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Explore the big picture

Forces shaping the future of humanity

2021 || Paperback || Mario van Rijn e.a. || Pearson || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

Are you interested in the state of our world? In the future of humanity? Have you ever wondered how the major developments of our time fit together? Are you, in fact, interested in exploring the big picture?

The world we live in is undergoing enormous change, and it can feel overwhelming to grasp what it all means, to you, to your family, to your business or job, and to humanity as a whole.

In one book, Explore The Big Picture takes a deep dive into some of the most significant matters we’r...

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Economics of Organizations and Markets, 1st revised edition

2022 || Paperback || Sander Onderstal || Pearson || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

How do employees respond to incentives? Which applicant is most attractive

when several apply to fill a job vacancy? Why and how do governments intervene

in markets?

Finding the right answers to these and other questions is of great importance

for managers and policy makers who want to fully understand the economics of

organizations and markets. Organizations and markets are vital institutions in all

modern societies.

This book examines how organizations and markets work and

how managers and ...

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Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods / 6th edition

Pearson New International Edition

2013 || Paperback || Mark Leary || Pearson

Rigorous, yet readable. The author presents the material with sufficient elaboration, explanation, and examples that not only interest the student, but make it understandable. Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods incorporates the four basic approaches to behavioral research (descriptive research, correlational research, experimental research, and quasi-experimental research), and shows students how to conceptualize questions, measure variables, design studies, and analyze data.


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Marketing Communications / 7th edition

A European Perspective

2021 || Paperback || Patrick De Pelsmacker e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

Learn the techniques and applications of marketing communications in a European context

Marketing Communications: A European Perspective, 7th Edition, by De Pelsmacker, Geuens and Van Den Bergh provides an extensive overview of the key concepts, techniques and applications of marketing communications within a European context. This book provides in-depth coverage of consumer behaviour and branding foundations of marketing communications, and all elements of the communications mix, including a...

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Business Partner B1+ Coursebook & eBook with MyEnglishLab

2021 || Paperback || Iwona Dubicka || Pearson

Business Partner is flexibel en modulair opgebouwd, bevat functionele taal én heel veel oefenmateriaal op het gebied van zakelijk Engels. Deze methode Engels heeft interessante, dynamische lessen die voor veel interactiviteit in het klaslokaal zorgen. Engelse vaardigheden worden grondig behandeld samen met soft business skills die nodig zijn voor iedereen die in een internationale omgeving wil gaan werken.

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Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures / 12th edition

Comprehensive Version

2021 || Paperback || Y. Liang || Pearson

This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has workedclosely with educators around the world to include content which is especiallyrelevant to students outside the United States. For courses in Java Programming. A fundamentals-first introduction to basic programming concepts andtechniques Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures seamlessly integrates programming, data structures,and algorithms into one text. With a fundamentals-first approach, the text...

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Operations Management / 13th global edition

Processes and Supply Chains

2021 || Paperback || Lee Krajewski e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

A practical, easy-to-read text with a managerial approach to operations management For undergraduate and graduate course in operations management. Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains provides students with a comprehensive framework for addressing operational process and supply chain issues and uses a systemised approach whilst focusing on issues of current interest. The 13th Edition provides ample opportunities for students to experience the role of a manager with challenging p...

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Engineering Mechanics: Statics Plus Mastering Engineering with eText, SI Units / 15th edition

2022 || Paperback || Russell C. Hibbeler || Pearson

Engineering Mechanics: Statics excels in providing a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and application of engineering mechanics. It empowers you to succeed by drawing upon Professor Hibbeler's decades of everyday classroom experience and his knowledge of how students learn. The text is shaped by the comments and suggestions of hundreds of reviewers in the teaching profession, as well as many of the author’s students.

The 15th Edition features a large variety of problems, about 3...

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Exploring Strategic Change / 4th edition

2015 || Paperback || Julia Balogun e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

Refreshed with new examples and contemporary concepts, this classic continues as the most complete and accessible resource in its domain.'Richard Whittington, Professor of Strategic Management, University of Oxford Exploring Strategic Change engages with the dynamic and complex process of developing and delivering strategic and organisational change, from the analysis of context through to the formulation and implementation of effective strategies and solutions. Change management has become a...

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Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics / 4th edition

Pearson New International Edition

2013 || Paperback || Douglas Giancoli || Pearson || ook als eBook

For the calculus-based General Physics course primarily taken by engineers and science majors (including physics majors). This long-awaited and extensive revision maintains Giancoli's reputation for creating carefully crafted, highly accurate and precise physics texts. Physics for Scientists and Engineers combines outstanding pedagogy with a clear and direct narrative and applications that draw the student into the physics.

The new edition also features an unrivaled suite of media and on-line...