Resultaten (14)
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Formules 22
Littératures, Performances et Technologies
2021 || Paperback || Lucile Haute || Monbeaulivre.fr || met inkijkexemplaar
Les outils et technologies numériques, bien intégrés et invisibles, donnent lieu à des pratiques artistiques d'appropriation, de détournement, d'expérimentation et de création qui peuvent être abordées d'un point de vue poétique aussi bien que critique. L'étude des liens entre littératures et performances, entre performances et technologies ou littérature et numérique, ayant donné lieu ces dernières années à une production abondante, il s'agit, dans ce numéro de Formules 22...
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Formules 17
Constrained Worlds/Mondes Contraints
2021 || Paperback || Christelle Reggiani || Monbeaulivre.fr || met inkijkexemplaar
Pour son numéro 17, Formules a souhaité inviter chercheurs et créateurs à arpenter et fouiller les « mondes contraints » – c’est-à-dire les univers de fiction engendrés par les créations à contraintes – et à s’interroger sur ce qui fait leur spécificité en regard des mondes fictionnels que nous offrent, plus généralement, les créations « non formelles ». Les relations entre contrainte et fiction ont été le plus souvent abordées sous l’angle de la production, du ...
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Un libro de apoyo y crítica
2021 || Paperback || Kris Rendon || Monbeaulivre.fr
Este libro –nada tocho– se debe leer seguido. En el espacio: desde el principio hasta el final, pasando por el medio. En el tiempo: de una sentada. Se puede leer entrelazado. De forma interlineal: empleando el Glosario como guía-mapa a las Introducciones; las Introducciones como guía-mapa a las partes principales; y éstas como guía-mapa a los textos que estas partes exponen. De forma intercalada: cogiéndolo; dejándolo; cogiéndolo. A modo de diario: hay siete partes, una para cada d...
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Philosophical and Poetic Thought of Russian Symbolism.
2021 || Paperback || Victor Dmitriev || Monbeaulivre.fr
The philosophical-poetical thought of Russian Symbolism is Russian art's process of reflection about itself - thought, dissolved into the myriad forms of art itself. This thought which informs all art is like dissolved salt except that this solute cannot be isolated from the solution. Without that water in which this salt is suspended, it simply does not exist. Hence the volume of this work - no sort of theoretical proof could exist without the citation of many lines of verse and philosophy. ...
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Chroniques des années héroïques (1978-2018)
2021 || Paperback || Jean-Jacques Thomas || Monbeaulivre.fr || met inkijkexemplaar
Oulipo n'est pas une avant-garde. Depuis plus de soixante ans, ce groupe, fondé en 1961 par l'écrivain français Raymond Queneau et le mathématicien français François le Lionnais, est toujours actif. Caractérisé par sa nature multigénérationnelle, de 1961 à aujourd'hui, l’Oulipo a réuni des personnalités littéraires et culturelles aussi diverses que Raymond Queneau, Georges Perec, Italo Calvino, Harry Mathews, Ross Chambers, Jacques Roubaud, Marcel Bénabou, Michelle Grangaud, ...
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2021 || Paperback || Catharina Vallejo || Monbeaulivre.fr || met inkijkexemplaar
The feminine, or 'Woman,' was one of the main inspirations in Modernismo's expression, and the still current exclusion of women poets from this movement's canon is contrary to its own foundational concepts of innovation, rupture and the importance of personal expression. This book examines the philosophical and epistemological underpinnings of Modernismo to show that there were indeed women who expressed beauty, broke with tradition and, in their search for a female Modernista voice, were inn...
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The Split Human and Humanist Split in Early Modern Spanish Literature
2021 || Paperback || Julio Baena || Monbeaulivre.fr
Dividuals explores the other side, or hidden side of modern subjectivity, as seen in (mostly four) early modern Spanish classics. Veering away from the hypertrophied notions of individuality and identity, which constitute the bases of our own post-humanism and even anti-humanism, this essay looks into how, as humans, and as humanists, we have a long history of showing dividuality, a never-ending split in our beings. The split manifests itself in the humanist’s split between historicist, soc...
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Peculiar Lives in Early Modern Spain
Essays celebrating Amy Williamsen I
2021 || Paperback || Robert E. Bayliss || Monbeaulivre.fr
Amy Williamsen (1959-2019) was a beloved teacher, scholar, colleague and mentor to those fortunate enough to have known and worked with her during her magnificent career at Occidental College (1985-1989), the University of Arizona (1989-2011), and the University of North Carolina Greensboro (2011-2019). Her impressive publication record includes the monograph Co(s)mic Chaos: Exploring Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda (Juan de la Cuesta, 1994), five co-edited volumes (The University Press...
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Living the Comedia
Essays Celebrating Amy Williamsen II
2021 || Paperback || J. Yuri Porras || Monbeaulivre.fr
Amy Williamsen (1959-2019) was a beloved teacher, scholar, colleague and mentor to those fortunate enough to have known and worked with her during her magnificent career at Occidental College (1985-1989), the University of Arizona (1989-2011), and the University of North Carolina Greensboro (2011-2019). Her impressive publication record includes the monograph Co(s)mic Chaos: Exploring Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda (Juan de la Cuesta, 1994), five co-edited volumes (The University Press...
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John Trevena
His West Country Novels
2021 || Paperback || Gerald Monsman || Monbeaulivre.fr
Ernest George Henham (1870-1948), writing both under his own name and with the pseudonym of "John Trevena," has until now been a "lost" writer, yet of remarkable achievement; indeed, he is a writer of greater range and power than any other West Country author with the possible exception of the more celebrated Thomas Hardy-who remains very much in print. Nevertheless, Henham/ Trevena also is surely a masterful English language novelist and a cultural figure of courage and vision, responding to...