
Perry Pierik (115)
Henk van der Linden (50)
Martin Ros (24)
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Frank Libertas (18)
H. Andriessen (12)
Emerson Vermaat (11)
Ivan Vanherpe (11)
Robert Lemm (11)
E.H. Brongers (10)
Geert Mak (9)
Antony Beevor (8)
Hans Andriessen (8)
J.G. Kikkert (8)
Lucas Catherine (8)
Aat van Gilst (7)
Bas de Groot (7)
Frans Verhagen (7)
Frits Rijksbaron (7)
Gerard Aalders (7)
Gert Oostindie (7)
J.H.J. Andriessen (7)
Karwan Fatah-Black (7)
Leo Dorrestijn (7)
Pieter Jan Verstraete (7)
Anne Applebaum (6)
Anton van Hooff (6)
Arnout van Cruyningen (6)
Esther Shaya (6)
Gert Jan de Vries (6)
J. Bader (6)
James Holland (6)
Niall Ferguson (6)
Paul De Ridder (6)
Russell Shorto (6)
Timothy Snyder (6)
Adrian Stahlecker (5)
Anthony Everitt (5)
Bob Latten (5)
Carla van Baalen (5)
Centrum voor Parlement... (5)
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Dolly Verhoeven (5)
Fleur de Beaufort (5)
Frank Oosterboer (5)
Gerard Horneman (5)
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Guus Pikkemaat (5)
Jeannick Vangansbeke (5)
Jeroen Kemperman (5)
Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse (5)
Klaas A.D. Smelik (5)
Lauren Lauret (5)
Maarten Gubbels (5)
Marc Jansen (5)
Marcel Reijmerink (5)
Max Hastings (5)
Michel Melenhorst (5)
Peter Bootsma (5)
Peter Steeman (5)
Philipp Blom (5)
Robert Jan de Vogel (5)
Thomas Leeflang (5)
A.M.A. Goossens (4)
Adam Hochschild (4)
Alexander van Kessel (4)
Alicia Schrikker (4)
Andrew Roberts (4)
Aris Gaaff (4)
Bert Thurlings (4)
Bob de Graaff (4)
Bram Bouwens (4)
Christopher Clark (4)
Coen Brummer (4)
Dick Berents (4)
Diete Oudesluijs (4)
Esther Captain (4)
Focko de Zee (4)
Gerrit Valk (4)
Jared Diamond (4)
Jerry Davila (4)
Jochem Botman (4)
Jos Vandervelden (4)
Kees Schulten (4)
Leo Dorrestein (4)
Louis Sicking (4)
Luc Panhuysen (4)
Merry E Wiesner-Hanks (4)
Orlando Figes (4)
Patrick van Schie (4)
Paul Dentz (4)
Philip Matyszak (4)
Remieg Aerts (4)
Rob Janssen (4)
Rolf Alexander (4)
Ruud Bruijns (4)
Rémy Limpach (4)
Serhii Plokhy (4)
Tom Holland (4)
Twan Huys (4)
Vincent Dumas (4)
Willem J. Ouweneel (4)
Willem Tjerkstra (4)
Wout Klein (4)
A.H. Huussen jr. (3)
Ad Maas (3)
Ad van Liempt (3)
Alex Bakker (3)
Anton Kruft (3)
B. van Bavel (3)
B.J.P. van Bavel (3)
Bas Kok (3)
Bas van der Plas (3)
Bauke Geersing (3)
Beatrice de Graaf (3)
Charles C. Mann (3)
David Grann (3)
Duco Hellema (3)
Endre B. Gastony (3)
Feiko H. Postma (3)
Francis De Groot - Hil... (3)
Frank Bokern (3)
Freek Schlingmann (3)
Graddy Boven (3)
Gregor Dijkhuis (3)
Hendrik Willem Heuvel (3)
Hennie Van der Zouw (3)
Hugo Renaerts (3)
Hylke Speerstra (3)
Ian Mortimer (3)
Indro Montanelli (3)
J. Rameijer (3)
J. van Swieten (3)
Jacco Pekelder (3)
Jacques R. Pauwels (3)
Jan C. Henneman (3)
Jean Manco (3)
Johan Verberckmoes (3)
Jonathan Holslag (3)
Joris Oddens (3)
Joris van den Tol (3)
Jos van Raan (3)
