Resultaten (65)
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OUT SIDE IN SIDE OUT. Linda Molenaar
2023 || Paperback || Linda Molenaar e.a. || Jap Sam Books
Out Side In Side Out is an overview of 25 years of work by Dutch visual artist and performer Linda Molenaar, linking animal aspects in humans with human aspects in animals.
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Cycladic Blues
Marlene Dumas
2023 || Paperback || Marlene Dumas e.a. || Idea Books B.V.
This cahier is a visual sketchbook for an exhibition by Marlene Dumas at the Museum of Cycladic Art in Athens, in dialogue with the museum's collection. Although the exhibition has been postponed towards 2025, this anticipatory publication already arose from Dumas' enthusiasm and affection for this combination. The enigmatic Cycladic antiquities, dating from 3000-2000 BC, speak to us in the same timeless language as Dumas' contemporary works.
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Small Prints
Karel Martens
2023 || Paperback || Karel Martens || Idea Books B.V.
This artist’s publication contains a sequence of unique letterpress monoprints, made by Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens between 2014 and 2022. The prints, which are both highly geometric and brightly coloured, are reproduced in the book at their actual size. Textual elements accent the various abstract shapes and repetitions on almost every page. ‘Small Prints’ is available in two different cover versions, which itself is the result of a printing experiment. By printing the content...
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Great Temptations
The seduction of painting
2023 || Paperback || Dominic van den Boogerd || Idea Books B.V.
"I can resist everything", wrote Oscar Wilde, "except temptation". What is it that makes a painting so attractive, so irresistible? In this collection of essays, Dominic van den Boogerd writes with passion about the exhibitions he has seen, the painters he has spoken with, and the talks by artists that he has organised as the director of De Ateliers in Amsterdam. About the pleasures and pitfalls of painting, forbidden favourites and the flirtation between the art of painting and other muses.
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Notes on Happiness
2023 || Paperback || Alex Farrar || Jap Sam Books
| A new book project by Alex Farrar, including an index of 49 questions about happiness.
| Limited-edition publication bound with several different covers, cut from a single drawing by Daniel Jacoby.
Are Dutch people happy people?
Does art make you happy?
What was your earliest memory of happiness?
What have you taught your children about happiness?
Notes on Happiness is a book project by artist Alex Farrar. The book is a long reflective text, based on conversations that Farrar had with peop...
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Six impossible things before breakfast
2023 || Paperback || Ingrid de Coster e.a. || Jap Sam Books
How do you make a book about a period that is behind you? The publication Six impossible things before breakfast is a journey across twenty-five years of Verzameld Werk [Collected Work] and beyond. Verzameld Werk was an open house in the heart of Ghent. A playground for designers and guests, architects and artists. Tailor-made by thinkers and doers. It was founded in 1991, with Ingrid De Coster as one of its founders.
For this book, Ingrid De Coster collaborated with Loes Verstappen and Bas S...
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Theo Leijdekkers KLEURENPRACHT
Hoe tuinen van verf verleiden
2023 || Paperback || Jannes de Vries e.a. || Uitgeverij Profiel
Theo Leijdekkers groeide op in een katholiek gezin en zat op een jongensschool voor lager onderwijs in het Overijsselse Delden. Tijdens zijn middelbare schooltijd kwam hij in aanraking met anders denkenden en raakte geïnteresseerd in muziek en met name tekenen. Na zijn studie andragologie in Groningen kocht hij met zijn eerste vrouw een huisje in het “alternatieve” Noord- Groningse dorp Den Andel en werd hij nog meer geïnspireerd door de kunst en kunstenaars ter plekke. Er volgde een op...
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Prix de Rome Beeldende Kunst 2023
Beeldende kunst
2023 || Paperback || Hasna El Maroudi e.a. || Mondriaan Fonds
Kunstenaars Ghita Skali, Jonas Staal, Josefin Arnell en Michael Tedja zijn de genomineerden voor de Prix de Rome Beeldende Kunst 2023. Vanaf 14 oktober 2023 is hun werk te zien in de gelijknamige tentoonstelling in het Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. De bijbehorende publicatie bevat gesprekken tussen de genomineerden en diverse auteurs uit het binnen- en buitenland. Daarnaast wordt de tentoonstelling ingeleid door curator Amanda Pinatih en bevat het boek een essay door Dominique van Varsseveld.
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De Bavo in de Schilderkunst
2023 || Hardcover || Pieter Biesboer || Uitgeverij WBOOKS
Het gezicht op Haarlem: wie kent het schilderij niet, zou je bijna zeggen. De mooie ligging van Haarlem en de Bavo die er hoog boven uittorent werd al vroeg in de zeventiende eeuw geroemd. Sindsdien hebben tal van belangrijke schilders zich laten inspireren door de Bavo: door haar majestueuze verschijning aan de horizon, door haar ligging in de stad, en door haar interieur.
Wereldberoemd zijn de panoroma’s vanaf de duinen door Jacob van Ruisdael (1628-1683), die de benaming ‘Haerlempjes...
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The Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
The Official Museum Book
2023 || Hardcover || Cäcilia Bischoff || Hannibal Books
Unique insight into one of the world's largest collections of European art
With its aesthetically powerful interior architecture, the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna on Maria-Theresien-Platz is completely unique in terms of architecture and interior design. Showcasing the museum in all its glory, this luxurious volume is the definitive reference to the museum and a sumptuous showcase of the permanent collection. The book creates a fascinating dialogue between the greatest artists and their wo...