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Studieboeken (46)
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Geosystems / 9th Global edition
An Introduction to Physical Geography
2014 || Paperback || Robert Christopherson e.a. || Pearson
For Introductory Physical Geography Courses Among the most highly regarded in physical geography, Robert Christopherson's bestselling texts are known for their meticulous attention to detail, currency, accuracy, and rich integration of climate change science. Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 9th Edition is uniquely organised to present Earth systems topics as they naturally occur: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. This interconnected and organic systems-bas...
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2014 || Paperback || William Shakespeare || Cambridge University Press
An improved, larger-format edition of the Cambridge School Shakespeare plays, extensively rewritten, expanded and produced in an attractive new design. An active approach to classroom Shakespeare enables students to inhabit Shakespeare's imaginative world in accessible and creative ways. Students are encouraged to share Shakespeare's love of language, interest in character and sense of theatre.Substantially revised and extended in full colour, classroom activities are thematically organised i...
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Value Proposition Design
How to Create Products and Services Customers Want
2014 || Paperback || A Osterwalder || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The authors of the international bestseller "Business Model Generation" explain how to create value propositions customers can't resist "Value Proposition Design" helps you tackle a core challenge of every business -- creating compelling products and services customers want to buy. This practical book, paired with its online companion, will teach you the processes and tools you need to succeed. Using the same stunning visual format as the authors' global bestseller, Business Model Generation,...
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Twelfth Night
2014 || Paperback || William Shakespeare || Cambridge University Press
An improved, larger-format edition of the Cambridge School Shakespeare plays, extensively rewritten, expanded and produced in an attractive new design. An active approach to classroom Shakespeare enables students to inhabit Shakespeare's imaginative world in accessible and creative ways. Students are encouraged to share Shakespeare's love of language, interest in character and sense of theatre.
Substantially revised and extended in full colour, classroom activities are thematically organised ...
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ProActive Nursing: klinisch redeneren in zes stappen / Druk 2
2014 || Paperback || Marc Bakker e.a. || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar
Een goede verpleegkundige reageert adequaat en efficiënt op problemen van patiënten. ProActive Nursing helpt situaties te overzien, te analyseren, te onderzoeken, aan te pakken en te bewaken. Zo kan de zorg en de veiligheid worden verbeterd door eerder de juiste acties te starten, en zo problemen te voorzien en te voorkomen.
Dit eerste boek van de ProActive Nursing-reeks bestaat uit twee delen. In het eerste deel wordt de zes-stappenmethode van het klinisch redeneren voor verpleegkundigen b...
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Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds / 8th edition
2014 || Paperback || Robert M. Silverstein e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
First published over 40 years ago, this was the first text on the identification of organic compounds using spectroscopy. This text is now considered to be a classic. This text presents a unified approach to the structure determination of organic compounds based largely on mass spectrometry, infrared (IR) spectroscopy, and multinuclear and multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
The key strength of this text is the extensive set of practice and real-data problems (in C...
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A Midsummer Night's Dream
2014 || Paperback || William Shakespeare || Cambridge University Press
An improved, larger-format edition of the Cambridge School Shakespeare plays, extensively rewritten, expanded and produced in an attractive new design. An active approach to classroom Shakespeare enables students to inhabit Shakespeare's imaginative world in accessible and creative ways. Students are encouraged to share Shakespeare's love of language, interest in character and sense of theatre.
Substantially revised and extended in full colour, classroom activities are thematically organised ...
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Situationeel leiderschap ll en de One Minute Manager / Druk 24
help je medewerkers zichzelf te ontwikkelen en vergroot je effectiviteit
2014 || Paperback || Ken Blanchard e.a. || Atlas Contact || met inkijkexemplaar
Een ondernemer komt bij de One Minute Manager met een probleem: ze heeft het gevoel dat ze alles zelf moet doen en niets aan haar medewerkers over kan laten. De One Minute Manager helpt haar inzien dat je met Situationeel Leiderschap II je leiderschapsstijl aan kunt passen aan wat een werknemer op dat moment nodig heeft en hoe je deze technieken kunt gebruiken om je werknemers te motiveren en uit te dagen. Zo word je een flexibele en succesvolle leidinggevende.
Situationeel Leiderschap II en ...
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Don't Make Me Think, Revisited / 3rd edition
A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
2014 || Paperback || Steve Krug || Pearson || ook als eBook
Since it was first published in 2000, hundreds of thousands of Web designers and developers have relied on usability guru Steve Krug's guide to understand the principles of intuitive navigation and information design. Witty, commonsensical, and eminently practical, it's one of the best loved and most recommended books on the subject. It's a core foundational book that every Web designer must internalise to make their designs truly effective.
In this substantially revised edition, Steve return...
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Poetique des Textes
2014 || Paperback || Jean Milly || SIDE
Si tous les écrivains ne sont pas des passionnés du dictionnaire ni des ouvrages de rhétorique, ils suivent tous des procédés et des règles qui sont hérités de modèles et d'usages propres à chaque genre. Leurs ouvrages sont construits selon un certain nombre de formes générales comme la chronologie, les personnages d'un récit qu'ils adaptent à leur manière. Le but de cet ouvrage est de décrire ces formes car leur connaissance conditionne une compréhension en profondeur des te...