
Voorgeschreven bij
Hogeschool Utrecht (2)
SAGE (21)
Boom (3)
Taylor & Francis (2)

Algemene sociale wetenschappen (30)

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Sociology / 9th edition

A Global Perspective

2014 || Paperback || Joan Ferrante || Cengage Learning

Offers an introduction to sociology text that applies and relates key sociological concepts and theories to the forces of globalization-forces shaping virtually every aspect of daily life. This book discusses forces such as social robotics, social relationships in the digital age , mass surveillance and the industrial food system.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Essential Criminolog / 4th edition

2014 || Paperback || Mark M. Lanier e.a. || Taylor & Francis

In the fourth edition of Essential Criminology , authors Mark M. Lanier, Stuart Henry, and Desire J.M. Anastasia build upon this best-selling critical review of criminology, which has become essential reading for students of criminology in the 21st century.Designed as an alternative to overly comprehensive, lengthy, and expensive introductory texts, Essential Criminology is, as its title implies, a concise overview of the field.

The book guides students through the various definitions of crim...

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met 5% korting 47,03

Omgaan met regelovertreding in vertrouwensrelaties

effecten van dialoog- en sanctiefactoren en de invloed van de relatie tussen toezichthouder en ondernemer

2014 || Paperback || Laetitia Mulder e.a. || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar

Het gebeurt steeds vaker dat toezicht georganiseerd wordt in arrangementen waarin vertrouwen tussen toezichthouder en personen die onder toezicht staan, een rol speelt. In de context van een dergelijke vertrouwensrelatie is de vraag hoe het beste kan worden omgegaan met regelovertreding. Moeten toezichthouders sanctioneren of is het beter om een waarschuwing te geven nadat een onder toezicht staande een regel heeft overtreden? Welke aspecten van een sanctie of waarschuwing dragen bij aan toek...

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met 5% korting 35,15

Social Work Practice Placements

Critical and Reflective Approaches

2014 || Paperback || Sue Jones || SAGE

Helps in developing an understanding of two key approaches to placement study: critical thinking and reflective practice. This book also includes a chapter on using the reflective and critical skills to prepare for the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE).

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met 5% korting 38,95

Personalisation in Social Work

2014 || Paperback || Ali Gardner || SAGE

This timely and fully revised second edition provides an overview of the personalisation agenda and looks at the recent legislation in a broad historical and theoretical perspective. This approach will provide opportunities for students to consider the changes to the social work role and to evaluate the impact of this for service users and as practitioners.

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met 5% korting 52,25

The Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Handbook

2021 || Paperback || Andreas Vossler e.a. || SAGE

'In an era of "big data" and evidence based practice, this book provides students and practitioners with an engaging and informative way into the world of counselling and psychotherapy research. It is essential reading for those starting to make sense of and engage in empirical study' - Andy Hill, Head of Research, BACP

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Children / 3rd edition

Rights and Childhood

2014 || Paperback || David Archard || Taylor & Francis

Children: Rights and Childhood is widely regarded as the first book to offer a detailed philosophical examination of children's rights. This fully revised and updated edition is ideal reading for advanced studies across Philosophy, Social Work, Law, Childhood Studies, Politics, and Social Policy.

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met 5% korting 42,75

Introduction to Research Methods in Education

2021 || Paperback || Keith F Punch e.a. || SAGE

Introducing students to the research process in a range of educational contexts, this updated Second Edition contains everything they need if they are studying on a research methods course or doing a research project for themselves.

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met 5% korting 38,00

Assessment and Case Formulation in Counselling and Psychotherapy

2014 || Paperback || Biljana Van Rijn || SAGE

Conducting a competent assessment and case formulation can be a daunting task for trainee therapists engaging in clinical assessment for the first time. This book is designed to help, by unpicking the many aspects involved in assessment and case formulation across modalities, practice settings and client groups.

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met 5% korting 76,48

Post-Van Traa

innovaties in de handhavingsketen gericht op de beteugeling van financieel-economische criminaliteit

2014 || Paperback || Gerard Bakker || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar

Op 1 februari 1996 verscheen het rapport van de Nederlandse parlementaire-enquĂȘtecommissie Opsporingsmethoden, beter bekend onder de naam van haar voorzitter: de commissie-Van Traa. De conclusies waren hard: het instrument financieel rechercheren diende beter te worden benut en de aanpak moest worden geoptimaliseerd. Sindsdien zijn enkele belangrijke trends in de handhavingsketen te herkennen om de financieel-economische criminaliteit op zijn minst te beteugelen. In dit boek behandelt de sch...