
Kas Oosterhuis (5)
Andrej Radman (3)
X. Xia (3)
» Toon alle opties (4)
2021 (5)
2016 (4)
2010 (3)
» Toon alle opties (8)
Paperback (38)
Hardcover (3)

Bouwkunst, architectuur (41)

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iA#5 - Robotics in Architecture

robotics in architecture

2013 || Paperback || Kas Oosterhuis e.a. || Jap Sam Books

Het thema van iA#5 is Robotics in Architecture, en staat onder redactie van Kas Oosterhuis en Henriette Bier, Hyperbody, TU Delft.

De iA-bookzine serie brengt een overzicht van interdisciplinaire bijdragen over het onderwerp 'Interactive architecture' van onderzoekers, studenten, gastdocenten van Hyperbody, Faculteit Bouwkunde, TU Delft. Deze vijfde editie, in de reeks 'Interactive Architecture', bestaat wederom uit papers, reportages van workshops, bijzondere casestudies en projecten.

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Footprint 26. The Architecture Competition as ‘Contact Zone

Towards a Historiography of Cross-Cultural Exchanges

2020 || Paperback || Cathelijne Nuijsink e.a. || Jap Sam Books

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Footprint 28


2021 || Paperback || Stavros Kousoulas e.a. || Jap Sam Books

Footprint #28 examines the relation between cybernetics and architecture by focusing on a problem they both share: the production, consumption and flow of information, or, in other terms, of meaning. Therefore, cyberneticisation can set the foundations for a relational account that examines how signs are communicated and how meaning is produced and experienced within systems. This third-order cybernetics extends beyond the original scope of living organisms and their environments in order to ...

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Taiwan Strait

Conscious City Incubator

2024 || Hardcover || Raoul Bunschoten || Jap Sam Books

The Taiwan Strait is a liminal space, and a natural incubator. These two conditions create a unique opportunity for implementing a future city-making process.

The Conscious City concept brings together all the challenges facing contemporary city-making. It is a concept for the urban curation processes required for future cities; for adapting to the impacts of climate change, emerging intelligences, a growing population, affordable housing, the need for a new pact with nature, as well as navi...

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Walls that teach

on the architecture of youth centres

2015 || Paperback || Susanne Pietsch e.a. || Jap Sam Books

"In dit huis zullen de muren lesgeven", verkondigde het sovjet persbureau Pravda in 1962 bij de opening van het Paleis voor Jonge Pioniers in Moskou. Terloops toont deze verklaring een steeds terugkomend motief in de geschiedenis van de architectuur voor de jeugd: de aanspraak op te kunnen voeden door middel van de gebouwde omgeving. De jeugd werd gezien als ideale doelgroep voor deze sociaal-constructivistische benadering, vanwege hun ambivalente positie: wel objecten van sociale wetgeving m...

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Critical and clinical cartographies: international conference proceedings

international conference proceedings

2016 || Paperback || Andrej Radman e.a. || Jap Sam Books

Hoe verhoudt het menselijk lichaam als levend organisme zich tot toegepaste technologieën in de medische zorg? In Critical and Clinical Carthographies buigen Nederlandse en internationale experts op het gebied van robotica, mechatronica, medische technologie, design en architectuur zich over dit onderwerp.

Critical and Clinical Carthographies komt voort uit een transdisciplinaire conferentie georganiseerd door de Theorie afdeling en Hyperbody van de Faculteit Bouwunde aan de TU Delft,in ...

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A E I OU. Articles, Essays, Interviews and Out-takes by Tony Fretton

2017 || Paperback || Tony Fretton || Jap Sam Books

A E I OU Articles, Essays, Interviews and Out-takes. The name itself says something of the nature of Tony Fretton's collected writing.

As an architect he has said 'Words, the most collective form of communication, thread their way through the projects, in explanations to clients and constructors, and as my means, along with drawings, of explaining the projects to my collaborators, to myself and to the wider world.'

As Professor of Architectural Design-Interiors at TU Delft, he wrote: 'Interi...

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Experimenteel geworteld in het alledaagse | Experimentally rooted in the everyday

2021 || Paperback || Martine Bakker e.a. || Jap Sam Books

Al meer dan vijftig jaar is het Sjanghaipark een groene vrijplaats tussen de moderne stempels van Utrecht-Overvecht. Buurtbewoners en kunstenaars formuleerden samen het ongebruikelijke uitgangspunt: de identiteit van dit park ligt niet vast, maar vormt zich doorlopend. Naar het spel van kinderen, de wandelgang van ouderen, de planten die aanwaaien, kortom naar de tijd. Daarmee deed het Sjanghaipark aan placemaking avant la lettre en was het park al klimaatbestendig toen daar nog geen beleid v...

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Reuse to Reduce

Architecture Within A Carbon Budget. The Case of BioPartner 5. Popma Ter Steege Architects

2023 || Paperback || Jan Willem ter Steege e.a. || Jap Sam Books

'Reuse to Reduce. Architecture within a Carbon Budget. The Case of BioPartner 5'is a plea by Popma ter Steege Architects to embrace the circular transition as a chance for a more meaningful architecture. An architecture that employs the necessary reuse of building materials to rethink our needs, way of building and aesthetics. It is a plea for design shaped by planetary boundaries and the use of a carbon budget as a tool for this. It wants to help shift the discourse on circularity towards de...

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Footprint 17 Vol 9/2 The 'Bread & Butter'of Architecture: Investigating Everyday Practices

2016 || Paperback || Nelson Mota e.a. || Jap Sam Books

The canon of western contemporary architecture has overlooked everyday, 'salaried' architecture - overwhelming as it may have turned out to be in our built environment - praising instead the solo designer and his ground-breaking work.

Since World War I, the social role of the architect (in terms both of his or her place in social hierarchies and of his or her contribution for social betterment) seems to have been primarily tested, and largely consolidated, in 'departmental architecture'. Yet...