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Studieboeken (48)
UML Distilled / 3rd edition
A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language
2003 || Paperback || Martin Fowler || Pearson || ook als eBook
More than 300,000 developers have benefited from past editions of UML Distilled . This third edition is the best resource for quick, no-nonsense insights into understanding and using UML 2.0 and prior versions of the UML. Some readers will want to quickly get up to speed with the UML 2.0 and learn the essentials of the UML.
Others will use this book as a handy, quick reference to the most common parts of the UML. The author delivers on both of these promises in a short, concise, and focused p...
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions
2003 || Hardcover || Gregor Hohpe || Pearson
Enterprise Integration Patterns provides an invaluable catalog of sixty-five patterns, with real-world solutions that demonstrate the formidable of messaging and help you to design effective messaging solutions for your enterprise. The authors also include examples covering a variety of different integration technologies, such as JMS, MSMQ, TIBCO ActiveEnterprise, Microsoft BizTalk, SOAP, and XSL. A case study describing a bond trading system illustrates the patterns in practice, and the book...
A Midsummer Night's Dream (No Fear Shakespeare)
2003 || Paperback || SparkNotes || Spark
No Fear Shakespeare gives you the complete text of A Midsummer Night's Dream on the left-hand page, side-by-side with an easy-to-understand translation on the right.
praktijkgids voor koegericht management
2023 || Paperback || Jan Hulsen || Roodbont || met inkijkexemplaar
Bewuster kijken naar koeien is het startpunt van het boek Koesignalen. Kruip in de huid van de koe en stel steeds de drie vragen: Wat zie ik? Hoe komt dit? Wat betekent dit? Op deze manier kan de veehouder zaken opmerken voordat problemen ontstaan, risico s inschatten en ziektes voorkomen. Kauwt en herkauwt de koe wel voldoende? Is de koe alert? Bij alle aspecten gaat Koesignalen uit van de wensen van de koe. De breedte van een looppad wordt dus niet gemeten in centimeters, maar in koelengtes...
Analysis of Genes and Genomes / 1st edition
2003 || Paperback || Richard J. Reece || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This beautifully illustrated textbook provides a clear guide to the tools and techniques of genetic engineering, gene cloning and molecular biology. All aspects of genetic engineering in the post-genomic era are covered, beginning with the basics of DNA structure and DNA metabolism. Using an example-driven approach, the fundamentals of creating mutations in DNA, cloning in bacteria, yeast, plants and animals are all clearly presented.
Strong emphasis is placed on the latest, post genomic tech...
Foundations of Image Science
2003 || Hardcover || Harrison H. Barrett e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
In a visually oriented computer dominated society, images play an important role in conveying messages. This book presents a coherent treatment of the principles, mathematics, and statistics needed to understand imaging systems. The diverse imaging systems are treated within a theoretical and experimental context.
The Nineteenth Century
Routledge History of Philosophy Volume 7
2003 || Paperback || C.L. Ten || Taylor & Francis
This volume in the "Routledge History of Philosophy" series covers many of the most important philosophers and movements of the 19th century, including utilitarianism, positivism and pragmatism.
Essential Medical Statistics / 2nd edition
2003 || Paperback || Betty R. Kirkwood e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Blackwell Publishing is delighted to announce that this book has been Highly Commended in the 2004 BMA Medical Book Competition. Here is the judges' summary of this book: "This is a technical book on a technical subject but presented in a delightful way. There are many books on statistics for doctors but there are few that are excellent and this is certainly one of them.
Statistics is not an easy subject to teach or write about. The authors have succeeded in producing a book that is as good a...