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Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Health Behavior Change / 1st edition

Theories, Methods and Interventions

2017 || Paperback || Andrew Prestwich e.a. || Taylor & Francis

We live in an era where people live longer but also suffer from more chronic illnesses. Yet these two issues present not only significant challenges to healthcare professionals, but also governments seeking cost-effective ways to manage their health and social care budgets. Encouraging people to live healthier lifestyles is, therefore, a fundamental issue for both those at risk as well as for society as a whole.

This is the first textbook to present not only the theoretical foundations that e...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 42,17

Nonmarket Strategic Management

2017 || Paperback || Cosmina Lelia Voinea e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Strategic management has traditionally concerned itself with delivering objectives based on an assessment of resources and the market environment. However, there are many actors considered outside the firm that inevitably shape the dynamics within the market. Nonmarket strategies entail social, political, and legal arrangements that reinforce or enable market strategies, providing a comprehensive approach to improving performance and gaining a competitive advantage.

This book introduces nonma...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Port Economics

2017 || Paperback || Wayne K. Talley || Taylor & Francis

Port Economics is the study of the economic decisions (and their consequences) of the users and providers of port services. A port works as an "engine" for economic development. This book provides a detailed discussion of port freight service users, such as freight water and land carriers, that have their ships and vehicles serviced and their cargoes unloaded by ports, as well as passenger services such as ferry carriers which are serviced by ferry passenger ports.

This text continues to enha...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Human Sectional Anatomy / 4th edition

Pocket atlas of body sections, CT and MRI images

2017 || Paperback || Adrian Kendal Dixon e.a. || Taylor & Francis

First published in 1991, Human Sectional Anatomy set new standards for the quality of cadaver sections and accompanying radiological images. Now in its fourth edition, this unsurpassed quality remains and is further enhanced by the addition of new material. The superb full-colour cadaver sections are compared with CT and MRI images, with accompanying, labelled, line diagrams.

Many of the radiological images have been replaced with new examples for this latest edition, captured using the most ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Clinical Microbiology / 2nd Edition

2017 || Paperback || J. Keith Struthers || Taylor & Francis

This concise, beautifully illustrated book provides a convenient introduction to the basic science of medical microbiology and how this relates to clinical practice. Expanded from the prize-winning first edition to cover virology and parasitology in addition to bacteriology, this second editions explains the essentials of microbial infection and continues to provide a sound basis for developing logical diagnostic and management strategies, including the critical area of antibiotic usage. Sect...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Cybersecurity for Beginners

2017 || Paperback || Raef Meeuwisse || Cyber Simplicity Ltd

This book provides an easy insight into the essentials of cybersecurity, even if you have a non-technical background. You may be a business person keen to understand this important subject area or an information security specialist looking to update your knowledge.

‘The world has changed more in the past 10 years than in any 10 year period in human history... Technology is no longer a peripheral servant, it shapes our daily lives. Companies that can use technology wisely and well are boomin...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 21,80


2017 || Paperback || mr. N.F. Bruinsma || AcademicStore

In dit deel Verbintenissenrecht worden de hoofdlijnen van het verbintenissenrecht beschreven.

Voor wie?

Dit boek (titel) is bestemd voor alle belangstellenden, maar is op de eerste plaats afgestemd op alle studenten binnen het vakgebied (titel in kleine letters) in hun rechtenstudie aan de universiteit of hbo.

Ook voor juristen, zoals advocaten en notarissen, is dit een bruikbaar praktisch boek.


Snel, slim en effectief voorbereid op je tentamen en colleges.

In heldere taal een overzi...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 26,60

Omgaan met sociale complexiteit / Druk 2

professionals in het sociale domein

2017 || Paperback || Hans van Ewijk || SWP

Sociale complexiteit vraagt veel van mensen, zeker als de claims vanuit de samenleving, het beleid, de burgers ook nog eens veeleisender worden. Niet ieder mens vindt zijn weg in een wereld waar het aankomt om zichzelf te positioneren en makkelijk te verbinden. Sociale kwetsbaarheid is een sluipend, toenemend probleem van onze tijd. Onze systemen en aanpakken zijn vaak nog te veel gericht op emancipatie, gelijkheid en landelijke aanpakken.

Sociale professionals zoals maatschappelijk werkers,...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Implementing the Expressive Therapies Continuum

A Guide for Clinical Practice

2017 || Paperback || Sandra Graves-Alcorn e.a. || Taylor & Francis || ook als eBook

Implementing the Expressive Therapies Continuum aims to explore the use of the Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC) in the form of specific expressive therapy initiatives intended to be used in both educational and professional settings.

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

New Sogang Korean 2B Workbook

2017 || Paperback || Korean Book Services

This new Sogang Korean series is an updated version of its predecessor with the following changes:

- new Grammar textbook

- Information on social and cultural context updated and modernized

- New illustrations and more effective layout

- Complete guide for Korean language learning, covering grammar, reading, speaking, listening and writing


The objective of this book is to assist readers to improve their communication skills in the Korean language. The format of the textbook and t...