
Carola Hein (16)
Kees Somer (12)
Piet Vollaard (10)
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Herman van Bergeijk (9)
Klaske Havik (9)
Ulrich Knaack (9)
Alice Roegholt (8)
Dick van Gameren (8)
Dirk van den Heuvel (8)
Herman Hertzberger (8)
Paul Groenendijk (8)
Winy Maas (8)
M. Kloos (7)
Joran Kuijper (6)
Kirsten Hannema (6)
Mark Hendriks (6)
Olv Klijn (6)
Roberto Cavallo (6)
Tom Avermaete (6)
Ton Heijdra (6)
Véronique Patteeuw (6)
Wido Quist (6)
Andrej Radman (5)
Angeliki Sioli (5)
Christoph Grafe (5)
David Peleman (5)
Frank van der Hoeven (5)
Frederique van Andel (5)
Kas Oosterhuis (5)
Marc Schoonderbeek (5)
Michael W. Mehaffy (5)
Tillmann Klein (5)
Anita Blom (4)
Annuska Pronkhorst (4)
Bart Decroos (4)
Carlien Donkor (4)
Eireen Schreurs (4)
Hans Ibelings (4)
Henriette Bier (4)
Jantje Engels (4)
Lara Schrijver (4)
Maarten Kloos (4)
Martine Bakker (4)
Nikos A. Salingaros (4)
Pierijn van der Putt (4)
Saskia de Wit (4)
Stavros Kousoulas (4)
Susan Holden (4)
Tijs van den Boomen (4)
Uri Gilad (4)
Adrien Ravon (3)
Ashley Paine (3)
Bruno Notteboom (3)
Darinka Czischke (3)
Elsbeth Ronner (3)
Frank Suurenbroek (3)
Fransje Hooimeijer (3)
Gideon Spanjar (3)
Hanneke Ronnes (3)
Hans Teerds (3)
Harald Mooij (3)
Heidi Sohn (3)
Hilde Heynen (3)
Jacques Vink (3)
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Kornelia Dimitrova (3)
M. Behm (3)
Maarten Liefooghe (3)
Manuela Triggianese (3)
Marie-Thérèse van Th... (3)
Matteo D'Agostino (3)
Matteo D’Agostino (3)
Nelson Mota (3)
Niels de Zwarte (3)
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Rafico Ruiz (3)
Rob Gruben (3)
Sara Stroux (3)
Stanley Kurvers (3)
Taco Hermans (3)
Teun van den Ende (3)
W.J. Quist (3)
Wouter Davidts (3)
Wouter van Elburg (3)
X. Xia (3)
Aaron Betsky (2)
Abidin Kusno (2)
Alan Hess (2)
Aleksandar Stanicic (2)
Alex Elaut (2)
Andreas Luible (2)
Annenies Kraaij (2)
Arjan den Boer (2)
Armina Pilav (2)
Arna Mackic (2)
Arna Mačkić (2)
Baires Raffaelli (2)
Bernard Colenbrander (2)
Bieke van der Mark (2)
Carlos Machado e Moura (2)
Cathelijne Nuijsink (2)
Charo Sanjuan (2)
D. Scagliola (2)
Dalia Milián Bernal (2)
Djuna Spreksel (2)
Edith Wouters (2)
Els Vervloesem (2)
Eric Frijters (2)
Eva Vroom (2)
Evelien Pieters (2)
Frank Foole (2)
Fred Feddes (2)
Giuseppe Resta (2)
H. de Haan (2)
Harm Tilman (2)
Helge Mooshammer (2)
Hester van Gent (2)
Hilde Sennema (2)
Hilde de Haan (2)
Ids Haagsma (2)
Inge Bobbink (2)
J. Linders (2)
Javier Arpa (2)
Jennifer Schoone (2)
Jens Schneider (2)
Jiaxiu Cai (2)
Joachim Declerck (2)
Joar Nango (2)
Jocelyn Piirainen (2)
Joe Leijten (2)
Joeri De Bruyn (2)
John Macarthur (2)
Jolanthe Kugler (2)
Jorge Mejía (2)
Jorge Mejía Hernánde... (2)
K. Kleijn (2)
Kris Pint (2)
Laura Lubbers (2)
Lena Knappers (2)
Lev Bratishenko (2)
Lidwine Spoormans (2)
Lidy Meijers (2)
Liesbeth van Noortwijk (2)
Lieven De Cauter (2)
Lisa Diedrich (2)
Lorin Niculae (2)
Luuk Oost (2)
Marc Nolden (2)
Marco Broekman (2)
Marije Peute (2)
Marius Grootveld (2)
Mark Proosten (2)
Mary Campbell Gallaghe... (2)
Mia Roth-Čerina (2)
Michelle Provoost (2)
Michiel Dehaene (2)
Michiel Kruidenier (2)
Mick Eekhout (2)
Mirko Zardini (2)
Negar Sanaan Bensi (2)
Nikki Manger (2)
Nupur Tron (2)
Olindo Caso (2)
Peter Camp (2)
Peter Mörtenböck (2)
Peter Veenstra (2)
Queenie Lin (2)
Rachel Keeton (2)
Rajesh Heynickx (2)
Renate Dorrestein (2)
Robert A. Gorny (2)
S. Brakkee (2)
Sabine Lebesque (2)
Sanda Lenzholzer (2)
Sandra Guarda (2)
Sandra van Assen (2)
Sereh Mandias (2)
Sergio M. Figueiredo (2)
Shamila Gostelow (2)
Simone Vermaat (2)
Sofia Opfer (2)
Stefan Devoldere (2)
Steffen Nijhuis (2)
Stephan Petermann (2)
Stephen Cairns (2)
Susana Oliveira (2)
Suzanne Loen (2)
Thaleia Konstantinou (2)
Theo Baart (2)
Theodora Chatzi Rodopo... (2)
Thomas Auer (2)
Tihamér Salij (2)
Uta Pottgiesser (2)
Victor Muñoz Sanz (2)
Willemijn Wilms Floet (2)
Yael Allweil (2)
Yvonne Lub (2)
Yvonne van Mil (2)
Zuzanna Sliwinska (2)
2020 (84)
2021 (73)
2024 (70)
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Resultaten (666)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Menging maakt verschil