Klaas Smelik (3)
Korneel De Rynck (3)
Louis Sloos (3)
Ludo Noens (3)
Luuc Kooijmans (3)
M. Boshart (3)
M. Derks (3)
Marc Poolman (3)
Mark Jones (3)
Martin Middlebrook (3)
Martyn Rady (3)
Mary Beard (3)
Matthias van Rossum (3)
Michael Pye (3)
Nick Lloyd (3)
Onno Sinke (3)
Piet Boncquet (3)
Piet de Rooy (3)
Pieter J. Goedhart (3)
R.E.V. Stuip (3)
Remco Raben (3)
Roberto Gervaso (3)
Rutger Bregman (3)
Simon Sebag Montefiore (3)
Tom Sas (3)
W. Maser (3)
Willem van Bennekom (3)
Wim Willems (3)
Wim Zaal (3)
A. Korthals Altes (2)
A.H. Huussen (2)
Abdul Wahid (2)
Alex van Stipriaan (2)
Alies Pegtel (2)
Alistair Moffat (2)
Amitav Ghosh (2)
André Vermeulen (2)
Anita van Dissel (2)
Anna Reid (2)
Anne Doedens (2)
Anne Frank (2)
Ardy Beld (2)
Arie Kok (2)
Arthur Tiedemann (2)
Arthur van den Elzen (2)
Auke Zeldenrust (2)
Auke van der Woud (2)
B. Funnekotter (2)
Bart Vandamme (2)
Bart van Loo (2)
Bas Jacobs (2)
Ben Macintyre (2)
Boris van Haastrecht (2)
C. Brinton (2)
C.E.H.J. Verhoef (2)
Carol Gluck (2)
Carolien Stolte (2)
Catherine Nixey (2)
Cees Fasseur (2)
Charles Freeman (2)
Christopher Hill (2)
Clare Haru Crowston (2)
Clare Hunter (2)
Coen Hilbrink (2)
Coen van 't Veer (2)
Cois Geysen (2)
Cordula Rooijendijk (2)
D. Howarth (2)
Daniël Boomsma (2)
David Mitchell (2)
David Petraeus (2)
David Van Reybrouck (2)
Dick Harrison (2)
Dirk Huylebrouck (2)
Dirk J. Tang (2)
Dirk Luyten (2)
Dirk Starink (2)
Dirk Verhofstadt (2)
Diverse auteurs (2)
Dr Philip Matyszak (2)
Ed Bruski (2)
Edith Hall (2)
Edward De Maesschalck (2)
Edward Shawcross (2)
Erik Thys (2)
Erwin van Loo (2)
Esther Zwinkels (2)
Felix West (2)
Fer Lugger (2)
Frank Bethlehem (2)
Frank Dikotter (2)
Frank Dragtenstein (2)
Frank van Riet (2)
Frans Becker (2)
Frederick Taylor (2)
Frederik Heemskerk (2)
Friso Wielenga (2)
Frits Boterman (2)
Frits van Oostrom (2)
G. Boven (2)
G.N.M. Vis (2)
Gerard Termorshuizen (2)
Gerbrand Kip (2)
Germany) Friso (Westph... (2)
Giles Scott-Smith (2)
Gloria Wekker (2)
Griselda Molemans (2)
Guus Luijters (2)
Guus Meershoek (2)
Guy Vanthemsche (2)
H. Eefting (2)
H. Kubbinga (2)
H. Walburgh Schmidt (2)
H.W. Singor (2)
Hannah van den Ende (2)
Hans Buddingh' (2)
Hans Olink (2)
Hendrik Vos (2)
Henk Feikema (2)
Henk H.M. van der Lind... (2)
Henk Visscher (2)
Henk van Osch (2)
Herman Langeveld (2)
Hinke Piersma (2)
Ian Buruma (2)
Ian Kershaw (2)
Ian Morris (2)
Idesbald Goddeeris (2)
Ilan Pappe (2)
J. Ipema (2)
J.W. Bezemer (2)
Jaap Jan Brouwer (2)
James C. Kennedy (2)
James Poskett (2)
Jan Houter (2)
Jan Libbenga (2)
Jan Lucassen (2)
Jan Ramakers (2)
Jan Spendel (2)
Jan Willem Brouwer (2)
Jan Willem Regenhardt (2)
Janina Ramirez (2)
Jeannette Kamp (2)
Jeremy Black (2)
Jeroen van Zanten (2)
Jessica A. Verhagen (2)
Joachim Stempel (2)
Joanne Berry (2)
Joep Boerboom (2)
Joep Leerssen (2)
Johan Huizinga (2)
Johan Meijer (2)
John H. de Bye (2)
John Lewis Gaddis (2)
John Oakland (2)
