Treaty Based Law
2024 || Paperback || Jan Jans e.a. || Europa Law Publishing
This leading monograph on European Environmental Law is now completely updated and revised. This book provides an in-depth analysis of important legal issues of European environmental law. What are the legal grounds for EU environmental policy and on what principles are directives and regulations based upon? To what extent precludes EU environmental regulation more stringent national environmental standards? What are the requirements the Court of Justice has imposed on the Member States imple...
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The Maastricht Collection V4 (8th edition) / Druk 8
Volume IV: Comparative Private Law
2024 || Paperback || Sascha Hardt e.a. || Europa Law Publishing
The Maastricht Collection comprises a broad selection of legal instruments and provisions that have proven to be particularly relevant and useful to students and practitioners of international, European, and comparative law. The compilation is based on the long-standing expertise in teaching and researching European, international, and comparative national law at Maastricht University’s Faculty of Law. It includes codes and statutory legislation from France, Germany, the Netherlands, and th...
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Environmental Protection by the Black Sea Commission
|| Paperback || Nina Khuchua || Europa Law Publishing
About the book
Since the 1970s, the Black Sea has been suffering a severe pollution from excessive input of nutrients and chemicals. To improve the situation, the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Bucharest Convention) was signed in 1992 and the Black Sea Commission (BSC) was established. Environmental protection by the Black Sea Commission: Organisation and performance in comparison with the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) provides a c...
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EU Biodiversity Law: Wild birds and habitat directives
2020 || Paperback || Agustín García-Ureta || Europa Law Publishing
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The Protection of Fundamental Rights in Composite Banking Supervision Procedures
2022 || Paperback || Argyro Karagianni || Europa Law Publishing
The book provides a thorough analysis of the protection of fundamental rights (right to privacy, legal professional privilege, privilege against self- incrimination, right to an effective remedy and ne bis in idem) in the composite procedures that take place in the context of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM).
Within the SSM, the EU and national levels are in constant interaction. The interlocking of EU and national legal orders for the enforcement of EU law challenge traditional systems...
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Constitutionalisation of environmental protection in EU law
|| Paperback || Alicja Sikora || Europa Law Publishing
About the book: This book describes the unique process of legal evolution in the field of environmental law, which is denoted as constitutionalisation of the environmental protection in the EU legal order. This notion refers to the process of transformation of this particular area of law, which is reflected in its novel autonomous features and materialised through the normative and jurisprudential elevation of environmental objectives and principles. In the course of recent years, environment...
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Europese Rechtspraak - Algemeen Deel #2 / Druk 2
2019 || Paperback || Ronald H. van Ooik e.a. || Europa Law Publishing
Europese Rechtspraak - Algemeen Deel bevat de belangrijkste uitspraken van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie over zowel het institutionele als het materiële Europese recht. Daarmee is de bundel in de eerste plaats bedoeld om te worden gebruikt in het hoger onderwijs (Bachelor of Master). Deze arrestenbundel volgt daarbij de structuur van het handboek Europees Recht - Algemeen Deel. De samenhang tussen de bundel en dit handboek zit met name in de keuze van arresten: alle uitspraken in...