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Studieboeken (117)
vandaag verzonden
Business Benchmark Advanced Student's Book - BEC Edition
2007 || Paperback || Guy Brook-Hart || Cambridge University Press
Business Benchmark helps students get ahead with their Business English vocabulary and skills and gives them grammar practice in business contexts. This course book provides advanced-level students with essential business language and vocabulary, and provides training and practice for the BEC Higher exam, using real BEC exam tasks provided by Cambridge ESOL. Self-study Books, Teacher's Resource Books and Audio CDs (2) are also available.
vandaag verzonden
Civilisation en dialogues - niveau débutant
2007 || Paperback || Grand-Clément || CLE International
La civilisation en dialogues s'adresse à un public d'adolescents et d'adultes ayant suivi une cinquantaine d'heures de cours.
Cet ouvrage a pour objectif de sensibiliser les utilisateurs au mode de vie à la française, aux valeurs et aux références partagées des Français, aux grands principes fondateurs de leur pays. Il conduit l'apprenant à un travail d'observation et de réflexion sur sa propre culture et la culture française. L'ouvrage propose, à travers un ensemble de dialogues s...
vandaag verzonden
Dynamisch begeleiden / druk 1
in supervisie en coaching
2007 || Paperback || F. van Gorkum || Boom
De auteur wil met zijn boek een bijdrage leveren aan de kwalitatieve ontwikkeling binnen supervisie. Hij gaat in op weerstand en wrijving in de begeleiding en laat zien hoe het mogelijk is om slechte patronen te doorbreken. Ook behandelt de auteur de transparantie van de begeleider en toont hij aan dat de begeleider door transparant te zijn heel dicht bij zichzelf en de lerende kan blijven.
Dit is een boek voor professionals die zich verder willen kwalificeren, zoals supervisoren en coaches.
vandaag verzonden
Begin bij het eind met SMART requirements
2007 || Paperback || W.N. Dijkgraaf || Synergio b.v.
Begin bij het eind heeft alles te maken met universele principes. Door
het eindresultaat nauwkeurig voor ogen te hebben, zet je een energie in
werking die de slagingskans van programma’s en projecten sterk
vandaag verzonden
En attendant godot
2007 || Paperback || Samuel Beckett || Éditions Minuit
Pièce en deux actes pour cinq personnages écrite en français entre 1948 et 1949. Première publication aux Editions de Minuit en 1952. " Vous me demandez mes idées sur En attendant Godot, dont vous me faites l'honneur de donner des extraits au Club d'essai, et en même temps mes idées sur le théâtre. Je n'ai pas d'idées sur le théâtre. Je n'y connais rien. Je n'y vais pas. C'est admissible. Ce qui l'est sans doute moins, c'est d'abord, dans ces conditions, d'écrire une pièce, et e...
Classical Arabic Philosophy
An Anthology of Sources
2007 || Paperback || Jon McGinnis e.a. || Hackett Publishing Co, Inc
Introduces classical Arabic philosophers through substantial selections from key works in each of the fields - including logic, philosophy of science, natural philosophy, metaphysics, ethics, and politics - to which they made contributions. It provides introduction situating the works within their historical, cultural, and philosophical contexts.
Existentialism and Humanism
2007 || Paperback || Jean-Paul Sartre || Methuen Publishing Ltd
Originally delivered as a lecture in Paris in 1945, "Existentialism and Humanism" is Sartre's seminal defence of his original doctrine of existentialism and a plan for its practical application to everyday human life.
Fiber-Reinforced Composites / 3rd edition
Materials, Manufacturing, and Design
2007 || Hardcover || P.K. Mallick || Taylor & Francis
The newly expanded and revised edition of Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Materials, Manufacturing, and Design presents the most up-to-date resource available on state-of-the-art composite materials. This book is unique in that it not only offers a current analysis of mechanics and properties, but also examines the latest advances in test methods, applications, manufacturing processes, and design aspects involving composites. This third edition presents thorough coverage of newly developed mater...
Touchstone Anthology of Contemporary Creative Nonfiction
Work from 1970 to the Present
2018 || Paperback || Lex Williford || Simon & Schuster
From memoir to journalism, personal essays to cultural criticism, this indispensable anthology brings together works from all genres of creative nonfiction, with pieces by fifty contemporary writers including Cheryl Strayed, David Sedaris, Barbara Kingsolver, and more. Selected by five hundred writers, English professors, and creative writing teachers from across the country, this collection includes only the most highly regarded nonfiction work published since 1970. Contributers include: Jo ...
Scrum and XP from the Trenches
2007 || Paperback || Henrik Kniberg || Lulu.com
This book aims to give you a head start by providing a detailed down-to-earth account of how one Swedish company implemented Scrum and XP with a team of approximately 40 people and how they continuously improved their process over a year's time. Under the leadership of Henrik Kniberg they experimented with different team sizes, different sprint lengths, different ways of defining done , different formats for product backlogs and sprint backlogs, different testing strategies, different ways of...