Resultaten (28)
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Loyal banking
2nd edition
2022 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl
Also attached is the book Build your Fortune
Will you have enough money when you retire ?
Would your life be better, if you had an extra passive income ? Are you searching for a Fortunebuilding How to guide, to give you control over your financial future ?
So that you can face your golden years with confidence,
knowing that your Fortune will provide for you & your family.
Even though this How to guide is easy to understand and the steps are simple...
It's still a Doing book.
You'll have to re...
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100 % sales rule
2nd edition
2023 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl
First visit my website : www.jasminhajro6.webnode.nl
Then know that I care for you.
Know that I am a true expert and have more than 5 years of experience in selling.
Door to door selling, face to face with people.
the 100 % sales rule is about your behavior, it's action and behavior that gets results..
in this case taking action as a sales pro and behaving as a sales professional.
But you cut the shit... 100 % focus ''on the task at hand'' : selling the person.
With this 100 % sales rule, you...
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how to turn 1 euro into 10
2023 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl
This book gives you the formula
it puts you in charge
it gives you total control
over your life
and your money....
Other books and courses
forget one most important step :
´´ḿultiply money´´
Saving money with 1% interest
it will double after 100 years
Investing in stocks that pay out 10% dividend
your money doubles after 10 years
if you are lucky....
How do you go from 1 dollar to 5
how to multiply it ?
This book gives you all the answers
Learned from the billionaire Grant Cardone
Get i...
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De Ultieme Winnende Strategie
2021 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl || met inkijkexemplaar
- de Ultieme Winnende Strategie voor ondernemers
- Jouw voorsprong op je concurrentie
- 2 Praktijkvoorbeelden,
die je laten zien dat de Ultieme Winnende Strategie
voor ondernemers, bewezen is en werkt
Realiseer meer verkopen, meer omzet en meer winst.
Deze strategie wordt gebruikt door de meest succesvolle bedrijven in de wereld
zoals de McDonalds, KFC, Esso, supermarkten...
Parkeer minimaal 4 ton extra winst op je bankrekening..
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This is the real secret to success
forget about mindset, shiny objects and the law of attraction ,2nd edition
2022 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl
You have been lied to
about success....
The secret to success
is not in mindset, shiny objects
or the law of attraction
But it is in this book, and its validated by extensive research and experience...
Get this book now
and learn the real secret to success
so that you can really start
achieving what you want in life.
Get this boxset now and learn the TRUTH
about success and getting rich..
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Build your fortune
2nd edition
2022 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl
Will you have enough money when you retire ?
Would your life be better, if you had an extra passive income ? Are you searching for a Fortunebuilding How to guide, to give you control over your financial future ?
So that you can face your golden years with confidence,
knowing that your Fortune will provide for you & your family.
Even though this How to guide is easy to understand and the steps are simple...
It's still a Doing book.
You'll have to read it & reread it.
And do the preparation.
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Challenges in having your own business, in real life
2nd edition
2022 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl
Are you in business for yourself ?
Are you an entrepreneur ?
Don't we read books written by other business people ?
That talk from reality , from real life, from experience ?
Don't we wanna get better at it ?
Don't we want to learn from others who walk the almost same path ?
Do we want to learn how to persist ?
Do we still enjoy an exciting story....in these times ?
This book has it all and will have you thinking...
this is insane....but it all happened...
For real...Plus you get book Victory
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2nd edition
2022 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl
In this guide you learn 17 strategic actions,
that you can implement and as a result
make more money & have more free time.
Like : Moneymaker 9.
Fund yourself & save money on your taxes
Go to a notary, and make your company a Private Limited Company.
Then you pay less tax.
And you can sell shares, to fund yourself.
If you already have a Private Limited Company, also go to the notary to establish a foundation.
A foundation for your family, to build a fortune in it.
Without having to pay taxes,...
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Faster way to riches and success
2023 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl
Has goal setting not worked?
What is the real difference between success and failure?
And between the top 10% and the other 90%
How can you shorten the path to getting rich
How to be a success every day
This booklet gives you the answers
that you have been looking for...
If you are paying the price for success every day
you are a success and becoming a greater success
This is what other books fail at telling you
about getting success and riches
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Daily prayers for muslims
2023 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl
Are you seeking a book that offers a comprehensive collection of daily prayers for Muslims? Look no further than "Daily Prayers for Muslims" by renowned author Jasmin Hajro. This exceptional book is specifically designed to cater to the spiritual needs of Muslims, providing a wide range of prayers that cover various aspects of life.
In "Daily Prayers for Muslims," you will find a diverse selection of prayers that address essential areas such as rest, work, treating women, giving to the poor, ...