
Janine Janssen (13)
Peter J. van Koppen (11)
Mick Cooper (7)
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Windy Dryden (5)
Andrew Reeves (4)
Charlotte Sills (4)
Dave Mearns (4)
Dina Siegel (4)
Emile Kolthoff (4)
Guillaume Beijers (4)
Jasper J. van der Kemp (4)
John McLeod (4)
Keith Brown (4)
Nicolien Kop (4)
Remco Spithoven (4)
Richard Nelson-Jones (4)
Ronald van der Wal (4)
Stuart Hall (4)
Tim Bond (4)
Anne-Marie Slotboom (3)
Ben Baarda (3)
Bram van Dijk (3)
Brian J. Taylor (3)
C.C.J.H. Bijleveld (3)
Catrien Bijleveld (3)
Hans Moors (3)
Hans Nelen (3)
J.J. Oerlemans (3)
Jan Terpstra (3)
John W. Creswell (3)
Jonathan Parker (3)
Luuk van Spijk (3)
Maarten Bolhuis (3)
Marc Schuilenburg (3)
Marie-José Geenen (3)
Marion Matthijssen (3)
Michaela Rogers (3)
Pamela Davies (3)
Paul Atkinson (3)
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Peter G. Swanborn (3)
Phil Lapworth (3)
Sofie Bager-Charleson (3)
Thom Snaphaan (3)
Alan Barnard (2)
Alastair Gibson (2)
Ali Gardner (2)
Ali Malik (2)
Andreas Vossler (2)
André De Zutter (2)
Andy Mantell (2)
Barbara Mitchels (2)
Biljana Van Rijn (2)
Brett Caraway (2)
Brian Thorne (2)
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Christian van Nieuwerb... (2)
Clive Seale (2)
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Ernest T. Stringer (2)
Eugene McLaughlin (2)
Ewan Ingleby (2)
Fiona McDermott (2)
Frits Goossens (2)
Geert Hofstede (2)
George Mair (2)
Georgios A. Antonopoul... (2)
Goos Cardol (2)
Guus Meershoek (2)
Hans Boutellier (2)
Hein de Haas (2)
Henk Jongman (2)
Howard S. Becker (2)
Ido Weijers (2)
Ira Helsloot (2)
Ivo van Duijneveldt (2)
J.M.A.M. Janssens (2)
Jackie H. Harvey (2)
Jan Hendriks (2)
Jan Remmerswaal (2)
Jan Willem Sap (2)
Janet Tolan (2)
Jennifer Johns (2)
John Macionis (2)
John Muncie (2)
John Scott (2)
John Sharry (2)
Jurja Steenmeijer (2)
Jurjen Jansen (2)
Kate Wall (2)
Kathy Charmaz (2)
Keith F Punch (2)
Keming Yang (2)
Kevin F. Steinmetz (2)
Kim Vermeulen (2)
Kimberly Firth Leonard (2)
Kirsten Amis (2)
Klaus von Lampe (2)
Liam Ralph (2)
Lorena Molnar (2)
Lynne Rutter (2)
M. Weulen Kranenbarg (2)
M.J.J. Kunst (2)
Majid Yar (2)
Marcelo F. Aebi (2)
Marcha Hartman-van der... (2)
Marijke Deveer (2)
Marijke Malsch (2)
Marjolein Leezenberg (2)
Mart van Dinther (2)
Martin Payne (2)
Mary Watts (2)
Mats Alvesson (2)
Michael Rowe (2)
Michiel de Ronde (2)
Michiel van der Wolf (2)
Miriam Losse (2)
Mirjam Groen (2)
Neil Gibson (2)
Nel Jessurun (2)
Nigel Horner (2)
Norman K. Denzin (2)
Otto Adang (2)
Patricia Leavy (2)
Paul B. Pedersen (2)
Paul du Gay (2)
Paul van Soomeren (2)
Paula Beesley (2)
Peter F. Conrad (2)
Peter Francis (2)
Peter Jenkins (2)
Petrus C. van Duyne (2)
Pierre Bourdieu (2)
Pieter Tops (2)
Rachael Jolley (2)
Raj Patel (2)
Ray Pawson (2)
Rebecca Kirkbride (2)
Richard M. Perloff (2)
Richard Phillips (2)
Richard Rogers (2)
Richard Staring (2)
Richard de Brabander (2)
Rick Hood (2)
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Robert Bor (2)
Robert Horselenberg (2)
Roger Casemore (2)
Ronald Hetem (2)
Rose Cameron (2)
Roxane Warring (2)
Rupa Marya (2)
Sally Lee (2)
Scott Buckler (2)
Sheila B. Robinson (2)
Sijtze de Roos (2)
Sinisa Malesevic (2)
Stacy L. Mallicoat (2)
Stephen Palmer (2)
Steven Loyal (2)
Stijn Deckers (2)
Susan Howard (2)
Toine Spapens (2)
Trevor Lindsay (2)
V.R. van der Geest (2)
Vere van Koppen (2)
Victor van der Geest (2)
Vincent de Waal (2)
W. van der Wagen (2)
Willem-Jan de Gast (2)
Wim Hardyns (2)
Yvette Schoenmakers (2)
Yvonne Grambergen-Hoog... (2)
Yvonne van Zaalen (2)
Zina O'Leary (2)
2023 (101)
2020 (98)
2021 (81)
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Resultaten (967)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 47,50

