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De Zwolse zwendel
Afpersing, doodslag of ongeluk
2023 || Paperback || Eva Nijsen e.a. || Boom uitgevers Den Haag
In juli 2013 werd de 76-jarige Rudi Jader dood gevonden onderaan de trap in haar woning. Forensisch arts Rens Daalder voerde de lijkschouw uit en concludeerde dat Jader was overleden door een ongeluk, een val van de trap. Na de crematie van Jader bleek dat er op de dag van haar overlijden een fors bedrag van haar bankrekening was overgeboekt naar een kennis: Gerard Duif. Een jaar eerder had Jader aangifte van bedreiging gedaan tegen Duif. De politie begon daarop alsnog een moordonderzoek. Dui...
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Pandora's Box
The Greed, Lust, and Lies That Broke Television
2023 || Hardcover || Peter Biskind || Veltman Distributie Import Books
From the bestselling author of Easy Riders, Raging Bulls comes the inside story of television's heady rise and fall
The revolution has been televized. From The Sopranos to Stranger Things, the shows we watch - and the ways we watch them - have been transformed over the past fifty years. Out of the bland wasteland of 'play-it-safe' broadcasting came astonishing stories of sex, violence, and corruption shown first on cable, and then by way of streaming. Today, the power of viewers to select wha...
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Practical Multilevel Modeling Using R
2023 || Paperback || Francis L. Huang || SAGE
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The Sociology of Health and Illness
Critical Perspectives
2023 || Paperback || Peter F. Conrad e.a. || SAGE
This anthology for Medical Sociology courses brings together a collection of readings from the scholarly literature on health, medicine, and health care. covering some of the most timely health issues of our day,
The Critically Reflective Practitioner / 3rd edition
2023 || Paperback || Sue Thompson e.a. || Bloomsbury Publishing
This succinct and insightful guide to reflective practice is designed for students and practitioners across a range of professions in the human services - social work, healthcare and related fields. In seven compact chapters, it takes the reader through the main theories and principles of reflective practice, drawing on concepts and findings from across the associated literature. Its clear and careful integration of both the 'thinking' and 'doing' elements of the complex and often challenging...
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Welcome to Social Theory
2023 || Paperback || Tom Brock || SAGE
Welcome to Social Theory is exactly what students want: a lucid and engaging introduction to social theory that carefully uses images, examples and quotations to illustrate new ways of examining contemporary social life.
Fieldwork for Social Research
A Student's Guide
2023 || Paperback || Richard Phillips e.a. || SAGE
As one of the few teaching books that looks at fieldwork in the broadest of contexts, this book provides a strong foundation in the fundamentals of fieldwork within social research. It not only teaches theory but puts into practice planning, designing, conducting and sharing social research.Â
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Social Inequalities
2023 || Paperback || Anya Ahmed e.a. || SAGE
Part of the New Approaches to Sociology series, Social Inequalities is a relevant and valuable exploration of how we see the world through a decolonised lens, offering a critical re-reading of traditional approaches to understanding social inequalities.
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Frameworks of Power
2023 || Paperback || Stewart R Clegg || SAGE
A coherent and comprehensive account of the different frameworks for understanding power which have been advanced within the social sciences.
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Correctional Counseling, Treatment, and Rehabilitation
2023 || Paperback || Robert D. (University of Louisiana at Monroe) Hanser || SAGE
Written for the undergraduate and graduate future practitioner, Correctional Counseling, Treatment, and Rehabilitation will provide an overview of how counseling exists within the correctional environment, both in institutional settings and community-based settings.