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Archeologie (273)

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met 5% korting 42,75

De logica van het landschap

Opstellen over archeologie, ecologie en geschiedenis

2024 || Paperback || Rowin van Lanen e.a. || Uitgeverij Verloren

Fossiele eiken, veen- of bostoponiemen, Romeinse houtskoolmeilers, wildforstersgoederen, kogelpotten, relieken en bescherming van het landschap: in De logica van het landschap geven 31 artikelen samen een beeld van het brede werkterrein van de archeologie en landschapsgeschiedenis. De auteurs zijn archeologen of onderzoekers uit aanpalende vakgebieden. Ze schrijven over de archeologie van Oost-Nederland en Limburg, over bossen en bosgeschiedenis, veengebieden en zandlandschappen, maar ook ove...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Goden van Egypte

Op zoek naar de wetten van de kosmos

2024 || Paperback || Maarten Raven || Sidestone Press

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The Archaeology of the ‘Margins’

Studies on Ancient West Asia in Honour of Peter M.M.G. Akkermans

2024 || Paperback || Bleda Düring e.a. || Sidestone Press

This book is a tribute to the remarkable achievements of Peter M.M.G. Akkermans in the archaeology of West Asia. A focus on previously overlooked periods and regions has been the hallmark of his work. Instead of investigating the traditional key transitions and core regions that have been central to the archaeology of West Asia, Peter always aimed to shed light on the ‘in-between’ periods and regions, often dismissed as being ‘marginal’ (in his words ‘marginal to whom or what?’). ...

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Cyprus and Ugarit

Connecting Material and Mercantile Worlds

2024 || Paperback || Bernard Knapp || Sidestone Press

This study considers the detailed archaeological and documentary records of Cyprus and Ugarit (Syria) to gain new insights into the long-term relations between two of the best known, well-connected polities in the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean.

I engage with concepts such as maritime space and spheres of interaction, merchants and mercantilism, actors and agents. Some background on both Ugarit and Cyprus is presented, followed by examination of the common material features of both (e....

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Cyprus and Ugarit

Connecting Material and Mercantile Worlds

2024 || Hardcover || Bernard Knapp || Sidestone Press

This study considers the detailed archaeological and documentary records of Cyprus and Ugarit (Syria) to gain new insights into the long-term relations between two of the best known, well-connected polities in the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean.

I engage with concepts such as maritime space and spheres of interaction, merchants and mercantilism, actors and agents. Some background on both Ugarit and Cyprus is presented, followed by examination of the common material features of both (e....

Leverbaar vanaf 26 maart

The eve of destruction?

Local groups and large-scale networks during the late fourth and early third millennium BC in central Europe

2025 || Hardcover || Daniela Hofmann e.a. || Sidestone Press

This volume collects papers on the pre-Corded Ware horizon in central Europe and adjacent areas (i.e. from c. 3500 – 2800 BC). This phase is very patchily researched, partly also because certain kinds of evidence, notably domestic architecture and burials, are rare or absent in many regions. This has occasionally been interpreted as signs of a major crisis and population bottleneck, which in turn facilitated the migration of new populations from the steppe, bringing with them amongst others...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Bijdragen aan de Dag van de historische maritieme archeologie in Nederland (15de Glavimans symposion)

2024 || Hardcover || A.F.L. van Holk e.a. || Sidestone Press

Op 8 december 2023 is bij Batavialand te Lelystad de Dag van de historische maritieme archeologie in Nederland (het vijftiende Glavimans symposion) georganiseerd.

Dit jaar was ‘Straatvaart’ het centrale thema, de scheepvaart op het Mediterrane gebied en de Levant. Het betreft een relatief onderbelicht onderwerp binnen de maritieme geschiedenis, waar vanuit de maritieme archeologie een grote bijdrage aan kan worden geleverd.

Meerdere sprekers hebben het onderwerp vanuit verschillende inval...

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morgen verzonden

Settling Waterscapes in Europe

The Archaeology of Neolithic & Bronze Age Pile-Dwellings

2022 || Hardcover || Albert Hafner e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

Pile dwellings have been explored over a vast region for a number of decades now. This has led to the development of different ways, methods, and even schools of under-water and peat-bog excavation practices and data analysis techniques under the influence of different research traditions in individual countries. On the one hand, these and other factors can limit our understanding of the past, whilst on the other hand they can also open up further avenues of interpretation.

By collecting the ...

Leverbaar vanaf 12 juni

Spaces and Meaning

Multimodal Communication in Ancient Egypt

2025 || Hardcover || Silvia Kutscher e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

Multimodality – the integration of different semiotic resources in communication – plays a key role in the way people convey meaning. While much of the research has focused on multimodal communication in modern European and Anglo-Saxon cultures, the diverse visual and textual compositions of ancient civilizations have been less explored.

This book presents the findings of a working group on multimodal communication in Ancient Egypt and explores the multimodal nature of Egyptian artifacts...

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Labouring with large stones

A study into the investment and impact of construction projects on Mycenaean communities in Late Bronze Age Greece

2021 || Paperback || Yannick Boswinkel || Sidestone Press Dissertations

This book explores the cost, expressed in labour, of constructing fortifications during the Late Bronze Age in Greece (ca. 1600 – 1050 BCE). The underlying question for this study is whether the cost of large scale constructions, built with large, unwieldy blocks, may have overstretched the (economic) capabilities of communities, leading to their collapse.

In order to determine the labour costs, the building process is deconstructed and for each sub-process, the costs are determined. The co...