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Studieboeken (141)
Lesboek Basale Reanimatie BLS
2021 || Paperback || Wiebe de Vries || Nederlandse Reanimatieraad
Het lesboek is samengesteld volgens de nieuwste inzichten in de basale reanimatie en het leren van vaardigheden. De inhoud is beknopt om u doelgericht te helpen de juiste handelingen te begrijpen en op de goede manier uit te voeren. U bent daarna voorbereid op de situatie waarin u door direct met reanimeren te beginnen een goed leven kan behouden.
Dit lesboek is bedoeld als hulpmiddel om de reanimatievaardigheden te leren.Met dit lesboek leert u, onder begeleiding van een door de NRR gecertif...
Handbook of Regression Modeling in People Analytics
With Examples in R and Python
2021 || Hardcover || Keith McNulty || Taylor & Francis
Despite the recent rapid growth in machine learning and predictive analytics, many of the statistical questions that are faced by researchers and practitioners still involve explaining why something is happening. Regression analysis is the best ‘swiss army knife’ we have for answering these kinds of questions.
This book is a learning resource on inferential statistics and regression analysis. It teaches how to do a wide range of statistical analyses in both R and in Python, ranging from s...
Music Law in the Digital Age / 3rd Edition
Copyright Essentials for Today's Music Business: Copyright Essentials for Today's Music Business
2022 || Paperback || Allen Bargfrede || Berklee Press Publications
Learn copyright essentials in order to succeed in today’s music industry.
With the free-form exchange of music files and musical ideas online, understanding copyright laws has become essential to career success in the new music marketplace. This cutting-edge, plain-language guide shows you how copyright law drives the contemporary music industry.
By looking at the law and its recent history, you will understand the new issues introduced by the digital age, as well as continuing issues of tr...
Procestechniek deel 2 voor Operator C
2021 || Paperback || Corporatie || VAPRO B.V.
Dit theorieboek geeft een beeld van procestechniek waar operators mee te maken krijgen. Onderwerpen die aan de orde komen zijn:
- Destillatie en rectificatie.
- Drogen en bevochtigen.
- Extractie.
- Bezinken.
- Filtratie.
- Reactorkunde.
- Absorptie.
Enlivening Instruction with Drama and Improv
A Guide for Second Language and World Language Teachers
2021 || Hardcover || Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This engaging and complete resource has everything you need to bring drama and theatre techniques into the ESL, EFL, or World Language Classroom. Are your students reluctant to speak out in class? Do they lack confidence in their language skills? The dynamic drama games in this book are the perfect catalyst to transform your students into engaged learners, and help them build confidence and language skills. The interactive theatre games and techniques are specifically designed for use in Seco...
Marketing 5.0
Technology for Humanity
2021 || Hardcover || Philip Kotler e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Rediscover the fundamentals of marketing from the best in the business
In Marketing 5.0, the celebrated promoter of the "Four P's of Marketing," Philip Kotler, explains how marketers can use technology to address customers' needs and make a difference in the world.
In a new age when marketers are struggling with the digital transformation of business and the changing behavior of customers, this book provides marketers with a way to integrate technological and business model evolution with the...
Drug Discovery and Development / 3rd Edition
Technology in Transition
2021 || Paperback || Professor Raymond G Hill e.a. || Elsevier
Essential insight into drug development and the pharmaceutical industry With unprecedented interest in the power that the modern therapeutic armamentarium has to combat disease, the new edition of Drug Discovery and Development is an essential resource for anyone interested in understanding how drugs and other therapeutic interventions are discovered and developed, through to clinical research, registration, and market access. The text has been thoroughly updated, with new information on biop...
Anatomie en Fysiologie in gezondheid en ziekte / Druk 13
2021 || Paperback || Anne Waugh || Elsevier || ook als eBook
De nieuwste editie van 's werelds meest populaire inleiding tot de menselijke anatomie en fysiologie in gezondheid en ziekte!
De nieuwe editie van de buitengewoon succesvolle Ross & Wilson Anatomie en Fysiologie in Gezondheid en Ziekte biedt opnieuw de belangrijkste elementen van de menselijke biologie, weergegeven op een duidelijke en eenvoudige manier. Het boek is nu volledig herzien en heeft verbeterde leeronderdelen en nieuw getekende illustraties - ontwikkeld door het team van Gray's
Content Inc. / 2nd Edition
Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with Little to No Money)
2022 || Hardcover || Joe Pulizzi || McGraw-Hill
Updated for the post-COVID economy! The proven low-risk, cost-effective way to launch a successful business Today's markets are getting more and more dynamic, and customers are increasingly fickle. Meanwhile the COVID-driven economic crash has made mitigating financial risk more important than ever. From one of today's leading experts in content marketing, Content Inc.
is the go-to guide to building a solid small-business by establishing a loyal audience before you sell any products or servic...
2023 || Paperback || Alo Allkemper e.a. || UTB
Eine Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft, die allen Ansprüchen der BA/MA-Studiengänge entspricht. Geballtes Basiswissen, kompakt und dennoch leicht verständlich:
- didaktisch aufgebaut
- modular strukturiert
- Literaturwissenschaft und Literaturgeschichte in einem Band
utb basics Lehrbücher mit einem klaren Konzept:
- Merksätze und Definitionen erleichtern das Behalten des Stoffes
- Testfragen fördern das Verständnis
- ideal für die Prüfungsvorbereitung