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Studieboeken (41)
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Optoelectronics & Photonics: Principles & Practices / 2nd edition
International Edition
2013 || Paperback || Safa Kasap || Pearson
For one-semester, undergraduate-level courses in Optoelectronics and Photonics, in the departments of electrical engineering, engineering physics, and materials science and engineering. This text takes a fresh look at the enormous developments in electo-optic devices and associated materials-such as Pockels (Lithium Niobate) modulators.
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Introduction to Materials Management / 8th edition
2016 || Paperback || Steve Chapman e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
For all courses in Materials Management, Production, Inventory Control, and Logistics taught in business and industrial technology departments of community colleges, four-year colleges, and universities. Understand all elements of production planning and control, and how they fit together with Introduction to Materials Management. Clearly written and exceptionally user-friendly, this text covers all the essentials of modern supply chain management, manufacturing planning and control systems, ...
Principles of Managerial Finance / 16th Global Edition
2021 || Paperback || Chad J. Zutter e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
For introductory courses in managerial finance. Using financial concepts to solve real-world problems with a proven teaching and learning framework The Teaching and Learning System - a hallmark feature of Principles of Managerial Finance - weaves pedagogy into concepts and practice, giving students a roadmap to follow through the text and supplementary tools. The 16th Edition concentrates on the material students need to know in order to make effective financial decisions in an increasingly c...
Seductive Interaction Design : Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences
|| Stephen P. Anderson || Pearson
What happens when you've built a great website or app, but no one seems to care? How do you get people to stick around long enough to see how your service might be of value? In Seductive Interaction Design, speaker and author Stephen P. Anderson takes a fresh approach to designing sites and interactions based on the stages of seduction. This beautifully designed book examines what motivates people to act.
Topics include:AESTHETICS, BEAUTY, AND BEHAVIOR: Why do striking visuals grab our attent...
International Financial Reporting / 8th Edition
2022 || Paperback || Alan Melville || Pearson
A focused, user-friendly introduction to international financial reporting International Financial Reporting, 8th edition by Melville employs a practical, applied approach in exploring and explaining the key financial standards. With more than 140 countries in the world now using international financial reporting standards (IFRS (R) Standards), knowledge of the standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB (R)) is vital to your success in financial accounting. Offerin...
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Essentials of Operations Management / 3rd Edition
2023 || Paperback || Nigel Slack e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
Gain a comprehensive understanding of essential operations management principles with this easy to read introduction to the subject "This textbook provides valuable insight into the essentials of directing, designing, delivering and developing operations. For the times we live in, the addition of 'responsible operations' at the end of each chapter makes the book an essential text for any operations management course." Dr Philip Davies, Associate Professor of Operations Management Henley Busin...
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Economics / 11th edition
2022 || Paperback || John Sloman e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
If you are taking a course on the Principles of Economics, then this book is the ideal introduction to the exciting world of economic theory and data analysis. Economics, 11th edition by Sloman, Garratt, and Guest, is the ultimate guide to the fascinating subject of Economics. The book is essential for the students who want to get a solid understanding of the key concepts in economic theory and practice.
With content that is accessible and easy to follow, this latest version will allow you to...
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Principles of Economics / 13th Global Edition
2019 || Paperback || Karl Case e.a. || Pearson
For two-semester courses in the principles of economics. An introduction to the functioning of the economy and the power and breadth of economicsReviewers tell us that Case/Fair/Oster is one of the all-time bestselling principles of economics texts because they trust it to be clear, thorough, and complete. Readers of Principles of Economics, 13th Edition come away with a basic understanding of how market economies function, an appreciation for the things they do well, and a sense of things th...
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Sociology / 5th edition
A Global Introduction
2011 || Paperback || John Macionis e.a. || Pearson
Sociology: a global introduction represents a uniquely co-ordinated and complete learning resource for sociology students worldwide. International in outlook and culturally wide-ranging, it also reminds us that sociology is valuable. Unrivalled in breadth, it is a text of passion and sophistication helping you become an active, connected and critical learner.
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Electronic Devices / 10th edition
Conventional Current Edition
2018 || Paperback || Thomas Floyd || Pearson || ook als eBook
For courses in basic electronics and electronic devices and circuits A user-friendly, hands-on introduction to electronic devices filled with practical applications and software simulationElectronic Devices (Conventional Current Version), 10/e, provides a solid foundation in basic analog electronics and a thorough introduction to analog integrated circuits and programmable devices. The text identifies the circuits and components within a system, helping students see how the circuit relates to...