Jonathan Clements (2)
Jonathan Fenby (2)
Jonathan Kennedy (2)
Joop van den Berg (2)
Jos Smeets (2)
Jouke Turpijn (2)
Judith Flanders (2)
Jurriaan Ceroy Mulder (2)
Jussi Hanhimaki (2)
Karel Davids (2)
Katherine Pangonis (2)
Keetie Sluyterman (2)
Koen Aerts (2)
L.J. Dorsman (2)
Lennart Bes (2)
Leon Trotsky (2)
Leonard Ornstein (2)
Levi Roach (2)
Linda Kinstler (2)
Lo van Driel (2)
Luc Pauwels (2)
Luc Vanacker (2)
M. van Os (2)
Maarten Prak (2)
Maartje van den Heuvel (2)
Marc Dierikx (2)
Marc Ferro (2)
Marcel Kramer (2)
Marcel Prins (2)
Marcel van Engelen (2)
Margaret MacMillan (2)
Margreet den Buurman (2)
Marieke Oprel (2)
Marijke Huisman (2)
Marion Gibson (2)
Marjolein 't Hart (2)
Mark Galeotti (2)
Mark Kurlansky (2)
Mark Mazower (2)
Mark Zegeling (2)
Mark van den Dries (2)
Martin-Jan Nuij (2)
Masha Gessen (2)
Mathieu Segers (2)
Max Adams (2)
Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks (2)
Michael Howard (2)
Michael Wood (2)
Michel Krielaars (2)
Michiel van Wersch (2)
Mike Dash (2)
Monika Diederichs (2)
Nadia Bouras (2)
Nanda van der Zee (2)
Nelson Mandela (2)
Nick Rennison (2)
Nicolas Guillerat (2)
Nicolline Van der Spek (2)
Olaf van Nimwegen (2)
P. Derkx (2)
P. Siebelt (2)
P. Zumthor (2)
P.J. Knegtmans (2)
P.W. van Wissing (2)
Patricia B Ebrey (2)
Patricia Buckley Ebrey (2)
Patrick Dassen (2)
Pauline Onderwater (2)
Peter Ackroyd (2)
Peter Franken (2)
Peter Frankopan (2)
Peter Furtado (2)
Peter Heather (2)
Peter Henk Steenhuis (2)
Peter Hoppenbrouwers (2)
Peter Pomerantsev (2)
Peter Romijn (2)
Peter den Hertog (2)
Philip Oltermann (2)
Piet Kamphuis (2)
Pieter van Wijngaarden (2)
Plutarchus (2)
Professor Mary Beard (2)
Quirijn van der Vegt (2)
R. Dekker (2)
R. Dijkstra (2)
R. Overy (2)
R. Vugs (2)
Ralf Futselaar (2)
Raymond Detrez (2)
Rende van de Kamp (2)
Rens Bod (2)
Rimco Spanjer (2)
Rob Hartmans (2)
Robin Hanbury-Tenison (2)
Robin Lane Fox (2)
Robin de Ruiter (2)
Robin te Slaa (2)
Roger B Beck (2)
Roger Beck (2)
Ron Blom (2)
Ron Verhoef (2)
Sam van Clemen (2)
Sebas Rümke (2)
Selma Leydesdorff (2)
Serge ter Braake (2)
Simon Schama (2)
Sinclair McKay (2)
Sjef van de Poel (2)
Sophie De Schaepdrijve... (2)
Sophie Molema (2)
Spyker (2)
Stefan Zweig (2)
Stephen E. Ambrose (2)
Susan Legêne (2)
Svetlana Alexijevitsj (2)
Tamara Ingels (2)
Tim Puttevils (2)
Toby Wilkinson (2)
Tom Phillips (2)
Tom Wensink (2)
Tom van Hooff (2)
Ton Oosterhuis (2)
Tracy Metz (2)
Turtle Bunbury (2)
V. Robijn (2)
Valter Marques (2)
Victor A.C. Remouchamp... (2)
Victor A.C. Remouchamp... (2)
W. Kortenoeven (2)
Willem van der Ham (2)
William C. Jandrew (2)
Wim Blockmans (2)
Wim Coster (2)
Wim van Lenthe (2)
Y.H.S. Boon (2)
Yaroslav Hrytsak (2)
Yulianti (2)
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Profile Books Ltd (14)
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Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 14,20


