
2023 (61)
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Resultaten (260)

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Lepanto and Beyond

Images of Religious Alterity from Genoa and the Christian Mediterranean

2021 || Paperback || Laura Stagno e.a. || Leuven University Press

The Battle of Lepanto, celebrated as the greatest triumph of Christianity over its Ottoman enemy, was soon transformed into a powerful myth through a vast media campaign. The varied storytelling and the many visual representations that contributed to shape the perception of the battle in Christian Europe are the focus of this book. In broader terms, Lepanto and Beyond also sheds light on the construction of religious alterity in the early modern Mediterranean. It presents cross-disciplinary c...

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met 5% korting 29,40

Prometheus and the Liver through Art and Medicine

2022 || Hardcover || Julia van Rosmalen e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

Prometheus was punished by the supreme god Zeus for giving to mankind the Olympic fire with which they learned to think and feel. He was chained to a cliff in the Caucasus, where, to make matters worse, he was visited daily by an eagle who ate part of his liver. At night, however, his liver grew back. We now know that the liver can regenerate, but were the ancient Greeks aware of this quality?

The myth of Prometheus has been a source of inspiration for many visual artists over the centuries....

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met 5% korting 29,44

Cultuur en plein public

Emancipatie en cultuurparticipatie in de Lage Landen

2022 || Paperback || Marjolein van Herten e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

Dit boek stelt de emanciperende functie van cultuur centraal. Aan de hand van concrete, vaak onderbelichte casussen uit de literatuur en kunst van de lage landen worden lijnen getrokken tussen het door de Verlichting geïnspireerde sociabiliteitsideaal en meer hedendaagse vormen van publieksparticipatie. Daarbij komen verschillende vragen aan de orde. Welke rol speelden kunstuitingen en vormen van cultuurparticipatie toen en nu in emancipatiebewegingen (vrouwen, arbeiders en minderheden, al d...

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It djippe wêzen fan de Friezen om utens

100 jier It Frysk Boun om Utens

2023 || Hardcover || Hâns Dijk || Elikser B.V. Uitgeverij || met inkijkexemplaar

Wat is it grutte geheim dat It Frysk Boun om Utens al 100 jier bestiet? Wat is it djippe wêzen fan ús Fryske kriten? Wat spilet him ôf yn it djipst fan de siel fan de Fries om utens? It is, dat yn ’e frjemdte de Fryske identiteit fersterke wurdt. Dat is de essinsje. Dat is de kearn.

Yn dit jubileumboek giet Hâns Dijk de romrofte skiednis fan de Friezen en It Frysk Boun om Utens bylâns. In feest fan werkenning, mei histoaryske foto’s en nijsgjirrichheden. It is ek in oade oan al dy w...

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Het Evangelie van Isis / Druk 2

De rol van vrouwen en het vrouwelijke bij het ontstaan van het vroege christendom

2021 || Paperback || Lauri Fransen || Trophonios Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar

De Jezusbeweging, zoals die ontstond in het begin van onze jaartelling, was in diepste wezen gnostisch van aard. Het vertoont sterke verwantschap met de andere Mysterietradities in het toenmalige Midden-Oosten, in het bijzonder met de cultus van de Egyptische godin Isis.

In haar doorwrochte studie Het Evangelie van Isis werpt Lauri Fransen nieuw licht op de geschiedenis van de vroege Moederculturen en het ontstaan van het patriarchaat. Dit had grote invloed op de verhoudingen tussen vrouwen e...

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met 5% korting 146,30

Theorizing Digital Cultures

2018 || Hardcover || Bollmer || SAGE

Explaining how digital media affect identities, bodies, social relations, artistic practices and the environment, this book helps students understand the key theoretical approaches in the field.

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met 5% korting 45,60

Key Concepts in Creative Industries

2012 || Paperback || Hartley || SAGE

This is a one-stop introductory text for students wanting to understand the creative industries, what they are, what they do and how they affect our society.

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met 5% korting 46,55

Understanding Copyright

Intellectual Property in the Digital Age

2015 || Paperback || Klein || SAGE

Taking a rounded view of the debates that have emerged around copyright in the digital age, this book looks across a broad range of industries to consider the issues of media power and policy.

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met 5% korting 141,55

Visual Communication

2022 || Hardcover || Giorgia Aiello e.a. || SAGE

A theoretical and empirical toolkit for analysing and understanding media and mediated images - from branding and PR, to tweets and selfies. It explores a range of approaches to visual analysis, while also providing a hands-on guide to applying methods to your own work.

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met 5% korting 146,30

Exploring Media Research

Theories, Practice, and Purpose

2017 || Hardcover || Ruddock || SAGE

This book is a pragmatic guide to both gathering and analysing media data and helps readers make sense of how media are involved in politics, by bringing media research to life with vivid case studies.