
Johan Huizinga (3)
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Ludie Gootjes-Klamer (2)
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Cultuurwetenschappen algemeen (56)

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met 5% korting 92,15

Applied Thematic Analysis

2011 || Hardcover || Greg Guest e.a. || SAGE

A clear introduction to analysing the data obtained from focus groups and interviews.

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met 5% korting 64,60

The Academic Caesar

2016 || Hardcover || Fuller || SAGE

Aimed directly at those who aspire to be university leaders in these turbulent times, and written as an academic counterpart to Machiavelli's The Prince, The Academic Caesar explores four themes that are central to the contemporary university: its Caesar-leaders, its economics, its disciplines, and whether academics have a future in the universities. Drawing on a wealth of experience writing about the social epistemology of higher education, Steve Fuller makes a witty, robust and provocative...

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De toekomst van het verleden

Erfgoed en klimaat

2023 || Paperback || Thijs Weststeijn || Prometheus

Terwijl de houten palen onder Amsterdam beginnen te rotten, stijgt in Venetië de waterspiegel en overstromen in Pakistan de 4500 jaar oude ruïnes van Mohenjo Daro. Door inklinking van de Engelse veengrond bezwijkt de Muur van Hadrianus. Door de toename van zout ontploffen de bakstenen van het opgegraven Babylon. Smeltende permafrost in Siberië ondermijnt de eeuwenoude grafheuvels van de Scythische beschaving. In de VS hebben orkanen een deel van het erfgoed van New Orleans en Puerto Rico w...

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De Chymische Bruiloft van Christian Rosencreutz

een christelijke inwijdingsweg met commentaar van Bastiaan Baan

2016 || Hardcover || Johann Valentin Andreae || Pentagon, Uitgeverij

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Nederland’s geestesmerk

2019 || Paperback || Johan Huizinga || Edition Fac Simile

Facsimile heruitgave naar de druk uit 1946. In Nederland's geestesmerk beschouwt historicus Johan Huizinga de Nederlandse identiteit; Huizinga kenschetst haar als vooral burgerlijk.

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met 5% korting 58,90

What Do We Know and What Should We Do About Internet Privacy?

2023 || Hardcover || Bernal || SAGE

Paul Bernal addresses the issue of privacy on the internet and how it is challenged in a wide variety of ways - from large social media companies, whose entire business models are based on privacy invasion, through the developing technologies of facial recognition and the internet of things, to the desire of governments to monitor our every activity online.

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met 5% korting 26,55

Het DNA van Nederland

2017 || Paperback || Jan Renkema || Boom

Uit veel peilingen blijkt dat Nederland tot de gelukkigste landen ter wereld behoort. Hoe is het ons door de eeuwen heen gelukt om zo'n koppositie te verwerven? Zit er iets in het karakter van Hollanders, Groningers en Brabanders waardoor een klein land groot kan zijn? Wat zit er in ons DNA?

Begin in Nederland niet over identiteit. Dat doen alleen politici die een standpunt over asielzoekers moeten innemen. Ontken in Nederland niet de Nederlandse identiteit. Want dan brult de Nederlandse Leeuw...

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In Praise of Ambiguity

Erasmus, Huizinga and the Seriousness of Play

2018 || Paperback || Willem Otterspeer || Leiden Publications

"In Praise of Ambiguity" presents a discourse about the seriousness of play. Erasmus and Huizinga are its main characters, their books In Praise of Folly (1511) and Homo Ludens (1938) its main subject. It treats those books as contemporaries and asks what they still have to say to us. The main theme of both books is the contrast between two attitudes of life: the conviction that each subject has two or more sides as opposed to the certainty that there is always only one side to the matter. It...

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50 key terms in contemporary cultural theory

2017 || Paperback || Joost de Bloois e.a. || Pelckmans

Anthropocene, post-humanism, biopolitics ... These terms are often used first in an academic context before being used outside the academic world, once their usefulness has become known to the wider public. Whether in official policy documents, in catalogues of expositions or in applications for subsidies, these terms tend to show up regularly.

In this book, 50 terms that are important in contemporary cultural theory are explained by experts in the field. They clarify what the term means, how...

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met 5% korting 21,85

Get a Better Grade: Seven Steps to Excellent Essays and Assignments

2023 || Paperback || Leicester || SAGE

A seven-step toolkit to help you produce winning essay and assignments, build your confidence and improve your grades.