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Studieboeken (98)
Inleiding tot de Latijnse syntaxis
structuur van zin en tekst. Grammatica
2007 || Paperback || C. Kroon || Amsterdam University Press
Inleiding tot de Latijnse syntaxis is een beknopt, op moderne wetenschappelijke inzichten gebaseerd overzicht van de Latijnse syntaxis, opgezet als cursusboek. Op een heldere manier worden aan de hand van aansprekende voorbeelden de belangrijkste kenmerken van de Latijnse zinsgrammatica behandeld. Hierbij ligt de nadruk meer op het verwerven van in
The Change Handbook / 2nd edition
The Definitive Resource on Today's Best Methods for Engaging Whole Systems
2007 || Paperback || Peggy Holman e.a. || Berrett-Koehler
The Change Handbook is the only book that provides a view into a wide variety of change methods from around the worldThis new edition is updated with the latest change methods, including cutting-edge technologies that have emerged since the first edition was published.Key features- This new edition replaces now outdated methods with full descriptions of several popular, new change methods that have emerged since the book's original publication- There are currently no other books on the market...
Research Methodology in the Medical and Biological Sciences
2007 || Paperback || Bjorn Reino Olsen e.a. || Elsevier
Providing easy-to-access information, this unique sourcebook covers the wide range of topics that a researcher must be familiar with in order to become a successful experimental scientist. Perfect for aspiring as well as practicing professionals in the medical and biological sciences it discusses a broad range of topics that are common, yet not traditionally considered part of formal curricula. The information presented also facilitates communication across conventional disciplinary boundarie...
RF Circuit Design / 2nd edition
2007 || Paperback || Christopher Bowick e.a. || Elsevier
It’s Back! New chapters, examples, and insights; all infused with the timeless concepts and theories that have helped RF engineers for the past 25 years! RF circuit design is now more important than ever as we find ourselves in an increasingly wireless world. Radio is the backbone of today’s wireless industry with protocols such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WiMax, and ZigBee. Most, if not all, mobile devices have an RF component and this book tells the reader how to design and integrate that comp...
A Reference Grammar of Modern Italian / 2nd edition
2007 || Paperback || Martin Maiden e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This Italian reference grammar provides students, teachers and others interested in the Italian language with a comprehensive, accessible and jargon-free guide to the forms and structure of Italian. Whatever their level of knowledge of the language, learners of Italian will find this book indispensable: it gives clear and detailed explanations of everything from the most elementary facts such as the relation between spelling and pronunciation, or the forms of the article, to more advanced poi...
Ship Handling
2007 || Paperback || David J. House || Taylor & Francis
Suitable as a training manual and a day-to-day reference, Shiphandling is the comprehensive and up to date guide to the theory and practice of ship handling procedures. Its covers the requirements of all STCW-level marine qualifications, provides expert guidance on all the hardware that marine professionals will make use of in the control and operation of their vessel and offers a broad focus on many shiphandling scenarios.
The Transnational Studies Reader
Intersections and Innovations
2007 || Paperback || Sanjeev Khagram || Taylor & Francis
In recent years, 'transnationalism' has become a key analytical concept across the social sciences. While theoretical approaches to the study of global social phenomena have traditionally focused on the nation-state as the central defining framework, transnational studies views social experience as a complex and dynamic product of multiple regional, ethnic, and institutional identities. Far from being static or bounded by national borders, social, political, and economic forces operate on sup...
Scientific Foundations and Principles of Practice in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
2007 || Paperback || David J. Magee e.a. || Elsevier
Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Volume 2: Scientific Foundations and Principles of Practice provides a thorough review of the basic science information concerning the tissues of the musculoskeletal system impacted by injury or disease, as well as the guiding principles upon which rehabilitation interventions are based. This volume divides information into two sections: scientific foundations and principles of intervention, providing readers with a guiding set of clinical foundations and princ...
Grammatica kort en bondig Frans
2007 || Paperback || G. Forst || Intertaal
De belangrijkste grammaticaregels Frans met vele voorbeelden en duidelijke uitleg. Ideaal voor gebruik naast een methode of voor zelfstudie.
Doelgroep: Beginners, halfgevorderden en gevorderden.
de belangrijkste grammaticaregels met vele voorbeelden
aanwijzingen voor het vermijden van veelgemaakte fouten
eenvoudige, duidelijke uitleg
handig zakformaat en overzichtelijke lay-out
ideaal voor gebruik naast een leergang en geschikt voor zelfstudie
In Grammatica kort en bondig worden de belangrij...
The Heritage Reader / 1st edition
2007 || Paperback || Graham Fairclough e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This resource is a much-needed support to the few textbooks in the field and offers an excellent introduction and overview to the established principles and new thinking in cultural heritage management . Leading experts in the field from Europe, North America and Australia, bring together recent and innovative works in the field. With geographically and thematically diverse case studies, they examine the theoretical framework for heritage resource management.
Setting significant new thinking ...