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Resultaten (102)
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Atlas of Athen's Incomplete Buildings - A Story of Hidden Antimonuments
2022 || Paperback || Maria Lalou e.a. || Jap Sam Books
With this work in the form of a book, Maria Lalou & Skafte Aymo-Boot present the phenomenon of a particular pending architecture mutely present all over Athens. The concrete skeletons of polykatoikia – multi-story apartment buildings – are emblematic of the development of modern Greece throughout the second half of the twentieth century.
The book deals with the politics of urban space by treating the unfinished buildings as study objects and tracing their individual histories. Through the...
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Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature 3
Reading and Responding: Transversal Writing
2020 || Paperback || Catharina Gabrielsson e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
For English see below
Het Writingplace Journal for Architecture and Literature is een internationaal, open-access, intercollegiaal getoetst tijdschrift over architectuur en literatuur. Dit tijdschrift is een middel dat door Writingplace platform gebruikt wordt om de relatie tussen architectuur en literatuur nader mee te onderzoeken. Dit heeft eerder al geresulteerd in de publicatie van Writingplace: Investigations in Architecture and Literature in 2016.
Elk nummer van het tijdschrift is geri...
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Habitat. Ecology Thinking in Architecture
Ecology Thinking in Architecture
2020 || Hardcover || Dirk van den Heuvel e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
For Dutch see below.
Today, under the pressure of climate change and ecological catastrophe, environmentalism has become a key driver to rethink the architectural discipline. The publication Habitat: Ecology Thinking in Architecture aims to highlight some of the historical sources of ecological approaches that are currently reshaping the architectural field. The book will point out the paradigmatic shift in thinking about the built environment as something inherently contextual ...
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Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature 5 (pod)
Narrative Methods for Writing Urban Places
2021 || Paperback || Jorge Mejía Hernández e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Het Writingplace Journal for Architecture and Literature is een internationaal, open-access, intercollegiaal getoetst tijdschrift over architectuur en literatuur.
Dit tijdschrift is een middel dat door Writingplace platform gebruikt wordt om de relatie tussen architectuur en literatuur nader mee te onderzoeken. Dit heeft eerder al geresulteerd in de publicatie van Writingplace: Investigations in Architecture and Literature.
Elk nummer van het tijdschrift is gericht op thema’s die centraal s...
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Architectuur en herinnering/Architecture and Remembrance
Naoorlogse Europese herdenkingsplekken/European Memorials of the Post-War Period
2021 || Hardcover || Jacques Prins e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
In het jaar waarin we 75 jaar bevrijding herdenken staat architect Jacques Prins ook stil bij plaatsen van herinnering. In dit boek brengt hij 40 van deze plekken, verspreid over Europa en uit de naoorlogse periode samen, gedocumenteerd in tekst, tekeningen en foto’s. Bij al deze plekken is het doel steeds zonder te reconstrueren toch het gevoel van beklemming en onthechting op de bezoeker over te brengen, zodat deze zich goed met het verleden kan identificeren.
Architectuur en herinnering ...
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In-Situ Determination of Buildings’ Thermo-Physical Characteristics
Method Development, Experimentation, and Computation
2020 || Paperback || Arash Rasooli || TU Delft Open
Accurate determination of building’s critical thermo-physical characteristics such as the walls’ thermal resistance, thermal conductivity, and volumetric heat capacity is essential to indicate effective and efficient energy conservation strategies at building level. In practice, the values of these parameters, which determine not only possible energy savings, but also related costs, are rarely available because the current determination methods are time-and-effort-expensive, and consequen...
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Gereedschapskist Omgekeerd Ontwerpen Stedenbouw Verkeer Verblijven
2020 || Paperback || Boudewijn Bach || TU Delft Open
In deze ‘Gereedschapskist van Bach’ is de methodiek van ‘Omgekeerd ontwerpen’ vanuit ruimtelijke gebruikspatronen (in plaats van mono-disciplinair vanuit de ontwerper) toegankelijk voor studenten en voor burgerinitiatieven die zich inzetten voor het verbeteren van de (leef)omgeving. Gelijktijdig wordt opnieuw de samenhang tussen het vakgebied ‘Stedenbouw’ en ‘Verkeerskunde’ gevisualiseerd en worden ideeën aangedragen voor een vakgebied ‘Verblijfskunde’. Want de toekomst v...
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Architecture & Urban Design—Amsterdam and Boston
MSc 2 Elective Design Studio AR0067 Spring 2018–2019
2020 || Paperback || Roberto Cavallo e.a. || TU Delft Open
At TU Delft, in the interdisciplinary MSc II Design Studio Architecture & Urban Design, students of the master tracks Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment work closely together. The integrative approach of this graduate course setting allows the students to examine urban space as architectural space and architectural space as urban space. Through an experimental design method, developed during the 2018 national research pro...
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Valuing Architecture
Heritage and the Economics of Culture
2020 || Paperback || Ashley Paine e.a. || Valiz
Architecture has always been found in a space between its economic and cultural values. As distinct from the intrinsic values attributed to the visual and performing arts, literature and music, architecture's values are often seen to be compromised by, or contingent upon, forces outside of the discipline—on property prices, real estate markets and the vicissitudes of local and global economies. Such intersections of cultural and economic values are especially conspicuous in architectural he...
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Courthouse Zwolle
Jo Kruger Rob Hootsmans
2020 || Paperback || Hans Ibelings || The Architecture Observer
For both Jo Kruger (1914–1983) and Rob Hootsmans (1962) the architecture of the Courthouse in Zwolle, the Netherlands, was a long time in the making. Kruger began in 1963 with his project for a combined district and subdistrict court, which took fourteen years to be completed. In 2004, while still working for the Government Building Agency, Hootsmans began exploring how Kruger’s building could be expanded. He finished a new extension in 2013, and completed the renovation of Kruger’s ori...