
Paperback (181)
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Studieboeken (220)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations / 7th edition

2010 || Hardcover || Thomas M. Devlin || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

This book presents a clear and precise discussion of the biochemistry of eukaryotic cells, particularly those of mammalian tissues, relates biochemical events at a cellular level to the subsequent physiological processes in the whole animal, and cites examples of abnormal biochemical processes in human disease.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Distributions Theory & Applications

Theory and Applications

2010 || Hardcover || J.J. Duistermaat e.a. || Birkhauser Boston Inc

I am sure that something must be found. There must exist a notion of generalized functions which are to functions what the real numbers are to the rationals (G. Peano, 1912) Not that much effort is needed, for it is such a smooth and simple theory (F.

Tre`ves, 1975) In undergraduate physics a lecturer will be tempted to say on certain occasions: “Let ?. x/ be a function on the line that equals 0 away from 0 and is in?nite at 0 in such a way that its total integral is 1. The most important p...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

General Pathology for Veterinary Nurses

2010 || Paperback || N Mymms Harriet Brooks || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

A good understanding of pathology will turn a competent veterinary nurse into an outstanding one. Harriet Brooks. This is one of the first books on general pathology designed specifically for veterinary nurses and veterinary nursing students.

Pathology underpins all you do as a veterinary nurse. Knowledge of the general pathological processes will give you a deeper understanding of every aspect of an animal's health. Building on your prior knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, th...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen


Designing Great iPhone Apps

2010 || Paperback || Josh Clark || O'Reilly

So you've got an idea for an iPhone app - along with everyone else on the planet. Set your app apart with elegant design, efficient usability, and a healthy dollop of personality. "Best iPhone App Design" takes you from concept to polished interface design with plain-spoken principles and a rich collection of visual examples for designing exceptional interfaces for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Witty, down-to-earth, and irreverent, this guide is for everyone involved in the app design process: d...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

EinFach Deutsch

Emilia Galotti: Ein Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen.

2010 || Paperback || Martin Heider || Schöningh Verlag

Zu dieser Textausgabe ist folgendes Unterrichtsmodell erschienen: Schöningh, Bestell-Nr.: 022279

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

An Introduction to Forensic Genetics / 2nd edition

2010 || Paperback || William (University of Central Lancashire) Goodwin e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

This is a completely revised edition of a comprehensive and popular introduction to the fast moving area of Forensic Genetics. The text begins with key concepts needed to fully appreciate the subject and moves on to examine the latest developments in the field. Now illustrated in full colour throughout, this accessible textbook includes numerous references to relevant casework.

With information on the full process of DNA evidence from collection at the scene of a crime to presentation in a le...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Elements of Evolutionary Genetics

2010 || Hardcover || Brian Charlesworth e.a. || Macmillan

Evolutionary genetics considers the causes of evolutionary change and the nature of variability in evolution. The methods of evolutionary genetics are critically important for the analysis and interpretation of the massive datasets on DNA sequence variation and evolution that are becoming available, as well for our understanding of evolution in general. This book shows readers how models of the genetic processes involved in evolution are made (including natural selection, migration, mutation,...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

New Practical Chinese Reader 1 Workbook / 2nd edition

2010 || Paperback || Liu Xun || Beijing Language & Culture University Press

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 23,74

Stap voor stap / Druk 1

Hoe stimuleer je de motorische ontwikkeling van je kind?

2010 || Paperback || Liesbeth Verhoeven || Uitgeverij Lannoo

Een ideale handleiding om je kind op een aangename en speelse manier groot te brengen.Heel wat kinderen kampen met een motorische achterstand, zo blijkt uit recent wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Liefst één op de drie kleuters blijkt bijzonder zwak te presteren. Geen wonder: stoepen en straten zijn te druk of onveilig geworden om er te spelen. Hoepels, springtouwen, ballen en ander 'beweeglijk' speelgoed zijn ingeruild voor computerspelletjes en het internet. Nochtans is het erg belangrijk dat ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Washington Square

2010 || Paperback || Henry James || Oxford University Press

Catherine Sloper is heiress to a fortune and is easily overwhelmed by the attentions of a handsome but penniless suitor. Her clever father is implacably opposed to the match, and the scene for a classic confrontation is set. This new edition of James's most enduringly popular work offers more information than any previous edition.