Resultaten (4)
Introduction to Food Engineering / 5th Edition
2013 || Hardcover || R.Paul Singh e.a. || Elsevier
Long recognized as the bestselling textbook for teaching food engineering to food science students, this 5e transitions with today's students from traditional textbook learning to integrated presentation of the key concepts of food engineering. Using carefully selected examples, Singh and Heldman demonstrate the relationship of engineering to the chemistry, microbiology, nutrition and processing of foods in a uniquely practical blend. This approach facilitates comprehensive learning that has ...
Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery
2013 || Hardcover || S.Larry Dixon e.a. || Elsevier - Health Sciences Division
Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery is the leading turbomachinery book due to its balanced coverage of theory and application. Starting with background principles in fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, the authors go on to discuss axial flow turbines and compressors, centrifugal pumps, fans, and compressors, and radial flow gas turbines, hydraulic turbines, and wind turbines. In this new edition,more coverage is devoted to modern approaches to analysis and design, including C...
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Martin PBM-5A Mariner / druk 1
tijd heelt de wonden, niet de littekens
2013 || Hardcover || Kees Leebeek e.a. || Uitgeverij Geromy B.V.
Dit boek van oud-marinevlieger en historicus Kees Leebeek is geschreven op basis van authentieke bronnen en interviews met nog in leven zijnde bemanningsleden die dienden in Nederlands Nieuw Guinea in de periode van 1950-1960. De primitieve omstandigheden ter plekke vormden het levensechte decor waarin het loyale en plichtsgetrouwe marinepersoneel onder vaak moeilijke omstandigheden en ver verwijderd van huis en haard met deze grote amfibische vliegboten haar bijdrage leverde aan de verdedigi...
The Essence of Gastronomy
Understanding the Flavor of Foods and Beverages
2013 || Hardcover || Peter Klosse || Taylor & Francis
The Essence of Gastronomy: Understanding the Flavor of Foods and Beverages presents a new comprehensive and unifying theory on flavor, which answers ancient questions and offers new opportunities for solving food-related issues. It presents gastronomy as a holistic concept, focusing not only on the food and its composition but also on the human who eats it. This book defines gastronomy as the science of flavor and tasting, where flavor is a broadly interpreted objective characteristic that re...