A People's History

2024 || Paperback || Frederick Taylor || Pan Macmillan

A vivid people's history, based on original source material, of the twelve months leading up to the outbreak of the war nobody wanted in 1939, perfect for fans of Antony Beevor, Max Hastings, Christopher Clark and Margaret Macmillan.

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met 5% korting 14,20

Nature's Mutiny

How the Little Ice Age Transformed the West and Shaped the Present

2024 || Paperback || Philipp Blom || Pan Macmillan

A groundbreaking and internationally acclaimed work of environmental history tracing the great climate change of the seventeenth century: the ‘Little Ice Age’.

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met 5% korting 15,20

What Do We Know and What Should We Do About the Irish Border?

2021 || Paperback || Katy Hayward || SAGE

A must-read for anyone who is keen to learn what we should know and do about this highly complex and ever-contested boundary line.

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met 5% korting 16,10

The Anglo-Saxons

A History of the Beginnings of England

2024 || Paperback || Marc Morris || Cornerstone

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met 5% korting 21,80

These Hard Times

A Jewish Woman's Rescue from Nazi Germany by Transport 222

2024 || Paperback || Anne Groschler || Academic Studies Press

In this vivid memoir originally published in German, Anne Groschler (1888-1982) recounts her 1944 escape from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp to Mandatory Palestine via “Transport 222”, an exchange transport of 222 Jews for “Aryan" prisoners of war.

Leverbaar vanaf 7 november

A Cold Spell

A Human History of Ice

2024 || Paperback || Max Leonard || Bloomsbury Publishing PLC

Taking us from the beginning of our story to the present day, A Cold Spell examines how ice has shaped our thoughts, actions and societies - and what it means for us that it is rapidly disappearing from our planet

'Bracingly original . . . As the earth warms threateningly, there could hardly be a more pertinent time for a story like this' MICHAEL PALIN

'A book of limitless fascinations' OLIVIA LAING

'Brightly written, nimbly researched and really quite delightful' LITERARY RE...

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met 5% korting 23,70

Divine Might

goddesses in Greek Myth

2023 || Paperback || Natalie Haynes || Picador UK

In Divine Might Natalie Haynes, author of the bestselling Pandora’s Jar, returns to the world of Greek myth and this time she examines the role of the goddesses.

We meet Athene, who sprang fully formed from her father’s head: goddess of war and wisdom, guardian of Athens. We run with Artemis, goddess of hunting and protector of young girls (apart from those she decides she wants as a sacrifice). Here is Aphrodite, goddess of sex and desire – there is no deity more determined and able to...

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24 Hours in Ancient Egypt

A Day in the Life of the People Who Lived There

2024 || Paperback || Dr Donald P. Ryan || Michael O'Mara Books Ltd

Have you ever wondered what it was like to live and work in Egypt, the most powerful kingdom of the ancient world? Spend a day with 24 Egyptians to see Egypt through their eyes.

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The Hitler Bloodline

Uncovering the Fuhrer’s Secret Family

2024 || Paperback || David Gardner || John Blake Publishing Ltd

The astounding story of the quest to find the living descendants of the most monstrous tyrant in history - Adolf Hitler

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Woman's Lore

4,000 Years of Sirens, Serpents and Succubi

2024 || Paperback || Sarah Clegg || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.

The history of a demonic tradition that was stolen from women - and then won back again.

Creatures like Lilith, the seductive first wife of Adam, and mermaids, who lured sailors to their death, are familiar figures in the genre of monstrous temptresses who use their charms to entice men to their doom.

But if we go back 4,000 years, the roots of these demons lie in horrific creatures like Lamashtu, a lion-headed Mesopotamian demon who strangled infants and murdered pregnant w...