Algemene sociale wetenschappen (15)
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Criminological Theory in Context
2015 || Paperback || John Martyn Chamberlain || SAGE
Presenting students with an easy-to-manage introduction to the area, this new text covers all theories that students will encounter on their course focussing on the context of the historical development of criminology as an academic discipline
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Crisisbeheersing en veiligheidszorg Krachten rond de risico-regelreflex beschreven en geïllustreerd in 27 voorbeelden
2015 || Paperback || Ira Helsloot e.a. || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar
De risico-regelreflex is een term die sinds zijn introductie in 2010 steeds meer gebruikt wordt. Het verschijnsel wordt breed herkend onder bestuurders, volksvertegenwoordigers, ambtenaren, wetenschappers en journalisten, maar wordt op uiteenlopende manieren geduid. Deze publicatie geeft een uitgebreide definitie van de risico-regelreflex, die duidelijk maakt dat het gaat om de valkuil om na het bekend worden van een risico of naar aanleiding van een incident maatregelen te nemen die in wezen...
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Making the Most of Counselling & Psychotherapy Placements
2021 || Paperback || Michelle Oldale e.a. || SAGE
Packed full of practical hints and tips, advice, checklists and points for reflection, this practical guide will provide your students with everything they need to know to get the most out of their counselling and psychotherapy placements; from securing the right placement for them, to dealing with complex challenges that might arise during the placement.
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Superdiversity in the heart of Europe
how migration changes our society
2015 || Paperback || Dirk Geldof || Acco || met inkijkexemplaar
The 21st century will be the century of superdiversity. Ethnic-cultural diversity in Europe continues to grow, even though governments try to limit further migration with a series of short-sighted measures. In Brussels, the capital city of Belgium and Europe, two out of every three residents has a migration background. Within a matter of years, Antwerp will also become a majority-minority city, as will many other European cities.
How will superdiversity change our society? How can we all mana...
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Cognitive Behavioural Counselling in Action
2021 || Paperback || Peter Trower e.a. || SAGE
This best-selling, practical, evidence-based guide to the cognitive behavioural approach takes trainees step-by-step through the process of counselling, from initial contact with the client to termination and follow up.