Natuurkunde algemeen (17)
Introduction to Nanoscience
2008 || Hardcover || Gabor L. Hornyak || Taylor & Francis
Tomorrow's nanoscientist will have a truly interdisciplinary and nano-centric education, rather than, for example, a degree in chemistry with a specialization in nanoscience. For this to happen, the field needs a truly focused and dedicated textbook. This full-color masterwork is such a textbook.
It introduces the nanoscale along with the societal impacts of nanoscience, then presents an overview of characterization and fabrication methods. The authors systematically discuss the chemistry, ph...
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Over het licht
2022 || Hardcover || G.J. van Haasteren || Pumbo.nl B.V.
Dit boek is een kritiek op de wijze waarop in de natuurkunde wordt omgegaan
met sommige begrippen. Het is ook toegankelijk voor de geïnteresseerde
niet-natuurkundige maar voor hoofdstuk VII is wel enige wiskundekennis
nodig en enige kennis van de speciale relativiteitstheorie gewenst.
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Rising of the James Webb Space-Telescope General Observer and its Fundamental Blindness
The Fundamental Blindness in a non Euclidian Space
2022 || Hardcover || Wim Vegt || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Einstein understood “Quantum Mechanics” and “Quantum Field Theory” better than many modern physicist does, because he understood the Deeper Layers in Physics. The fundamental layer in physics, that probability is not the “Foundation of our Universe”. Albert Einstein was much more like Isaac Newton who saw and understood, 300 years ago, through his tiny little telescope the fundamental foundation of the universe better than most modern physicists do. When modern scientists observe ...
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Emergent Gravity from Discrete Geometry [ EG from DG ]
2017 || Hardcover || Koenraad M.L.L. Van Spaendonck || Brave New Books
Compiling his know-how in concept formation from Integrated Product
Design [IPD] into Integrated Quantum Design [IQD], product designer
Koenraad Van Spaendonck [Alumnus University of Antwerp UA 1995]
constructs a discrete geometry as the basis for emergent gravity :
Discrete Contracting Coordinates [ DCC ].
This new mathematical model resides in a Euclidean environment, from
which the emergent non-Euclidean mathematical model of spacetime can
be derived. A specific translation from spec...
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Simply Quantum Physics
2024 || Hardcover || DK || Dorling Kindersley Ltd
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Zwarte gaten
Gevangen in ruimte en tijd
2022 || Hardcover || Marcel Vonk || AUP
Het heelal spreekt tot de verbeelding en zwarte gaten zijn een blijvende Marcel Vonk bron van fascinatie. In dit rijk geïllustreerde boek ontrafelt theoretisch fysicus en wetenschapspopularisator Marcel Vonk dit natuurkundige fenomeen en beschrijft hij hoe zwarte gaten niet alleen tot intrigerende wetenschappelijke raadsels leiden, maar ook juist de mysteries van het heelal helpen oplossen. Hij gaat daarbij complexe concepten niet uit de weg, maar legt deze op eenvoudige wijze uit.In de vori...
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Monkeys do not die as lizards
or how to stop the madness of contemporary physics
2022 || Hardcover || Peter Schuttevaar || Brave New Books
David Hume said that although a mountain exists and gold exists, a golden mountain is not real. In the same manner, we cannot simply combine abstractions of reality and assume they refer in any meaningful way to reality.
If you are a physicist, prepare to have many of your beliefs shaken to the ground. This book shows that many of the abstract notions in contemporary physics, like probability distribution and entanglement are merely golden mountains.
But this book does not only perform a har...
Tijdreizen, onzichtbaar worden
en andere grenzen van de fysica
2021 || Hardcover || Ruud Smeulders || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Misschien heb jij je altijd al afgevraagd of in de tijd reizen nu echt kon. Kun je onzichtbaar worden? Wat is eigenlijk massa precies? Waar begint de tijd en ons heelal of waar eindigt het? Wat houdt chaos nu precies in en heeft digitaal wel dezelfde kwaliteit als analoog geluid of beeld? Kunnen we leven in een virtuele wereld en bestaat er kunstmatig leven? Kunnen robots slimmer worden dan mensen?
Met dit boek hoop ik samen met jou een aantal vragen te beantwoorden, gewoon om de nieuwsgieri...
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General Quantum Gravity - Version 1.1
Version 1.1
2016 || Hardcover || Koenraad M.L.L. Van Spaendonck || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
°New oxygen - Compiling his know-how in concept formation from Integrated Product Design (IPD) into Integrated Quantum Design (IQD), product designer Koenraad M.L.L.Van Spaendonck (Alumnus of the University of Antwerp UA 1995) injects new oxygen into the quest for a theory of quantum gravity with a unifying character. Entailing a.o. the breeding ground for a universal building block for space and matter, and a finite abacus for space from which time emerges.
°New causal principles work toge...
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Unthinkable Works!
2022 || Hardcover || Derek Daniel || Mybestseller.co.uk
This monograph has gathered together three extraordinary problems in theoretical physics to be solved exactly. The problems range from the long-standing limit problem of the simple harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics, the unfolding of a hidden symmetry in the Markovian birth-and-death equations, to the four-hundred-year-old problem of the simple pendulum. Therefore, this monograph is a rare "three-of-a-kind" collection of major essays on seemingly unsolvable problems in physics.