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Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Starting Out with Python / 5th Global Edition

2021 || Paperback || Tony Gaddis || Pearson

For courses in Python programming. A clear and student-friendly introduction to the fundamentals of PythonIn Starting Out with Python, 5th Edition, Tony Gaddis' accessible coverage introduces students to the basics of programming in a high-level language. Python, an easy-to-learn and increasingly popular object-oriented language, allows readers to become comfortable with the fundamentals of programming without the troublesome syntax that can be challenging for novices.

With the knowledge acqu...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Objective Proficiency Student's Book without Answers / 2nd edition

2012 || Hardcover || Annette Capel || Cambridge University Press

Objective Proficiency Second edition provides official preparation for the revised 2013 Cambridge English: Proficiency exam, also known as Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE). A variety of challenging, lively topics provide thorough training in exam skills and high-level language development. Each unit contains three double-page lessons ensuring flexibility, even pacing and progress.

Interactive software, downloadable from a URL in the Student's Book, provides activities for practice ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Vehicle Dynamics

2015 || Hardcover || Martin Meywerk || John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Comprehensively covers the fundamentals of vehicle dynamics with application to automotive mechatronics. Presents a number of different design, analysis and implementation considerations related to automobiles, including power requirements, converters, performance, fuel consumption and vehicle dynamic models.Covers the dynamics, modeling and control of not only the entire vehicle system, but also of key elements of the vehicle such as transmissions, and hybrid systems integration. Includes ex...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems / 6th edition

Pearson New International Edition

2013 || Paperback || Theodore Wildi || Pearson || ook als eBook

For courses in Motor Controls, Electric Machines, Power Electronics, and Electric Power. This best-selling text employs a theoretical, practical, multidisciplinary approach to provide introductory students with a broad understanding of modern electric power. The scope of the book reflects the rapid changes that have occurred in power technology over the past few years-allowing the entrance of power electronics into every facet of industrial drives, and expanding the field to open more career ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Fundamentals of General, Organic and Biological Chemistry in SI Units / 8th Edition

2017 || Paperback || John McMurry e.a. || Pearson

For courses in General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Active learning, an increased focus on clinical examples, updates based on current teaching and research findings, and digital innovations designed to engage and personalize students' experience make Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry simply the best choice for students with a future in allied health. With the 8th Edition, the authors make learning chemistry a more active experience through features designed to ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Introductory Digital Signal Processing / 2nd edition

with Computer Applications

1998 || Paperback || Paul A. Lynn e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

"An excellent introductory book" (Review of the First Edition in the International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education) " it will serve as a reference book in this area for a long time" (Review of Revised Edition in Zentralblatt fur Mathematik (Germany)) Firmly established as the essential introductory Digital Signal Processing (DSP) text, this second edition reflects the growing importance of random digital signals and random DSP in the undergraduate syllabus by including two new cha...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Programming Arduino / 3rd edition

Getting Started with Sketches

2023 || Paperback || Simon Monk || McGraw-Hill

An up-to-date guide to Arduino programming-no experience required!This fully updated guide shows, step by step, how to quickly and easily program all Arduino models using its modified C language and the Arduino IDE. You will learn how to configure hardware and software, write your own sketches, work with built-in and custom Arduino libraries, and develop apps for the Internet of Things. This edition features new coverage of using Arduino as a framework for programming other popular boards.Ele...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 12,83

Leerlingen met een specifieke hulpvraag

achtergronden van en tips voor de omgang met

2024 || Hardcover || Pyt Nauta e.a. || Nauta en Giesing

Leerlingen met specifieke hulpvragen in het onderwijs nemen in aantal en complexiteit toe. Het is voor de leerkracht vaak moeilijk om bij de diagnostiek rond leer- en gedragsproblematiek juist in te schatten wat hij of zij met de hulpvragen van de leerlingen moet doen. Dit boek wil de leerkrachten ondersteunen in deze problematiek. Een handig en praktisch boek dat de leerkrachten in zowel het basis- als voortgezet onderwijs handvatten biedt om op een adequate wijze met hulpvragen van leerling...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Modern Social Work Theory / 5th edition

2020 || Paperback || Malcolm Payne || Bloomsbury Publishing

Now in its fifth edition, this international best-selling textbook is a classic in its field. Written by one of the leading names in social work, it provides a comprehensive and critical overview of the main practice theories that will act as a companion for students throughout their course and their career as a practitioner. In this substantially reworked and updated edition of his best-selling text, Malcolm Payne presents clear and concise evaluations of the pros and cons of major theories ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems / 8th Global edition

2019 || Paperback || Gene F. Franklin e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

For courses in electrical & computing engineering. Feedback control fundamentals with context, case studies, and a focus on design Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 8th Edition, covers the material that every engineer needs to know about feedback control-including concepts like stability, tracking, and robustness. Each chapter presents the fundamentals along with comprehensive, worked-out examples, all within a real-world context and with historical background provided.

The text is devoted...