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Vandaag besteld,
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Van Gogh

2012 || Paperback || Wilhelm Uhde || Phaidon

An introduction to the work of Vincent Van Gogh.

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met 5% korting 42,70

Story of Art

2007 || Paperback || EH Gombrich || Phaidon

The Story of Art, one of the most famous and popular books on art ever written, has been a world bestseller for over four decades. Attracted by the simplicity and clarity of his writing, readers of all ages and backgrounds have found in Professor Gombrich a true master, and one who combines knowledge and wisdom with a unique gift for communicating his deep love of the subject.For the first time in many years the book has been completely redesigned. The illustrations, now in color throughout, ...

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It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be

The world's best-selling book by Paul Arden

2023 || Paperback || Paul Arden || Phaidon

It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be is a handbook of how to succeed in the world - a pocket 'bible' for the talented and timid to make the unthinkable thinkable and the impossible possible. The world's top advertising guru, Paul Arden, offers up his wisdom on issues as diverse as problem solving, responding to a brief, communicating, playing your cards right, making mistakes and creativity, all notions that can be applied to aspects of modern life. This book provides a uni...

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Eating With The Chefs

Family meals from the world's most creative restaurants

2015 || Hardcover || Tara Stevens || Phaidon

Eating with the Chefs documents the daily meal shared by chefs and front-of-house staff at eighteen top restaurants including Noma, Le Chateaubriand and The French Laundry

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Art in Time

A World History of Styles and Movements

2014 || Hardcover || Gauvin Alexander Bailey e.a. || Phaidon

An up-to-date and comprehensive guide to 150 of the most significant styles and movements that have shaped art history through time. All art is of its time, and this book is the first survey that explicitly embeds styles, schools and movements within the politics and culture in which they arose, by means of timelines, textual references and the unique present-to-past arrangement of the book.

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Body of Art

2015 || Hardcover || Phaidon Editors e.a. || Phaidon

The first book to celebrate the beautiful and provocative ways artists have represented, scrutinized and utilized the body over centuries.Body of Art is the first book to explore the various ways the human body has been both an inspiration and a medium for artists over hundreds of thousands of years. Unprecedented in its scope, it examines the many different manifestations of the body in art, from Anthony Gormley and Maya Lin sculptures to eight-armed Hindu gods and ancient Greek reliefs, fro...

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The Taco Encyclopedia

2021 || Hardcover || Deborah Holtz e.a. || Phaidon

Tacopedia is an encyclopaedic tribute to the vibrancy of Mexican taco culture. Explore one of Mexico's most popular culinary traditions through 100 recipes accompanied by interviews, street and food photography, illustrations, graphics, and maps that bring the full story behind each taco to life.Tacopedia's highly graphic style will appeal to hip taco lovers, food truck enthusiasts, and serious followers of Mexican cuisine, both young, and young at heart.

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Arita - Table of Contents

Studies in Japanese Porcelain

2024 || Hardcover || Anniina Koivu || Phaidon

Celebrating the 400th anniversary of traditional Japanese ceramic culture as interpreted by today's leading designersThe art of Japanese porcelain manufacturing began in Arita in 1616. Now, on its 400th anniversary, Arita / Table of Contents charts the unique collaboration between 16 contemporary designers and 10 traditional Japanese potteries as they work to produce 16 highly original, innovative and contemporary ceramic collections rooted in the daily lives of the 21st century. More than 50...

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An Interactive Recipe Book (Cook in a Book)

2021 || Hardcover || Lotta Nieminen e.a. || Phaidon

Cook pancakes from scratch inside this interactive recipe book

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Lili Reynaud-Dewar

|| Paperback || Élisabeth Lebovici e.a. || Phaidon

The first-ever monograph on Reynaud-Dewar, one of today’s most celebrated multimedia artists French artist Lili Reynaud-Dewar creates environments and situations in which she uses her own body to examine the dual experience of vulnerability and empowerment that results from acts of exposing oneself to the world. Evolving through a range of media such as performance, video, installation, sound, and literature, her work considers the fluid border between public and private space, challenging ...