Psychology and Crime

A Transdisciplinary Perspective

2019 || Paperback || Craig Webber || SAGE

Now in an updated second edition, this book continues to explore the links between psychology and crime, taking the reader through psychological explanations of crime and the use of psychology within the criminal justice system.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Community-Based Participatory Research

2013 || Paperback || Karen A. Hacker || SAGE

Presenting a practical approach to CBPR by describing how an individual researcher might understand and conduct CBPR research, this book includies a concise overview of CBPR theoretical underpinnings, methods considerations and ethical issues - all presented in an accessible format.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 48,45

Urban Analytics

2021 || Paperback || Alex David Singleton e.a. || SAGE

With lots of illustrations and interviews with key urban analysts, this book offers a field-defining look at the challenges and opportunities of using new and emerging data to study contemporary and future cities through methods including GIS, Remote Sensing, Big Data and Geodemographics.

Levertijd: 11 werkdagen

The Age of Migration

International Population Movements in the Modern World

2020 || Paperback || Hein de Haas || Guilford Publications

Migration is a central dynamic in globalization that is recasting contemporary states and societies in distinctive, powerful ways. Now with more balanced coverage of Western and non-Western regions, this leading text has been revised and updated with the latest theories, policy information, and interdisciplinary research. The book explores the causes, dynamics, and consequences of international population movements, as well as the experiences of migrants themselves. Chapters examine migration...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 50,35

Respondent Centred Surveys

Stop, Listen and then Design

2021 || Paperback || Laura Wilson e.a. || SAGE

This book empowers you to take a fresh, effective approach to getting better data from your surveys.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 39,90

Social Work Law, Ethics & Social Policy

2022 || Paperback || Muna Sabbagh e.a. || SAGE

This book covers all the areas of law you need to know: social work with children and families, vulnerable adults and social issues such as welfare and homelessness. Each section concludes with a discussion of how social policy and ethics relate to each area of social work law. This gives real-world context to what you have learnt, alongside thought boxes, exercises and case studies in each chapter to further encourage reflection and put theory into practice.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 41,80

Youth Justice

Local and Global

2023 || Paperback || Nicola Carr e.a. || SAGE

This textbook links theory to policy and practice and takes a comparative, international focus on current issues, making it vital reading for any student of Youth Justice.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 43,70

Killer Cities

2021 || Paperback || Nigel Thrift || SAGE

Through a combination of social theory, polemic and close attention to empirical detail, author Nigel Thrift demonstrates how and why cities cause mass animal death and hasten the destruction of the planet. The book then attempts to set out how 'we' can navigate out of the current situation and towards a world in which cities no longer act as killers but become aligned with the lives of other beings.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 45,60

Qualitative Research for Quantitative Researchers

2022 || Paperback || Helen Kara || SAGE

This book equips any quantitative researcher, at any level, who finds they need to use qualitative methods, with the necessary theoretical and practical skills they need to leverage their quantitative background into successful qualitative research.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 37,05

Introducing Social Work

2023 || Paperback || Jonathan Parker || SAGE

A practical and complete introduction to contemporary social work written by subject experts, including best-selling Transforming Social Work Practice Series authors.