Studieboeken (44)

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met 5% korting 9,50

Zebra-reeks De Laatste Stelling van Fermat

de geschiedenis en de oplossing van het beroemdste probleem uit de wiskunde

2000 || Paperback || P. Lanser || Epsilon Uitgaven

Dit deel van de Zebra-reeks gaat over de beroemdste stelling uit de wiskunde: de Laatste Stelling van Fermat. In 1637 schreef de Franse wiskundige Pierre de Fermat in de marge van een Grieks wiskundeboek: "De vergelijking x^n + y^n = z^n, met x, y, z en n positieve gehele getallen, heeft geen oplossing als n>2. Ik heb hiervoor een waarlijk spectaculair bewijs, maar helaas is deze kantlijn te smal om het te bevatten". Honderden jaren hebben wiskundigen geprobeerd deze stelling te bewijzen. All...

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met 5% korting 24,70

Liefde in Wonderland / Druk 5

overdracht en tegenoverdracht in de hulprelatie

2001 || Paperback || R. Boswijk-Hummel || Toorts B.V., Uitgeverij, De

Liefde in Wonderland: een licht ironische titel voor een boek waarin serieus wordt ingegaan op de relatie tussen cliënt en (alternatieve) hulpverlener. Wonderland, omdat een cliënt zich in de wereld van (alternatieve) geneeswijzen, psychotherapie, spirituele ontwikkeling, astrologie, healing en dergelijke vaak totaal overdonderd voelt. Liefde, omdat de relatie tussen cliënt en hulpverlener vaak allerlei gradaties en kenmerken vertoont van liefde of verliefdheid, zoals bewondering en afhank...

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Juridisch woordenboek Diccionario juridico

Nederlands-Spaans met register Spaans-Nederlands voor rechtspraktijk, handel en bedrijfscommunicatie Neerlandes-Espanol con indice alfabetico Espanol-Neerlandes para la practica juridica, comercial y empresarial

2000 || Hardcover || Maklu, Uitgever

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

On the Road

2000 || Paperback || Jack Kerouac || Penguin

With an Introduction by Ann Charters'A paean to what Kerouac described as "the ragged and ecstatic joy of pure being"' SUNDAY TIMESOn the Road swings to the rhythms of 1950s underground America, jazz, sex, generosity, chill dawns and drugs, with Sal Paradise and his hero. Dean Moriarty, traveller and mystic, the living epitome of Beat. Now recognized as a modern classic, its American Dream is nearer that of Walt Whitman than F.Scott Fitzgerald's, and the narrative goes racing towards the...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen


A BBC Radio 4 Good Read

2000 || Paperback || J.M. Coetzee || Vintage Publishing

After years teaching Romantic poetry at the Technical University of Cape Town, David Lurie, middle-aged and twice divorced, has an impulsive affair with a student. The affair sours; he is denounced and summoned before a committee of inquiry. Willing to admit his guilt, but refusing to yield to pressure to repent publicly, he resigns and retreats to his daughter Lucy's isolated smallholding.

For a time, his daughter's influence and the natural rhythms of the farm promise to harmonise his disco...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Importance of Being Earnest

2000 || Paperback || Oscar Wilde || Dover Publications Inc.

Here is Oscar Wilde's most brilliant tour de force, a witty and buoyant comedy of manners that has delighted millions in countless productions since its first performance in London's St. James' Theatre on February 14, 1895.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Deschooling Society

2000 || Paperback || Ivan Illich || Marion Boyars Publishers

Schools have failed our individual needs, supporting false and misleading notions of 'progress' and development fostered by the belief that ever-increasing production, consumption and profit are proper yardsticks for measuring the quality of human life. Our universities have become recruiting centers for the personnel of the consumer society, certifying citizens for service, while at the same time disposing of those judged unfit for the competitive rat race. In this bold and provocative book,...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Business Dynamics

Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World (Int'l Ed)

2000 || Paperback || John Sterman || McGraw-Hill

System dynamics is both a utilized approach to organizational problem solving at the professional level, and a field of study in business, engineering, and social and physical sciences. This book explains what system dynamics is, and how it can be successfully applied to solve business and organizational problems.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian / 2nd revised edition


2000 || Paperback || Jeremy Black e.a. || Harrassowitz Verlag

Akkadian, comprising the Babylonian, Assyrian and Old Akkadian dialects, is the earliest known Semitic language, attested from the middle of the 3rd millenium B.C. until the time of Christ. It was widely adopted in the ancient Near East as a written vehicle for scholarship, literature, legal and diplomatic affairs. It is the language of the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Code of Hammurapi, the inscriptions of the kings of Assyria and Babylonia and countless legal and administrative documents.

A Conci...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Das Parfum

Die Geschichte eines Mörders

2024 || Paperback || Patrick Süskind || Diogenes

Ein rares Meisterwerk zeitgenössischer Prosa, eine dicht gesponnene, psychologisch raffiniert umgesetzte Erzählung, die an die frühen Stücke von Patricia Highsmith erinnert, in ihrer Kunstfertigkeit aber an die Novellistik großer europäischer Erzähltradition anknüpft.