
Janine Janssen (13)
Peter J. van Koppen (11)
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Dina Siegel (4)
Emile Kolthoff (4)
Guillaume Beijers (4)
Jasper J. van der Kemp (4)
John McLeod (4)
Keith Brown (4)
Nicolien Kop (4)
Remco Spithoven (4)
Richard Nelson-Jones (4)
Ronald van der Wal (4)
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Bram van Dijk (3)
Brian J. Taylor (3)
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Catrien Bijleveld (3)
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J.J. Oerlemans (3)
Jan Terpstra (3)
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Luuk van Spijk (3)
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Michaela Rogers (3)
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Peter G. Swanborn (3)
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Goos Cardol (2)
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Hein de Haas (2)
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Howard S. Becker (2)
Ido Weijers (2)
Ira Helsloot (2)
Ivo van Duijneveldt (2)
J.M.A.M. Janssens (2)
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Janet Tolan (2)
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John Macionis (2)
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Keith F Punch (2)
Keming Yang (2)
Kevin F. Steinmetz (2)
Kim Vermeulen (2)
Kimberly Firth Leonard (2)
Kirsten Amis (2)
Klaus von Lampe (2)
Liam Ralph (2)
Lorena Molnar (2)
Lynne Rutter (2)
M. Weulen Kranenbarg (2)
M.J.J. Kunst (2)
Majid Yar (2)
Marcelo F. Aebi (2)
Marcha Hartman-van der... (2)
Marijke Deveer (2)
Marijke Malsch (2)
Marjolein Leezenberg (2)
Mart van Dinther (2)
Martin Payne (2)
Mary Watts (2)
Mats Alvesson (2)
Michael Rowe (2)
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Michiel van der Wolf (2)
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Mirjam Groen (2)
Neil Gibson (2)
Nel Jessurun (2)
Nigel Horner (2)
Norman K. Denzin (2)
Otto Adang (2)
Patricia Leavy (2)
Paul B. Pedersen (2)
Paul du Gay (2)
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Paula Beesley (2)
Peter F. Conrad (2)
Peter Francis (2)
Peter Jenkins (2)
Petrus C. van Duyne (2)
Pierre Bourdieu (2)
Pieter Tops (2)
Rachael Jolley (2)
Raj Patel (2)
Ray Pawson (2)
Rebecca Kirkbride (2)
Richard M. Perloff (2)
Richard Phillips (2)
Richard Rogers (2)
Richard Staring (2)
Richard de Brabander (2)
Rick Hood (2)
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Robert Bor (2)
Robert Horselenberg (2)
Roger Casemore (2)
Ronald Hetem (2)
Rose Cameron (2)
Roxane Warring (2)
Rupa Marya (2)
Sally Lee (2)
Scott Buckler (2)
Sheila B. Robinson (2)
Sijtze de Roos (2)
Sinisa Malesevic (2)
Stacy L. Mallicoat (2)
Stephen Palmer (2)
Steven Loyal (2)
Stijn Deckers (2)
Susan Howard (2)
Toine Spapens (2)
Trevor Lindsay (2)
V.R. van der Geest (2)
Vere van Koppen (2)
Victor van der Geest (2)
Vincent de Waal (2)
W. van der Wagen (2)
Willem-Jan de Gast (2)
Wim Hardyns (2)
Yvette Schoenmakers (2)
Yvonne Grambergen-Hoog... (2)
Yvonne van Zaalen (2)
Zina O'Leary (2)
2023 (101)
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Resultaten (968)

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 37,53

Superdiversity in the heart of Europe

how migration changes our society

2015 || Paperback || Dirk Geldof || Acco || met inkijkexemplaar

The 21st century will be the century of superdiversity. Ethnic-cultural diversity in Europe continues to grow, even though governments try to limit further migration with a series of short-sighted measures. In Brussels, the capital city of Belgium and Europe, two out of every three residents has a migration background. Within a matter of years, Antwerp will also become a majority-minority city, as will many other European cities.

How will superdiversity change our society? How can we all mana...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

A little les balance in new teachers' professional development

2018 || Paperback || P. Mesker || Global Academic Press || met inkijkexemplaar

Teachers’ work is influenced by teachers’ personal biographies. Key experiences in this biography give insights in teachers’ personal interpretations, which reflect what they think is “good education”. This study reports on student teachers’ and new teachers’ personal interpretations in their teaching practice, during and after an international teaching internship, and how this influences new teachers’ professional development. The international teaching experience interrupte...

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Ita Wegman

Haar leven en werk

2018 || Paperback || Ed Taylor || Pentagon, Uitgeverij

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Allemaal winnen / druk 1

duurzame regionale ontwikkeling - ecolutie

2012 || Paperback || Martin Bakker e.a. || Vrije Uitgevers, De

Van 1998 tot 2011 deden Martin Bakker en Frank van Empel in en voor de provincie Noord-Brabant onderzoek naar attitudes, technologieën en methoden van besluitvorming die een duurzame ontwikkeling van economie, ecologie en samenleving naderbij brengen. Ze combineerden een uitgebreid literatuuronderzoek naar concepten met participatieve observatie en daaraan gekoppelde experimenten in de praktijk. Hun bevindingen brachten ze samen in een matrix en een werkmethode die (stads)regio's en provinci...

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Is It Ever Just Sex?

2023 || Hardcover || Darian Leader || Veltman Distributie Import Books

A delightfully thought-provoking study of why we have sex, from award-winning psychoanalyst Darian Leader

'It was just sex.'

It's a familiar claim. But is it really possible?

The old idea that sexuality is a smouldering, animalistic force within us, desperate for release yet restrained by social forces, has little to support it. Bodies aren't just sticks that make fire when you rub them together, and the pain, heartache, and regret that can accompany the highs of sexual excitement show us tha...

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met 5% korting 16,63

Is Our Food Killing Us?

A primer for the 21st century

2024 || Paperback || Joy Manning || Thames & Hudson Ltd

A thought-provoking dissection of the ways in which the production and consumption of food have become harmful to our personal, societal and environmental health.

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Crips and Bloods Tell the Story of America's Youth in the Crossfire

2025 || Paperback || Yusuf Jah e.a. || Simon & Schuster Nederland B.V.

Synopsis coming soon.......

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Joining Together: Pearson New International Edition : Group Theory and Group Skills

Group Theory and Group Skills

2013 || Paperback || David Johnson e.a. || Pearson

Joining Together introduces readers to the theory and research needed to understand how to make groups effective and, through exercises and thorough explanations, equips them with the skills required to apply that knowledge to practical situations. Chapters discuss the history of groups and group dynamics, the nature of experiential learning, group goals, communication within groups, leadership, power, decision making, controversy and creativity, and conflict management. More applied chapters...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Sociology / 16th Global Edition

2017 || Paperback || John Macionis || Pearson

For courses in Introductory Sociology Sociology empowers students to see the world around them through a sociological lens, helping them better understand their own lives and the world we all share. John Macionis, author of the best-selling Introductory Sociology franchise over the last three decades, takes students step by step through the theories and research that make up the discipline, helping them to find and use the science of social behavior in everyday life. In addition to extensivel...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Introducing Sociology Using the Stuff of Everyday Life

2017 || Paperback || Josee Johnston e.a. || Taylor & Francis

The challenges of teaching a successful introductory sociology course today demand materials from a publisher very different from the norm. Texts that are organized the way the discipline structures itself intellectually no longer connect with the majority of student learners. This is not an issue of pandering to students or otherwise seeking the lowest common denominator.

On the contrary, it is a question of again making the practice of sociological thinking meaningful, rigorous, and relevan...