
Paperback (185)
Hardcover (51)

Studieboeken (238)

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Photography Theory in Historical Perspective / 1st edition

2011 || Paperback || Hilde Van Gelder e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Photography Theory in Historical Perspective aims to contribute to the understanding of the multifaceted and complex character of the photographic medium by dealing with various case studies selected from photographic practices in contemporary art, discussed in the context of views and theories of photography from its inception.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Security Governance of Regional Organizations

2011 || Emil J. Kirchner e.a. || Taylor & Francis

The Security Governance of Regional Organizations assesses the effectiveness of regional organizations as regional or global security providers, and examines how policy preferences, resources, capabilities, institutional mechanisms and economic and political cohesion link with collective action behaviour in four security policy functions. It investigates how regional organizations meet the new security threats or respond to strategic geopolitical changes and what adaptations they make in the ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Acoustics and Noise Control / 3rd edition

2011 || Paperback || R.J. Peters e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Acoustics and Noise Control provides a detailed and comprehensive introduction to the principles and practice of acoustics and noise control. Since the last edition was published in 1996 there have been many changes and additions to standards, laws and regulations, codes of practice relating to noise, and in noise measurement techniques and noise control technology so this new edition has been fully revised and updated throughout. The book assumes no previous knowledge of the subject and requ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Beowulf and Other Stories / 2nd edition

A New Introduction to Old English, Old Icelandic and Anglo-Norman Literatures

2011 || Paperback || Joe Allard e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Beowulf & Other Stories was first conceived in the belief that the study of Old English - and its close cousins, Old Icelandic and Anglo-Norman - can be a genuine delight, covering a period as replete with wonder, creativity and magic as any other in literature.

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Tyldesley and Grieve's Muscles, Nerves and Movement in Human Occupation / 4th edition

2011 || Paperback || Ian Mcmillan e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Now in its fourth edition 'Tyldesley and Grieve's Muscles, Nerves and Movement' has established itself as the leading textbook for the study of movement by occupational therapists. The book provides students with a sound understanding of the way in which bones, joints, muscles and nerves allow the body to perform movement during daily activities. Early chapters provide a foundation for the study of movement, with the complexity of detail increasing as the book progresses.

Functional anatomy i...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy

2011 || Paperback || Bryan W. Van Norden || Hackett Publishing Co, Inc

This book is an introduction in the very best sense of the word. It provides the beginner with an accurate, sophisticated, yet accessible account, and offers new insights and challenging perspectives to those who have more specialized knowledge. Focusing on the period in Chinese philosophy that is surely most easily approachable and perhaps is most important, it ranges over of rich set of competing options.

It also, with admirable self-consciousness, presents a number of daring attempts to re...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Filmanalyse 2

Literaturverfilmungen in der Schulpraxis

2011 || Paperback || Stefan Volk || Schoeningh Verlag

Für die praktische Unterrichtsarbeit mit Film im Allgemeinen und Literaturverfilmungen im Besonderen haben sich die theoretischen Grundlagen des Bandes Filmanalyse im Unterricht - Zur Theorie und Praxis von Literaturverfilmungen, Best.-Nr. 022264 in den letzten Jahren als äußerst nützlich erwiesen.

Die Filmanalyse im Unterricht II knüpft daran an, kann jedoch auch ohne vorherige Lektüre des Grundlagenbandes verwendet werden. Hilfreich ist hierfür das aus dem ersten Band übernommene Gl...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Geschichte der deutschen Literatur in Beispielen.

Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart

2011 || Paperback || Madeleine Chapsal

Epocheneinführungen, Texte, Arbeitsanregungen, bibliographische Hinweise

Die Geschichte der deutschen Literatur in Beispielen ist eine nach Epochen gegliederte didaktisierte Materialsammlung exemplarischer literarischer Texte mit einer grundlegenden Epocheneinführung zu Beginn eines jeden Kapitels.

Alle drei Grundformen der Dichtung werden gleichermaßen berücksichtigt und solche literarischen Texte in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung gerückt, die nicht nur für die Epoche, sondern auch fÃ...