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Studieboeken (171)
Design-Driven Innovation / 1st Edition
2009 || Hardcover || Roberto Verganti || Harvard Business School
Until now, the literature on innovation has focused either on radical innovation pushed by technology or incremental innovation pulled by the market. In Design-Driven Innovation: How to Compete by Radically Innovating the Meaning of Products, Roberto Verganti introduces a third strategy, a radical shift in perspective that introduces a bold new way of competing. Design-driven innovations do not come from the market; they create new markets.
They don't push new technologies; they push new mean...
Modern Japan
A Very Short Introduction
2009 || Paperback || Christopher Goto-Jones || Oxford University Press
Japan is arguably today's most successful industrial economy, combining almost unprecedented affluence with social stability and apparent harmony. Japanese goods and cultural products are consumed all over the world, ranging from animated movies and computer games all the way through to cars, semiconductors, and management techniques. In many ways, Japan is an icon of the modern world, and yet it remains something of an enigma to many, who see it as a confusing montage of the alien and the fa...
Am I The Only Sane One Working Here?
101 Solutions for Surviving Office Insanity
2009 || Paperback || Albert Bernstein || McGraw-Hill
the most comprehensive guide I have ever read for solving any conceivable trying scenario!"--Julie Jansen, bestselling author of You Want Me to Work with Who? and I Don't Know What I Want, but I Know It's Not This You can't stop office madness, but you can stop the madness from getting to you.Gossipy coworkers, unmanageable managers, and cranky clients have got you pulling your hair out and gnawing your nails down to nubs. From teammates who drop the ball on deadlines to corporate bullies who...
Well Completion Design
2009 || Hardcover || Jonathan Bellarby || Elsevier
Completions are the conduit between hydrocarbon reservoirs and surface facilities. They are a fundamental part of any hydrocarbon field development project. This book covers offshore, subsea, and landbased completions in various major hydrocarbon basins of the world.
Composite Materials Fabrication Handbook
2009 || John Wanberg || Wolfgang Publications
While most books on composites approach the subject from a very technical standpoint, this book presents practical, hands-on information about these versatile materials. From explanations of what a composite is to demonstrations on how to actually utilize them in various projects, this book provides a simple, concise perspective on molding and finishing techniques to empower even the most apprehensive beginner. Topics include: what is a composite, why use composites, general composite types, ...
Introduction to Coordination Chemistry
2009 || Hardcover || Geoffrey Alan Lawrance || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
At the heart of coordination chemistry lies the coordinate bond, in its simplest sense arising from donation of a pair of electrons from a donor atom to an empty orbital on a central metalloid or metal. Metals overwhelmingly exist as their cations, but these are rarely met ‘naked’ – they are clothed in an array of other atoms, molecules or ions that involve coordinate covalent bonds (hence the name coordination compounds). These metal ion complexes are ubiquitous in nature, and are cent...
Challenge Of Change / 2nd revised edition
Start School Improvement Now!
2009 || Paperback || Michael Fullan || SAGE Publications
The Challenge of Change is everyones favorite phrase these days. And for good reason. Never has the need been greater in education for reform that results in both individual and societal benefits." —From the Introduction A cohesive, multi-level approach for sustainable educational reform!With practical insights and critical analysis, this completely revised edition of The Challenge of School Change sheds new light on the widely discussed topic of school change and analyzes the concept ...
The Automotive Chassis
Volume 1: Components Design
2008 || Hardcover || G.Genta e.a. || Springer-Verlag New York
The aim of the book is to be a reference book in automotive technology, as far as automotive chassis (i.e. everything that is inside a vehicle except the engine and the body) is concerned. The book is a result of a decade of work heavily sponsored by the FIAT group (who supplied material, together with other automotive companies, and sponsored the work).
The first volume deals with the design of automotive components and the second volume treats the various aspects of the design of a vehicle ...
Designing Web Interfaces
2009 || Paperback || Bill Scott || O'Reilly
Want to learn how to create great user experiences on today's Web? In this book, UI experts Bill Scott and Theresa Neil present more than 75 design patterns for building web interfaces that provide rich interaction. Distilled from the authors' years of experience at Sabre, Yahoo!, and Netflix, these best practices are grouped into six key principles to help you take advantage of the web technologies available today. With an entire section devoted to each design principle, Designing Web Interf...
The Art of Deception
Controlling the Human Element of Security
2009 || Paperback || Kevin D. Mitnick e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The world's most infamous hacker offers an insider's view of the low-tech threats to high-tech security. Kevin Mitnick's exploits as a cyber-desperado and fugitive form one of the most exhaustive FBI manhunts in history and have spawned dozens of articles, books, films, and documentaries. Since his release from federal prison, in 1998, Mitnick has turned his life around and established himself as one of the most sought-after computer security experts worldwide.
Now, in "The Art of Deception",...