Onderwijs en opvoeding (39)
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A Practical Guide to Teaching Foreign Languages in the Secondary School / 3rd edition
2023 || Paperback || Norbert Pachler e.a. || Taylor & Francis
How can you effectively motivate young people to engage with foreign language learning?How can young people engage with new ideas and cultural experiences within and outside the classroom?The new and fully revised edition of A Practical Guide to Teaching Foreign Languages in the Secondary School offers straightforward advice and inspiration for training teachers, newly qualified teachers (NQTs) and teachers in their early professional development. Offering a wide range of strategies for succe...
Learning to Teach Foreign Languages / 4th Edition
in the Secondary School
2013 || Paperback || Taylor & Francis
Praise for previous editions:- 'A wealth of theory, research, practical advice, case studies and tasks in one volume...Indispensable for both HEI tutors and mentors, and an important book to recommend to all MFL students.' - Language Learning Journal'Presenting clear, straightforward, factual information on all current issues facing MFL student teachers ... An excellent reference guide during the first years of teaching.' - Mentoring and TutoringLearning to Teach Foreign Languages in the Seco...
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Cultures of Curriculum / 2nd edition
2010 || Paperback || Pamela Bolotin Joseph || Taylor & Francis
Using "cultures of curriculum" as a lens, this clear, compelling text reveals and critically examines the belief systems and classroom practices of curricular orientations in contemporary American society. It is designed to foster awareness, examination, and deliberation about the curricula planned for and carried out in classrooms and schools; to inspire conversations about theory and practice as well as political, social, and moral issues; and to expand critical consciousness about approach...
Towards a Posthuman Theory of Educational Relationality
Cutting Through Water
2018 || Hardcover || Simon Ceder || Taylor & Francis
Towards a Posthuman Theory of Educational Relationality critically reads the intersubjective theories on educational relations and uses a posthuman approach to ascribe agency relationally to humans and nonhumans alike. The book introduces the concept of 'educational relationality' and contains examples of nonhuman elements of technology and animals, putting educational relationality and other concepts into context as part of the philosophical investigation. Drawing on educational and posthuma...
Cognitive Development and Cognitive Neuroscience / 2nd edition
The Learning Brain
2019 || Paperback || Usha Goswami || Taylor & Francis
Cognitive Development and Cognitive Neuroscience: The Learning Brain is a thoroughly revised edition of the bestselling Cognitive Development. The new edition of this full-colour textbook has been updated with the latest research in cognitive neuroscience, going beyond Piaget and traditional theories to demonstrate how emerging data from the brain sciences require a new theoretical framework for teaching cognitive development, based on learning. Building on the framework for teaching cognitiv...
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Introducing Bronfenbrenner / 2nd edition
A Guide for Practitioners and Students in Early Years Education
2022 || Paperback || Ireland) Noirin (Trinity College Dublin Hayes e.a. || Taylor & Francis
There is no single book, which introduces readers to the Bronfenbrenners model of development as a context for early years practice. Fully updated with one new chapter and broader coverage on transitions Bronfenbrenners theories on ecological systems in human development are one of the most influential models in early childhood education and yet many practitioners and researchers rely on his original work as the only source of guidance. Draws on practice-based research to identify and animate...
Teaching English Literature 16-19
An essential guide
2020 || Hardcover || Carol Atherton e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Teaching English Literature 16 - 19 is an essential new resource that is suitable for use both as an introductory guide for those new to teaching literature and also as an aid to reflection and renewal for more experienced teachers. Using the central philosophy that students will learn best when actively engaged in discussion and encouraged to apply what they have learnt independently, this highly practical new text contains: discussion of the principles behind the teaching of literature at t...
Becoming a High Expectation Teacher
Raising the bar
2014 || Paperback || Christine Rubie-Davies || Taylor & Francis
We constantly hear cries from politicians for teachers to have high expectations. But what this means in practical terms is never spelled out. Simply deciding that as a teacher you will expect all your students to achieve more than other classes you have taught in the same school, is not going to translate automatically into enhanced achievement for students.
Becoming a High Expectation Teacher is a book that every education student, training or practising teacher, should read. It details the...
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Research Methods in Education / 8th edition
2017 || Paperback || UK) Louis (Loughborough University Cohen e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This thoroughly updated and extended eighth edition of the long-running bestseller Research Methods in Education covers the whole range of methods employed by educational research at all stages. Its five main parts cover: the context of educational research; research design; methodologies for educational research; methods of data collection; and data analysis and reporting. It continues to be the go-to text for students, academics and researchers who are undertaking, understanding and using e...
Contemporary Theories of Learning / 2nd edition
Learning Theorists … In Their Own Words
2018 || Paperback || Knud Illeris || Taylor & Francis
This tenth anniversary edition of Knud Illeris’s classic 2008 text is an updated and definitive collection of today’s most influential learning theorists, now containing additional chapters from John Hattie and Gregory Donoghue, Sharan Merriam, Gert Biesta and Carolyn Jackson. This book brings together world-renowned experts, who each present their understanding of what learning is and how human learning takes place, addressing the social, psychological and emotional contexts of learning....