Hoe bewoners buurt- en wijkverandering ervaren en waarderen ondanks en dankzij herstructurering

2018 || Paperback || André Ouwehand || TU Delft Open

Het doel van deze dissertatie is om meer inzicht te verkrijgen in de waardering door de verschillende groepen bewoners van wijken waar herstructurering heeft plaatsgevonden en de mechanismen die daarbij een rol spelen. Hoe waarderen bewoners met verschillende levenswijzen hun veranderde en veranderende buurt en wijk? Het gaat daarbij om de invloed van twee krachten die gelijktijdig op de buurt/wijk en de woonwaardering inwerken: de fysieke ingreep in de woningvoorraad door sloop-nieuwbouw en ...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

The international congress on architectural envelopes

2018 || Paperback || Jose Antonio Chica || TU Delft Open

With this new edition we continue the collaboration with our funding member Tecnalia and the International Congress on Architectural Envelopes (www.icae2018.eu), which they organise every 3 years in San Sebastian (Basque Country, Spain). The eleven articles found in this new issue were carefully selected from 50 abstracts that will be presented during the scientific section of the congress. The final selected papers were subjected to the regular double-blind review process of the journal. Wit...

Vandaag besteld,
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Sustainable High-rises

2018 || Paperback || Babak Raji || TU Delft Open

Vandaag besteld,
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Facade 2018 – Adaptive!

