Resultaten (29)
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Developing Human Service Leaders
2016 || Paperback || Deborah Harley-McClaskey || SAGE
This empowering text for human services students covers the skills and behaviors essential for leaders to manage themselves, their teams, and the organization.
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Doing Research in Social Work and Social Care
The Journey from Student to Practitioner Researcher
2021 || Paperback || Catherine Flynn e.a. || SAGE
A step-by-step guide to understanding the concepts of research and gathering data to writing it all up and sharing knowledge, this book enables readers to learn the research process with confidence, build practical knowledge and make the necessary connections between research and professional practice.
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Developing Effective Research Proposals
2021 || Paperback || Keith F Punch || SAGE
With brand new chapters on ethics and mixed methods, this indispensable guide continues to provide readers with everything they need to develop effective and successful research proposals.
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Social Work with Children and Families
2021 || Paperback || Maureen O'Loughlin e.a. || SAGE
'An excellent introduction to social work with children and families. It links practice with legislation and highlights relevant research findings'. - Mr Dan Burrows, Cardiff School of Health Sciences, Cardiff Metropolitan University
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An Introduction to the Sociology of Health and Illness
2016 || Paperback || Kevin White || SAGE
With expanded coverage of Fleck and a new section on 'Transformations of the Medical Profession', this updated Third Edition provides students with a sociologically-focussed and theoretically informed introduction
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An Introduction to Helping Skills
Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring
2016 || Paperback || Jane Westergaard || SAGE
Providing a full introduction to all the theory and skills needed to work across the range of helping professions, this book introduces students to the three core approaches of counselling, coaching and mentoring, and shows how they work across a variety of settings, including therapy, teaching, social work and nursing.
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Onderzoeksreeks Politieacademie Opsporing belicht / Druk 2
over strategieen in de opsporingspraktijk
2016 || Hardcover || Nicolien Kop e.a. || Boom
Opsporing belicht geeft een brede schets van de ontwikkelingen in de opsporing vanuit diverse wetenschappers en practitioners. Thema's die aan de orde komen, zijn onder andere intelligence, bestuurlijke aanpak, burgerparticipatie in de opsporing, criminaliteitsgerelateerde recherchestrategieën, financiële, media- en internationale strategieën. Het boek is met name bedoeld voor het politieonderwijs op bachelor- en masterniveau. Daarnaast is het een nuttig naslagwerk voor recherchekundigen, ...
Understanding Prejudice and Education
The challenge for future generations
2016 || Paperback || Hughes || Taylor & Francis
What is prejudice in the 21st Century and how can education help to reduce it?This original text discusses prejudice in detail, offering a clear analysis of research and theory on prejudice and prejudice reduction, drawn from findings in social psychology, critical thinking and education. Presenting the underlying principle that prejudice can be reduced through the development of four core attributes – empathy, understanding, cognitive flexibility and metacognitive thought – the...
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The Handbook of Counselling Psychology
2021 || Paperback || Barbara Douglas e.a. || SAGE
A guide to the field of counselling psychology, exploring a range of theories and philosophical underpinnings, practice approaches and contexts, and professional issues. It reflects various issues and debates and maps onto the training standards. It is a companion for your journey through counselling psychology training and into the workplace.