Resultaten (15)
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SIAM: Principles and Practices for Service Integration and Management
principles and practices for service integration and management
2015 || Paperback || Dave Armes e.a. || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar
The increasing complexity of the IT value chain and the rise of multi-vendor supplier ecosystems has led to the rise of Service Integration and Management (SIAM) as a new approach.
Service Integration is the set of principles and practices, which facilitate that collaborative working relationships between service providers required to maximize the benefit of multi-sourcing. Service integration facilitates the linkage of services, the technology of which they are comprised and the delivery or...
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Passing the ITIL® Foundation Exam - 2011 edition
2011 Edition
2012 || Paperback || Jon. E Nelson e.a. || Van Haren Publishing
This book helps people prepare for the ITIL® 2011 Edition Foundation qualification exam. It contains direct links to the full syllabus and specifies the terms and definitions required.
The content of this book is based on the ITIL® 2011 Edition core guidance and APMG's ITIL Foundation Certificate syllabus edition 2011.
Written by globally experienced trainers and reviewed by other professionals this unique work provides clear and concise guidance for all those seeking to achieve success at th...
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Foundations of IT Service Management Basato su ITIL V3
2008 || Paperback || Van Haren Publishing
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ASL®2 - Pocketguide
2013 || Paperback || Yvette Backer e.a. || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar
Note: This book is available in several languages: Dutch, English.
Deze pocketguide geeft een introductie tot het framework ASL 2, een evolutionaire vernieuwing van het in 2001 geïntroduceerde en breed toegepaste ASL framework.
Naast een algemene introductie biedt deze pocketguide ook verdieping door cases. In deze cases zit een historisch perspectief met voorbeelden uit het verleden en de situatie nu, zes jaar later. Wijsheden zijn verloren gegaan en worden herontdekt maar ook nieuwe wijshede...
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IT Service Management Based on ITIL® 2011 Edition
2014 || Paperback || Pierre Bernard || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar
In the world of international IT Service Management the previous editions of this book have acquired an excellent reputation as guidance on the topic of ITIL. Over the years this authoritative guide has earned its place on the bookshelves and in the briefcases of industry experts as they implement best practices within their organizations.
This revised edition is based on ITIL 2011 Edition. It is written in the same concise way as the previous editions and covering all the facts. Readers wil...