Studieboeken (33)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Arbeitsbuch - Studio Express Kompaktkurs Deutsch A1 A2 B1

2017 || Paperback || Hermann Funk e.a. || Cornelsen Verlag

Deutsch als Fremdsprache für lerngeübte Erwachsene ab 16 Jahren

Studio [express]

- der Kompaktkurs der erfolgreichen Lehrwerkreihe

Studio [21]

richtet sich an lerngewohnte erwachsene Deutschlernende. Er eignet sich für Intensivkurse, die im In- und Ausland auf Studium und Beruf in den deutschsprachigen Ländern vorbereiten und ist zugelassen vom BAMF (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge).

Grundprinzipien von

Studio [express]:

- Aufgaben- und Kompetenzorientierung

- integriertes H...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Business Student's Guide to Sustainable Management

Principles and Practice

2017 || Paperback || Petra Molthan-Hill || Taylor & Francis

The Business Student's Guide to Sustainable Management has become a core textbook for business undergraduates. With a full introduction to sustainable management, the textbook covers all subject areas relevant to business students. This second edition features fully updated chapters on how to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals into accounting, marketing, HR and other subjects in management and business studies.

Furthermore, this second edition offers brand new chapters on how to teac...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Nanotechnology for Microelectronics and Photonics / 2nd edition

2017 || Hardcover || Jose Martinez-Duart e.a. || Elsevier - Health Science Division

Nanotechnology for Microelectronics and Photonics, Second Edition has been thoroughly revised, expanded, and updated. The aim of the book is to present the most recent advances in the field of nanomaterials, as well as the devices being developed for novel nanoelectronics and nanophotonic systems. It covers the many novel nanoscale applications in microelectronics and photonics that have been developed in recent years.

Looking to the future, the book suggests what other applications are curre...