
Carola Hein (16)
Kees Somer (12)
Piet Vollaard (10)
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Herman van Bergeijk (9)
Klaske Havik (9)
Ulrich Knaack (9)
Alice Roegholt (8)
Dick van Gameren (8)
Dirk van den Heuvel (8)
Herman Hertzberger (8)
Paul Groenendijk (8)
Winy Maas (8)
M. Kloos (7)
Joran Kuijper (6)
Kirsten Hannema (6)
Mark Hendriks (6)
Olv Klijn (6)
Roberto Cavallo (6)
Tom Avermaete (6)
Ton Heijdra (6)
Véronique Patteeuw (6)
Wido Quist (6)
Andrej Radman (5)
Angeliki Sioli (5)
Christoph Grafe (5)
David Peleman (5)
Frank van der Hoeven (5)
Frederique van Andel (5)
Kas Oosterhuis (5)
Marc Schoonderbeek (5)
Michael W. Mehaffy (5)
Tillmann Klein (5)
Anita Blom (4)
Annuska Pronkhorst (4)
Bart Decroos (4)
Carlien Donkor (4)
Eireen Schreurs (4)
Hans Ibelings (4)
Henriette Bier (4)
Jantje Engels (4)
Lara Schrijver (4)
Maarten Kloos (4)
Martine Bakker (4)
Nikos A. Salingaros (4)
Pierijn van der Putt (4)
Saskia de Wit (4)
Stavros Kousoulas (4)
Susan Holden (4)
Tijs van den Boomen (4)
Uri Gilad (4)
Adrien Ravon (3)
Ashley Paine (3)
Bruno Notteboom (3)
Darinka Czischke (3)
Elsbeth Ronner (3)
Frank Suurenbroek (3)
Fransje Hooimeijer (3)
Gideon Spanjar (3)
Hanneke Ronnes (3)
Hans Teerds (3)
Harald Mooij (3)
Heidi Sohn (3)
Hilde Heynen (3)
Jacques Vink (3)
Janneke Bierman (3)
Kenneth Frampton (3)
Kornelia Dimitrova (3)
M. Behm (3)
Maarten Liefooghe (3)
Manuela Triggianese (3)
Marie-Thérèse van Th... (3)
Matteo D'Agostino (3)
Matteo D’Agostino (3)
Nelson Mota (3)
Niels de Zwarte (3)
Peter de Winter (3)
Rafico Ruiz (3)
Rob Gruben (3)
Sara Stroux (3)
Stanley Kurvers (3)
Taco Hermans (3)
Teun van den Ende (3)
W.J. Quist (3)
Wouter Davidts (3)
Wouter van Elburg (3)
X. Xia (3)
Aaron Betsky (2)
Abidin Kusno (2)
Alan Hess (2)
Aleksandar Stanicic (2)
Alex Elaut (2)
Andreas Luible (2)
Annenies Kraaij (2)
Arjan den Boer (2)
Armina Pilav (2)
Arna Mackic (2)
Arna Mačkić (2)
Baires Raffaelli (2)
Bernard Colenbrander (2)
Bieke van der Mark (2)
Carlos Machado e Moura (2)
Cathelijne Nuijsink (2)
Charo Sanjuan (2)
D. Scagliola (2)
Dalia Milián Bernal (2)
Djuna Spreksel (2)
Edith Wouters (2)
Els Vervloesem (2)
Eric Frijters (2)
Eva Vroom (2)
Evelien Pieters (2)
Frank Foole (2)
Fred Feddes (2)
Giuseppe Resta (2)
H. de Haan (2)
Harm Tilman (2)
Helge Mooshammer (2)
Hester van Gent (2)
Hilde Sennema (2)
Hilde de Haan (2)
Ids Haagsma (2)
Inge Bobbink (2)
J. Linders (2)
Javier Arpa (2)
Jennifer Schoone (2)
Jens Schneider (2)
Jiaxiu Cai (2)
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Joar Nango (2)
Jocelyn Piirainen (2)
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Joeri De Bruyn (2)
John Macarthur (2)
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Jorge Mejía Hernánde... (2)
K. Kleijn (2)
Kris Pint (2)
Laura Lubbers (2)
Lena Knappers (2)
Lev Bratishenko (2)
Lidwine Spoormans (2)
Lidy Meijers (2)
Liesbeth van Noortwijk (2)
Lieven De Cauter (2)
Lisa Diedrich (2)
Lorin Niculae (2)
Luuk Oost (2)
Marc Nolden (2)
Marco Broekman (2)
Marije Peute (2)
Marius Grootveld (2)
Mark Proosten (2)
Mary Campbell Gallaghe... (2)
Mia Roth-Čerina (2)
Michelle Provoost (2)
Michiel Dehaene (2)
Michiel Kruidenier (2)
Mick Eekhout (2)
Mirko Zardini (2)
Negar Sanaan Bensi (2)
Nikki Manger (2)
Nupur Tron (2)
Olindo Caso (2)
Peter Camp (2)
Peter Mörtenböck (2)
Peter Veenstra (2)
Queenie Lin (2)
Rachel Keeton (2)
Rajesh Heynickx (2)
Renate Dorrestein (2)
Robert A. Gorny (2)
S. Brakkee (2)
Sabine Lebesque (2)
Sanda Lenzholzer (2)
Sandra Guarda (2)
Sandra van Assen (2)
Sereh Mandias (2)
Sergio M. Figueiredo (2)
Shamila Gostelow (2)
Simone Vermaat (2)
Sofia Opfer (2)
Stefan Devoldere (2)
Steffen Nijhuis (2)
Stephan Petermann (2)
Stephen Cairns (2)
Susana Oliveira (2)
Suzanne Loen (2)
Thaleia Konstantinou (2)
Theo Baart (2)
Theodora Chatzi Rodopo... (2)
Thomas Auer (2)
Tihamér Salij (2)
Uta Pottgiesser (2)
Victor Muñoz Sanz (2)
Willemijn Wilms Floet (2)
Yael Allweil (2)
Yvonne Lub (2)
Yvonne van Mil (2)
Zuzanna Sliwinska (2)
2020 (84)
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2024 (70)
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Resultaten (666)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Smart Mobility & Urban Development in Haven-Stad, Amsterdam

