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Macro-economische ontwikkelingen en bedrijfsomgeving / Druk 9 (e-book)

2022 || E-book via Bookshelf || Ad Marijs e.a. || Noordhoff

Een manager is vergelijkbaar met een piloot die in turbulent weer een vliegtuig op koers moet zien te houden. Daarvoor kan zij of hij allerlei instrumenten op het dashboard gebruiken. Een ondernemer heeft ook een dashboard nodig om een bedrijf door economisch zwaar weer te kunnen loodsen. Kennis van de economische omstandigheden en hun invloed op resultaten van een onderneming, is voor een manager van vitaal belang.

Macro-economische ontwikkelingen en bedrijfsomgeving gaat over de m...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Foundations of Economics, Global Edition

2021 || Paperback || Robin Bade e.a. || Pearson

For principles of economics courses. An engaging, practice-oriented approach to understanding core economic principles Foundations of Economics introduces economic principles students can use to navigate the financial decisions of their futures. Each chapter concentrates on 3 to 4 ideas, with each idea reinforced several times throughout the text. This patient approach helps guide learners through unfamiliar terrain and focuses them on key concepts and skills, like reading and interpreting gr...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

International Economics / 8th Global Edition

2022 || Paperback || James Gerber || Pearson

A principles-­level introduction that’s accessible to students of all majors, International Economics uses real-life applications to cover both the macro and micro components of international economics. The text illuminates economic institutions and policies, as well as recent developments in the global economy, without requiring the use of higher-­level math.

The 8th Edition includes a number of enhancements, such as updated tables and graphs, new case studies and revised discussion of r...

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Revolution in Finance

The driving powers behind real estate

2022 || Paperback || Smets Toreros || QuietFinance

Real estate has become an important asset class next to the more traditional assets such as stocks and bonds. Being one of the main drivers for the 2008 financial crisis, it has now become one of the most lucrative investments for the past decade. But what drives this value?

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Essentials of Economics ISE / 5th edtion

2022 || Paperback || Stanley Brue e.a. || McGraw-Hill

Brue Essentials of Economics, 5th Edition, provides a fresh alternative to the survey course that is both substantive and appropriate for the introductory economics student. Essentials of Economics provides the best elements of McConnell/Brue/Flynn Economics 22nd edition with unique content designed to help students understand and engage with the material in one semester. Brue helps students master the principles essential for understanding the economic problem, specific economic issues, and ...

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morgen verzonden

A Future for Economics

2022 || Paperback || Huigh C. van der Mandele e.a. || VU University Press

The replication crisis is hotly debated in all disciplines across the social sciences. Economics is not an exception. However, economics is different from the other social sciences, due to an exceptionally dominant paradigmatic core and an equally dominant methodological backbone, known as neoclassical economics and econometrics, respectively. In this book, we argue how this double strength can be a double weakness, too. We emphasize that any future for economics will benefit from a reduced d...