2018 || Paperback || Andreas Luible e.a. || TU Delft Open

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

City of the Future / Stad van de Toekomst

MSc II Design Studio Mobility & Public Space in the City of the Future

2019 || Paperback || Roberto Cavallo e.a. || TU Delft Open

How can we design and develop a transformation area in an integral way into an attractive and future-proof urban environment? This is the the central question of the research project Stad van de Toekomst (City of the Future).

This question is motivated by urgent social as well as local tasks in the urban areas, varying from housing demand, social inclusiveness, new economy, climate adaptation, and the like, taking into account the transitions in energy, mobility, circularity and digitization....

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Spatial Quality as a decisive criterion in flood risk strategies

An integrated approach for flood risk management strategy development, with spatial quality as an ex-ante criterion

|| Paperback || Anne Loes Nillesen || TU Delft Open

The role of the designer in flood risk management strategy development is currently often restricted to the important but limited task of optimally embedding technical interventions, which are themselves derivatives of system level flood risk strategies that are developed at an earlier stage, in their local surroundings. During this thesis research, an integrated approach is developed in which spatial quality can already be included in the regional flood risk management strategy development a...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

The Art of Bridge Design

Identifying a design approach for well-integrated, integrally-designed and socially-valued bridges

2019 || Paperback || Joris Smits || TU Delft Open

It is hard to imagine a world without bridges. Bridges lie at the heart of our civilization bringing growth and prosperity to our society. It is by virtue of bridges that communities are able to physically connect to new people and to new places that were previously disconnected. However, bridges are more than mere functional assets. A well designed bridge reflects mankind’s creativity and ingenuity. One could even state that the way bridges are designed tells us something about our identity.

The way that our bridges are commissioned, designed and procured is rapidly changing. Ideally the design of a bridge is made through an integrated approach that addresses all relevant technological angles, practiced by all involved disciplines through all phases of the design. In reality, many different people from many different disciplines work on the design during different phases of the project. The segregation of knowledge into discipline-specific fields, and the fragmented approach to bridge procurement, have resulted in a general lack of cohesion in bridge design. Critical investigation into how to pursue good integrated design is absent. Therefor the objective of this research is to identify a design approach, through all scales of the design, that leads to bridges that are well-integrated, that are integrally-designed and that are valued by societ...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Planning with self‑organised initiatives: from fragmentation to resilience

2019 || Paperback || Igor Tempels Moreno Pessôa || TU Delft Open

Over the last half century, the Global South has faced a strong rise in the rate of urbanisation. Although this process differs from region to region, rapid urbanisation has created many challenges for countries in the Global South. Brazil is no different. The largest country in South America has jumped from an urban population of 44.67% in 1960 to 84.36% in 2010, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2018). While urban growth is relatively stable in Brazil t...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Space Design for Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency in Summer

Passive cooling strategies for hot humid climates, inspired by Chinese vernacular architecture

2019 || Paperback || Xiaoyu Du || TU Delft Open

Space is the empty part of the building, but its volume is important for the activities of occupants. Architects define the general spatial structures of buildings mainly in the early design stages, and the spatial properties, the connection of the spaces and the boundary conditions of them are significant for the building function and performance. This research first clarified the relationship between spatial configuration of buildings, thermal environment and thermal comfort of occupants in...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Individually ­controlled noise reducing ­devices to improve IEQ in classrooms of primary schools

2020 || Paperback || Dadi Zhang || TU Delft Open

It is well-known that the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) at schools affects the health, comfort and performance of school children. Considering the need for a more effective way to improve both the IEQ in primary school classrooms and children’s satisfaction, along with the positive potential of individual control, this thesis aimed to propose a new way - individual control - to improve the IEQ in classrooms of primary schools and to increase children’s satisfaction in the Netherlands.

First the main IEQ problem in classrooms as well as IEQ perceptions and preferences of the school children were identified through literature and field studies. The outcome showed that noise was the main IEQ problem in classrooms of Dutch primary schools, children could be clustered in according to their IEQ perceptions and preferences, and the reported IEQ-improving actions of the teachers could not effectively improve the IEQ for each chil...