2019 Summer School

2020 || Paperback || Joran Kuijper e.a. || TU Delft Open

Which approaches and scenarios of smart (multimodal) mobility can be tested and applied to the future urban development of Haven-Stad, Amsterdam?

This is the main question the participants of the 2019 Summer School started working on. Included in this book are the results of this intense week of work done by 41 professionals, academics, and students from over 20 countries. Furthermore, invited experts from academia, government, and practice share their experience on urban development and mobi...

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Securing Healthy ­Circular ­Material Flows In The Built Environment

The Case Of Indoor Partitioning

2020 || Paperback || Bob Geldermans || TU Delft Open

Multi-family buildings usually have a fixed subdivision in units with standard layouts. However, households are all different and change over time, as so do their needs and desires. With this in mind, the Open Building concept, which originated in the 1960s, proposed two levels of intervention and decision-making: the (collective) ‘support’ and (individual) ‘infill’. Although the Open Building approach has been embraced conceptually, with a new wave of interest in the Netherlands in r...

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Architecture and the Time of Space

2020 || Paperback || Deborah Hauptmann || TU Delft Open

In this work Deborah Hauptmann deals with the relationships between mind, body, architecture and the city. Major authors ranging from Henri Bergson and Walter Benjamin to Henri Lefebvre and Gilles Deleuze are discussed in order to open up thinking on the roles of perception and the cognitive sciences in today’s society. Various themes are explored. Matter and mind are considered as kinds of multiplicities that affect our distinctions between subject and object. A theoretical framework is ca...

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Architectural Record 1942-1967

Chapters from the history of an architectural magazine

2020 || Paperback || Phoebus Ilias Panigyrakis || TU Delft Open

The Architectural Record during its midcentury years of 1942 to 1967, was a riveting centre of architectural journalism following and participating in the changing development of the architectural profession. Through the Second World War and the Korean War that brought functionalist modernism to the foreword and through the emerging consumer market of the 1950s, the magazine’s editors’ mission was one of “helping this new-born architectural infant to learn to walk, talk, and attain his ...

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Bulletin KNOB

2020 || Paperback || Kees Somer || KNOB

Vandaag besteld,
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Reimagining Heerenstraat

Actief Erfgoed in de Historische Binnenstad van Paramaribo

2021 || Paperback || Santiago Del Hierro e.a. || TU Delft Open

In 2016, the Government of Suriname, financed by a loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), launched the Paramaribo Urban Rehabilitation Program (PURP), which contributes to the socio-economic revitalisation of Paramaribo’s historic inner city. It aims to attract new residents and commercial activities to the centre of Paramaribo, to restore value to its cultural heritage, to reduce traffic congestion and to strengthen the institutional framework for managing its sustainable dev...

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JFDE – Journal of Facade Design and Engineering

Volume 8 / Number 2 / 2020

2020 || Paperback || Ulrich Knaack e.a. || TU Delft Open

Vandaag besteld,
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Living Stations

The Design of Metro Stations in the (east flank) metropolitan areas of Rotterdam

2021 || Paperback || Manuela Triggianese e.a. || TU Delft Open

Vandaag besteld,
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Mitigating the Risks in Energy Retrofits of Residential Buildings in China

2021 || Paperback || Ling Jia || TU Delft Open

To speed up residential energy retrofitting in the Hot Summer and Cold Winter(HSCW) zone, the barriers to retrofitting projects need elimination. Energy retrofitting contributes to improving building quality and living comfort, but has not been accepted by the public. It stems from poor project performance in quality, time, costs, etc. The risk is an essential factor hindering such project objectives and project success. Residential energy retrofitting in China is exposed to various risks due...

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