Studieboeken (12)
Research Design / 2nd Edition
Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches
2023 || Paperback || Patricia Leavy || Guilford Publications
With a new chapter on the literature review, this accessible step-by-step guide to using the five major approaches to research design is now in a thoroughly revised second edition. The prior edition's user-friendly features are augmented by a new companion website with worksheets keyed to each chapter. For each approach, the text presents a template for a research proposal and explains how to conceptualize and fill in every section.
Interdisciplinary research examples draw on current events a...
Method Meets Art / 3rd Edition
Arts-Based Research Practice
2023 || Paperback || Patricia Leavy || Guilford Publications
Accessible graduate text and scholarly resource, revised and updated: 30% new material includes new genres (slam poetry, comics/graphic novels, installation art, and others), new exemplars, guidance on research design, and tips for getting started. *Well-known author uses nontechnical language for an interdisciplinary audience; competing titles are discipline-specific or more advanced.
The only book on ABR to cover all eight arts genres (narrative inquiry, fiction-based research, poetry, mus...