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Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 43,70

Technology for SEND in Primary Schools

A guide for best practice

2018 || Paperback || Caldwell || SAGE

This book offers clear guidance on how to implement an inclusive approach to the use of technology across a broad range of needs and curriculum themes, linking practical examples with discussion of pedagogical considerations.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Integrated Chinese Level 4 / 4th edition

Workbook (Simplified characters)

2018 || Paperback || Yuehua Liu e.a. || Cheng & Tsui Company

Integrated Chinese is an acclaimed Mandarin Chinese language course that delivers a cohesive system of print and digital resources for highly effective teaching and learning. First published in 1997 and now in its 4th Edition, it has become the leading Chinese language textbook series in the United States and beyond. The Workbook of this time-tested series has been fully revised to align with the needs of today’s learners: The core language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writin...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Step by Step to College and Career Success

2018 || Paperback || John Gardner e.a. || Macmillan

Do you want a compact college success book with robust technology coverage? This brief title focuses on the most crucial skills and the most important choices students make in order to succeed in college and beyond.This is an ideal text for students taking first-year experience courses and freshman seminar courses.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Attending: Medicine, Mindfulness, and Humanity

2018 || Paperback || Ronald Epstein || Simon & Schuster

With his "deeply informed and compassionate book...Dr. Epstein tells us that it is a 'moral imperative' [for doctors] to do right by their patients" (New York Journal of Books). The first book for the general public about the importance of mindfulness in medical practice, Attending is a groundbreaking, intimate exploration of how doctors approach their work with patients.

From his early days as a Harvard Medical School student, Epstein saw what made good doctors great-more accurate diagnoses,...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Ethics of Ambiguity

2018 || Paperback || Simone de Beauvoir || Open Road Media

In this classic introduction to existentialist thought, French philosopher Simone de Beauvoir’s The Ethics of Ambiguity simultaneously pays homage to and grapples with her French contemporaries, philosophers Jean-Paul Sartre and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, by arguing that the freedoms in existentialism carry with them certain ethical responsibilities. De Beauvoir outlines a series of “ways of being” (the adventurer, the passionate person, the lover, the artist, and the intellectual), each of wh...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Integrated Chinese Level 4

Textbook Simplified and traditional characters: Textbook 4

2018 || Paperback || Yuehua Liu e.a. || Cheng & Tsui Company

Integrated Chinese is an acclaimed Mandarin Chinese language course that delivers a cohesive system of print and digital resources for highly effective teaching and learning. First published in 1997 and now in its 4th Edition, it has become the leading Chinese language textbook series in the United States and beyond. In Volumes 3 and 4, both traditional and simplified characters are included on the same page. This time-tested series has been fully revised to align with the needs of today’s ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Primer of Diagnostic Imaging

Expert Consult - Online and Print

2018 || Paperback || Mukesh Harisinghani e.a. || Elsevier

Widely known as THE survival guide for radiology residents, fellows, and junior faculty, the "purple book" provides comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of diagnostic imaging in an easy-to-read, bulleted format. Focusing on the core information you need for learning and practice, this portable resource combines the full range of diagnostic imaging applications with the latest imaging modalities, making it the perfect clinical companion and review tool. Features more than 1,200 detailed illustra...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis / 3rd edition

A Book of Lists

2018 || Paperback || North Carolina.) Brevard DABVP(Canine and Feline) (Brevard Animal Hospital DVM Mark Thompson || Elsevier

Get instant access to the critical data you need to make accurate diagnoses and effectively plan treatment. Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis, 3rd Edition combines over 400 expert resources and boils them down into one easy-to-use reference covering the differential diagnosis, etiology, clinical signs, and relevant laboratory abnormalities of the most common conditions you will encounter in dogs and cats. And because of its pocket size and intuitive organization, you can have it on ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

An Introduction to Service Design

Designing the Invisible

2018 || Paperback || Lara Penin || Bloomsbury Publishing

A comprehensive introduction to designing services according to the needs of the customer or participants, this book addresses a new and emerging field of design and the disciplines that feed and result from it. Despite its intrinsic multidisciplinarity, service design is a new specialization of design in its own right. Responding to the challenges of and providing holisitic, creative and innovative solutions to increasingly complex contemporary societies, service design now represents an int...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Phonetik im Fach Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache

Unter Berücksichtigung des Verhältnisses von Orthografie und Phonetik

2018 || Paperback || Ursula Hirschfeld e.a. || Erich Schmidt Verlag

Dieses Lehrbuch wendet sich an Lehrende und Studierende von Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache in Deutschland und in aller Welt. Es behandelt in verständlicher, anschaulicher und anregender Darstellung für DaF/DaZ relevante Aspekte der Phonologie und Phonetik im Zusammenhang mit der Orthografie. Es informiert über den aktuellen Forschungsstand und vermittelt einen bibliographischen Überblick.

Es werden zunächst die fachlichen Grundlagen zu Phonologie, Phonetik, Normen und Varianten der ...