Naslagwerken algemeen (15)
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Qualitative Research Practice
A Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers
2020 || Paperback || Jane Ritchie e.a. || SAGE
A qualitative research book for the 'doers', this text provides really practical coverage for those that are undertaking research in real-world contexts.
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2013 || Paperback || Rimke de Groot || Uitgeverij Personalia
Een leuke, maar ook spannende tijd breekt aan: je gaat emigreren. Er moet van alles geregeld worden, zowel in Nederland als in je nieuwe thuisland: een internationale verhuizing, het vinden van een woning in het buitenland, misschien het zoeken van een nieuwe school voor je kinderen of de verhuizing van huisdieren, een visum en/of verblijfsvergunning, het afsluiten van verzekeringen, enzovoort.
Deze handzame Emigratiewijzer biedt je daarbij houvast. Experts en ervaren emigranten geven nuttige...
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Doing Your Master's Dissertation
From Start to Finish
2021 || Paperback || Inger Furseth e.a. || SAGE
With examples from real theses, useful action plans in each chapter and a range of practical tips that are often missed in other books, this is a step-by-step guide to help you excel in your Master's dissertation.
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Introduction to Social Research
Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
2021 || Paperback || Keith F Punch || SAGE
With new chapters on ethics and internet research, this bestselling text has been updated to continue to provide students with an invaluable and balanced introduction to the research process.
Research for Development / 2nd edition
A Practical Guide
2013 || Paperback || Sophie Laws e.a. || SAGE
This book offers a comprehensive guide to commissioning, managing and undertaking research in development work. Perfect for both students and practitioners.
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Interpretive Autoethnography
2013 || Paperback || Norman K. Denzin || SAGE
In this book, Norman Denzin combines one of the oldest techniques in the social sciences with one of the newest.
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A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Qualitative Research
2013 || Paperback || David Silverman || SAGE
In this fabulous little book, David Silverman lays bare what he considers to be good and bad qualitative research and gets readers thinking about how they can come to understand the world and each other better through qualitative methods.
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The Science of Evaluation
A Realist Manifesto
2013 || Paperback || Ray Pawson || SAGE
Always engaging and relentlessly pushing the boundaries, this is a must-read from a pioneer in realist research.
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Your Undergraduate Dissertation
The Essential Guide for Success
2013 || Paperback || Nicholas Stephen Robert Walliman || SAGE
A tried and tested guide for undergraduate students on how to write a brilliant dissertation.
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Understanding Research with Children and Young People
2021 || Paperback || Alison Clark e.a. || SAGE
Useful strategies and guidance for anyone needing to explore the practical and ethical issues around researching with children and young people.