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15 hedendaagse kunstenaars in gesprek met de collectie van Museum Mayer van den Bergh

2023 || Paperback || Hannibal Books

Unieke kruisbestuiving tussen hedendaagse en historische meesters in het Antwerpse Museum Mayer van den Bergh

Museum Mayer van den Bergh nodigt dit najaar 15 hedendaagse kunstenaars uit om in dialoog te gaan met hun imposante collectie. De werken van Bram Demunter, Marcel Dzama, Adrian Ghenie, Kati Heck, Leiko Ikemura, Edward Lipski, Jonathan Meese, Ryan Mosley, Muller Van Severen, Tobias Pils, Tal R, Ben Sledsens, Dennis Tyfus, Inès van den Kieboom en Rinus Van de Velde worden naast de were...

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Piet Mondriaan

in 100 schilderijen

2021 || Paperback || Eg Sneek || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar

Het leven van Piet Mondriaan wordt in dit boekwerkje verteld aan de hand van 100 van zijn schilderijen. In 2010 deed het Franse tijdschrift "Beaux Arts" een enquête onder zijn lezers naar de waardering van kunstwerken. Ze selecteerden daarvoor 20 kunstwerken uit twee Franse nationale collecties, het Louvre en het Centre Pompidou. Een van de kunstwerken was het schilderij "New York City I" van Piet Mondriaan uit 1942. In de waardering door het het Franse publiek kwam het werk van Mondriaan op...

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Only boys...

25 portraits telling a story

2023 || Paperback || Jimmy Groen || Timalart

Only boys... is a processing artproject that was carried out between 2020 and 2023.

In 25 large pastel portraits Jimmy Groen shows a hidden world of aspects of identity, gender and identification during childhood. The drawings are based upon personal experiences and provide an unique insight in what might become in dissociative identity disorder from adverse experiences during childhood.

Only boys... it\'s the observer of the portraits that completes the dots.

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Cool pastoral splendor

2016 || Paperback || Richard Saxton e.a. || Jap Sam Books

Cool Pastoral Splendor is the first Center Pivot publication the Last Chance Press of M12 Studio. It is published as a special limited edition, in a print run of 250 copies. Co-publishers: M12 Collective and the Last Chance Press.Through interdisciplinary approaches, this series explores and connects the changing realities of rural landscapes and communities around the world."Cool Pastoral Splendor includes a selection of pictures from Richard Saxton's Rural Research Archive and accompanying ...

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This Road Leads to Nowhere: Pierre Punk

2017 || Paperback || Josh Garrett-Davis || Jap Sam Books

'This Road Leads to Nowhere: Pierre Punk' brings together archives and reflections from a music scene that flourished in small-town South Dakota from the early 90's through 2010. Merging the tradition of DIY punk publications and regional travel guides, the book sings an unsung hymn of American underground culture. This Road Leads to Nowhere includes writings and images from Pierre community members, musicians who traveled through and played in the town, and kindred spirits from similar scene...

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Huiswerkboekje / druk 1

2014 || Paperback || Lam de Wolf || Voetnoot, Uitgeverij

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Making Public Being public

how art creates the public

2017 || Paperback || Jeroen Boomgaard e.a. || Valiz

Being Public onderzoekt de notie van 'publiek' vanuit verschillende invalshoeken. In discussies over de betekenis van cultuur speelt de categorie 'publiek' een belangrijke rol, maar wat er met dit begrip precies bedoeld wordt blijft vaak onduidelijk. De betekenis van zowel 'kunstpubliek' als 'publieke ruimte' is complex geworden in een tijd waarin de grenzen tussen publiek en privé verschuiven en waar 'het publiek' eigenlijk verschillende groepen met veranderende samenstelling en identiteit ...

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Erik Odijk. The Academy of the Sublime

2020 || Paperback || Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer e.a. || Jap Sam Books

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RAABJERG. Rune Peitersen

2022 || Paperback || Rune Peitersen || Jap Sam Books

RAABJERG by Danish artist Rune Peitersen (1971) explores the changing landscape of northern Jutland (DK) from the last Ice Age until today.

During the 16th-19th centuries, climate change and human extraction of natural resources led to violent sand drift, which transformed the once fertile landscape into a barren wasteland. Different governments – from kings to elected parliaments – enacted laws to try to reverse it. After 200 years, they ‘succeeded’ and started reintroducing plants i...

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Things & Air

2020 || Paperback || Rein Dufair e.a. || Agora, Uitgeverscentrum

For Rein Dufait, the definition of sculpture is the adding or subtracting of material. His rigorous approach to his chosen medium has led him to develop a singular — perhaps also solitary — practice that is nourished by an insistent curiosity about material (whether natural or manmade) and a fascination with form (whether organic or artistic). In his work, Dufait confronts the fundamental questions of sculpture: how to divide space; how to combine textures; how to create volume and ...