
2020 (3)
2012 (2)
2021 (2)
Engels (9)
Nederlands (4)

Algemene economie (13)

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Blue Ocean Shift

Beyond Competing - Proven Steps to Inspire Confidence and Seize New Growth

2021 || Hardcover || W. Chan Kim e.a. || Hachette

Blue Ocean Shift is the essential follow up to Blue Ocean Strategy, the classic and over 4 million copy global bestseller by world-renowned professors W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne.

Drawing on more than a decade of new work, Kim and Mauborgne show you how to move beyond competing, inspire your people's confidence, and seize new growth, guiding you step-by-step through how to take your organization from a red ocean crowded with competition to a blue ocean of uncontested market space. By comb...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Project Psychology

Using Psychological Models and Techniques to Create a Successful Project

2012 || Hardcover || Sharon De Mascia || Taylor & Francis

Why do carefully planned projects fail? Projects are affected, for good or ill, by the humans who undertake them. If the plan fails to take account of the psychology of managing people and the psychology of managing change there may be trouble ahead. Sharon De Mascia's Project Psychology uses human behaviour and emerging psychological models to provide an insight into the successful management of people in projects.

By selecting the right team, facilitating a common vision and by gaining a ps...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Changing the Game

Sustainable Market Transformation Strategies to Understand and Tackle the Big and Complex Sustainability Challenges of Our Generation

2020 || Hardcover || Lucas Simons e.a. || Taylor & Francis

We are at the beginning of the sustainability era. The biggest challenge of our generation is to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. For this we must be willing to understand and change the root causes that create these challenges in the first place.

The system itself needs to change. But how to do that?This ground-breaking book Changing the Game reveals the missing insights and strategies to actually achieve system change. The authors Lucas Simons and André Nijhof bring decades of re...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Talent Management

A Research Overview

2020 || Hardcover || Anthony McDonnell e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Talent management is a central element of managerial discourse and organisational practice. This short-form book provides a succinct overview on the state of research on talent management. The authors set out the key themes, arguments, trends and future research trajectories of talent management, highlighting major works in the field.

As a research topic with a fragmented body of knowledge, pluralistic perspectives are summarised, while workforce differentiation emerges as a central element. ...

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maandag verzonden

Vrij, Gelijk & Samenleven

Wegwijzer naar een mens- en Aardewaardige samenleving

2022 || Hardcover || Damaris Matthijsen || Santasado

Steeds meer mensen verlangen naar een samenleving en een economie die goed is voor alle mensen en de Aarde. Damaris Matthijsen reikt met dit boek nieuwe ideeën, begrippen en vormen aan voor zo’n wereld: de vrij-gelijk-samenleving. Zij beschrijft een heldere weg uit de systeemcrises en geeft met de Zes Sleutels praktische oefeningen om zelf stappen te zetten, zodat we ons ook echt Vrij, Gelijk én Samen voelen.

Centraal daarin staat de transformatie van ons eigendomsbegrip en de zeggenschap...

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maandag verzonden

Health economics for non-economists

Principles, methods and pitfalls of health economic evaluations

2018 || Hardcover || Lieven Annemans || Pelckmans

Health economics is about making wise investments in health and health care. The purpose of this book is to make readers familiar with the principles, methods and pitfalls of health economic evaluations. These evaluations help to make choices and set priorities in favour of those investments (for prevention, diagnosis, cure or care) that give the greatest return on health for money spent.

The results of these evaluations are increasingly a subject of focus and discussion in scientific journal...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Hospitality Revenue Management

Concepts and Practices

2020 || Hardcover || Peter Szende || Apple Academic Press Inc.

This new textbook, Hospitality Revenue Management: Concepts and Practices, provides a comprehensive, in-depth introduction to the basic concepts and best practices of hospitality revenue management. With a real-world, hands-on approach, the book places students in the role of a revenue manager striving to succeed in an ever-changing hospitality business environment. The book takes a unique multi-author, collaborative approach, with chapters from outstanding industry leaders who share their ex...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Why Trust Matters

An Economist's Guide to the Ties That Bind Us

2021 || Hardcover || Benjamin Ho || Columbia University Press || ook als eBook

Benjamin Ho reveals the surprising importance of trust to how we understand our day-to-day economic lives. Starting with the earliest societies and proceeding through the evolution of the modern economy, he explores its role across an astonishing range of institutions and practices.

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woensdag verzonden

Games and Information / 4th edition

An Introduction to Game Theory

2006 || Hardcover || Eric Rasmusen || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Written in a crisp and approachable style, Games and Information uses simple modeling techniques and straightforward explanations to provide students with an understanding of game theory and information economics. * Written for introductory courses seeking a little rigor.

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Welvaart zonder groei

economie voor een eindige planeet

2010 || Hardcover || Tim Jackson || Samenwerkende Uitgevers VOF

In ons najagen van het goede leven vandaag tasten we het fundament van ons welzijn morgen aan. Steeds nieuwe materiële consumptie is een voorwaarde geworden om ons maatschappelijk te ontplooien. We worden er echter niet gelukkiger van. We verliezen ieder perspectief op een blijvende en gedeelde welvaart.Professor Tim Jackson stelt de noodzaak van economische groei ter discussie én wat het betekent welvarend te zijn. Hij biedt ons alternatieven om vol aan het leven deel te nemen zonder een b...