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Studieboeken (94)
Money, Banking and Financial Markets / 6th ediion
With Connect Plus 720 Days Online Access
2020 || Paperback || Stephen Cecchetti || McGraw-Hill
This is a bundle pack of your print textbook and an access card with a printed code on, which gives you access to Connect, our powerful teaching and learning platform.
Cecchetti & Schoenholtz's Money, Banking, and Financial Markets 6e stays relevant and interesting through the product’s unique emphasis on the Five Core Principles, the early introduction of risk, an integrated global perspective, and the integration of FRED data in both the text and problem material. By focusing on the big p...
General Organic and Biochemistry / 11th edition
International Student Edition
2022 || Paperback || Katherine Denniston e.a. || McGraw-Hill
The eleventh edition of General, Organic, and Biochemistry offers a problem-solving approach and is designed to help undergraduate majors in health-related fields understand key concepts and appreciate significant connections among chemistry, health, and the treatment of disease. This new edition is available in ALEKS, featuring: * ALEKS Topics to assign as pre-requisite assignments to boost student confidence and help those lacking math skills. * End-of-Chapter Questions aligned to the text ...
Fundamentals of Cost Accounting ISE / 7th edition
2022 || Paperback || William Lanen e.a. || McGraw-Hill
Developing Skills for the classroom and beyond: Fundamentals of Cost Accounting lets the student see the development of cost accounting tools and techniques as a natural response to decision making. Using a procedural approach, the material in the text is presented from the perspective of both the preparer of information and the user of the information. This allows both accounting majors and those students planning other careers to appreciate the issues from both sides.
Principles of Corporate Finance / 13th edition
2019 || Paperback || McGraw-Hill
Brealey, Principles of Corporate Finance, 13e, describes the theory and practice of corporate finance. We hardly need to explain why financial managers have to master the practical aspects of their job, but we should spell out why down-to-earth managers need to bother with theory. Throughout this book, we show how managers use financial theory to solve practical problems. Much of this book is concerned with understanding what financial managers do and why. But we also say what financial manag...
Schaum's Outline of Business Statistics / 4th Edition
2009 || Paperback || Leonard Kazmier || McGraw-Hill
Confused by business statistics? Problem solved. Schaum's Outline of Business Statistics helps you understand basic concepts and offers extra practice on topics you'll encounter in your introductory- and intermediate-level courses. With this book, you'll understand and master the basic methods of statistical description, statistical inference, decision analysis, and process control.
You will also learn about frequency distributions, histograms and frequency polygons, frequency curves, samplin...
Accounting for Decision Making and Control / 10th Edition
2019 || Paperback || Jerold Zimmerman || McGraw-Hill
Accounting for Decision Making and Control provides students and managers with an understanding appreciation of the strengths and limitations of an organizations accounting system, thereby allowing them to be more intelligent users of these systems. Zimmerman provides students with a framework for understanding accounting systems and a basis for analyzing proposed changes to these systems. Consistent with prior editions, the goal of the new 10th edition of Zimmerman strives to demonstrate to ...
Elementary Statistics: A Step By Step Approach
2017 || Paperback || Allan Bluman || McGraw-Hill
Al Bluman's Elementary Statistics takes a non-theoretical approach to teaching the course. Statistics is the language of today's world and Bluman's market-leading Step-by-Step Approach makes it easy to learn and understand! Helping students move from the computational to the conceptual, Bluman provides all the support your students need to grasp the fundamentals of statistics and make that connection.
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Strategic Human Resource Management / 2nd edition
2014 || Paperback || Paul Boselie || McGraw-Hill
Now in its second edition, Strategic HRM: A Balanced Approach has been updated and revised throughout to examine the latest in theory and practice. Central to its theme is putting HRM in its organizational context and creating a more balanced approach to managing people.
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Williams Obstetrics / 25th edition
Study Guide
2019 || Paperback || Shivani Patel e.a. || McGraw-Hill
The companion study guide to the gold standard text in obstetricsWilliams Obstetrics Twenty-Fifth Edition Study Guide is the only study guide in the world that is keyed to the field's premier text, Williams Obstetrics, Twenty-Fifth Edition. Perfect for focused study or as a clinical refresher, the book features 2,500+ evidence-based multiple-choice questions covering every major topic in clinical obstetrics. The beautiful full-color design is highlighted by more than 350 images incorporated a...
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ISE Health Psychology / 11th edition
2020 || Paperback || Shelley Taylor e.a. || McGraw-Hill
Health Psychology, Eleventh Edition, provides a comprehensive, accessible, and engaging look into the field of health psychology. With a focus on the most current research related to stress, psychosocial issues, and chronic disorders, this edition covers both the scientific progress of health psychology, as well as its important real-life applications. Research is presented with practical stories, written so that any reader can quickly identify how best to lead a healthier life.
Since 1986, H...