Resultaten (108)

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met 5% korting 200,37

Courseware based on the TOGAF standard, 10th edition - Certified (level 1)

2023 || Paperback || Van Haren Learning Solutions || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar

Besides the Courseware based on The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 - Foundation (Level 1) publication you are advised to obtain the publication Courseware based on the TOGAF standard, 10th edition - Certified (level 1).

Van Haren Publishing is listed as an accredited TOGAF® 10 training course provider on the TOGAF® Accreditation Register for The TOGAF® Standard.

The Courseware Package offered by Van Haren consists out of

• The TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition — Introduction and Core Conc...

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XLA® Pocketbook

2023 || Paperback || Marco Gianotten || Van Haren Publishing

Xperience Level Agreement (XLA)® is the framework and commitment to apply XM in tech- driven organizations and ecosystems. The three technology management philosophies that influenced our way of working are Lean, ITIL, and Agile. XLA is the missing piece of the puzzle. Why? In just two words: Lean is “No Waste”, ITIL is “No Chaos”, Agile is “No Delay”, and XLA is “No Frustration.”

XLA® fosters curiosity, empathy, and courage to be customer-centric. This pocketbook explains t...

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met 5% korting 113,86

Certified BIO (CBP) Practitioner Courseware

Voor de toepassing van de Baseline Informatiebeveiliging Overheid (BIO)

2023 || Paperback || Martin Goedzwaard e.a. || Van Haren Publishing

"Professionals die Certified BIO Practitioner zijn hebben niet alleen kennis over de Baseline Informatiebeveiliging Overheid (BIO) standaard maar zijn daarnaast ook in staat om deze te implementeren binnen organisatie

De CBP Practitioner certificering en opleiding is voor iedereen die werkt bij het Rijk, Gemeenten, Waterschappen of Provincies en betrokken is bij de implementatie of voortzetting van de Baseline Informatiebeveiliging Overheid.

De certificering is ook geschikt voor partijen die...

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Designing the Digital Bank of the Future

2023 || Paperback || Jeremy Bryson || Van Haren Publishing

This book talks about how to exploit business and service design techniques for business advantage in the financial sector. It does so, not through the theory but rather through how to deal with the enduring business issues and by addressing practical problems. The business issues that banks are using this new technology to address are long lasting. Hence the need to look at:

• how banks exploit the opportunities created by this new technology and

• how the banks will function differently.

These business issues are faced by both established banks and the relatively new Fintech sector. Fintechs have the advantage of being end-to-end designed from the outset but do not have the brand or depth of data available to established playe...

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Data Management Fundamentals (DMF) - CDMP exam preparation

CDMP exam preparation ( 244 Questions + Answers)

2024 || Paperback || Paul Rakké || Van Haren Publishing

"Besides this Data Management Fundamentals (DMF) CDMP exam preparation book, you are advised to obtain the publication the Data Management courseware based on CDMP Fundamentals - Revised edition () for your preparation for your Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP) certification. This CDMP certification based on the DAMA DMBok (Data Management Body of Knowledge) is a globally recognized credential that validates the knowledge and skills required in the field of data management. This e...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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met 5% korting 56,91

The NIS2 Navigator’s Handbook

Bridging the Cybersecurity Gap

2024 || Paperback || Michiel Benda || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar

"More than 100,000 organizations throughout the European Union have to comply with the NIS2 Directive. Is your organization one of them? If so, what do you need to do to become compliant? Two questions that are easy to ask, but the answers are never as straightforward. With 46 articles, 144 provisions, and over 140 references to other documents, the NIS2 is anything but easy to read, let alone interpret.

This book provides an answer to your questions in a straightforward, easy-to-understand w...

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met 5% korting 28,48

Informatieanalyse voor Requirements Engineering en Management

2015 || Paperback || Wiel Pollaert || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar

Veel organisaties hebben continu behoefte aan verbetering van bedrijfsprocessen voor meer efficiency, besparing van kosten en grotere klanttevredenheid. Dit is de bron van business requirements, de eisen die tot verbeteringen moeten leiden. Deze business requirements worden verzameld, geanalyseerd, gemanaged en in projecten afgehandeld, waarbij gezocht wordt naar de beste oplossingsrichtingen. ICT is daar vaak bij betrokken. In grote organisaties treffen we in dit werkterrein de businessanali...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

De computer en route

2017 || Paperback || Maarten Looijen || Van Haren Publishing

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TOGAF Series TOGAF® Version 9.2

2018 || Paperback || The Open Group || Van Haren Publishing

The TOGAF standard is a framework - a detailed method and a set of supporting tools - for developing an Enterprise Architecture, developed by members of The Open Group Architecture Forum.

The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 is an update providing additional guidance, correcting errors, introducing structural changes to support the TOGAF Library (an extensive collection of reference material), and removing obsolete content. It may be used freely by any organization wishing to develop an Enterprise...

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